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Mediocre Receivers


Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 663.91
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A caller into Seattle Radio had a good point.

She mentioned that ALL week pundits were constantly saying how Seattle had "mediocre" or "pedestrian" or "a bunch of 2's and 3's" and the nation didn't have a problem with it.

So Sherman calling Crabtree mediocre or subpar should be no be deal.

Now Sherman mouthing off was uncalled for. I know he is upset with Crabtree from the past, but his rant made it all about himself and not about the team. I'm sad for that.

Hopefully the media will let it go and move on, but I doubt it.



Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Sherman Was mic'ed up.

Lets be real here, we all have or most have played in BIG games in some sport that we won. The emotions right after that are boiling over. They really should keep the reporters off the field and give teams 15 minutes to calm themselves but hey if they did that they wouldn't get that tasty bit of reporting they got. It's all about trying to get that entertainment. They know full well that hitting up players right after a huge emotional win will get some great reactions and that is what they are looking for.

the 4 pop corn kernels ( that's right pop corn kernels 4 of them )that fell on Bowman as he was going under the tunnel also was nothing. Right at that moment the ball was fumbled on the field and that falling popcorn could have just been from someone throwing up their hands with a bag of popcorn in one. Heck it could have been a 49er fan getting excited as they did not pan up, to much is being made about everything.


Aug 8, 2013
Silverdale, WA
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Sherman Was mic'ed up.

Lets be real here, we all have or most have played in BIG games in some sport that we won. The emotions right after that are boiling over. They really should keep the reporters off the field and give teams 15 minutes to calm themselves but hey if they did that they wouldn't get that tasty bit of reporting they got. It's all about trying to get that entertainment. They know full well that hitting up players right after a huge emotional win will get some great reactions and that is what they are looking for.

the 4 pop corn kernels ( that's right pop corn kernels 4 of them )that fell on Bowman as he was going under the tunnel also was nothing. Right at that moment the ball was fumbled on the field and that falling popcorn could have just been from someone throwing up their hands with a bag of popcorn in one. Heck it could have been a 49er fan getting excited as they did not pan up, to much is being made about everything.

I posted what I remembered from Dan Patrick interviewing Erin over on another thread. You are right, she and Fox knew exactly what they were doing. She even admitted to hoping to get more than the standard canned answers they usually get. You can go over to the I Love Sherman thread to read more of what I posted if interested.