Separate or shoot to kill
Omfg my ribs hurt. 

A cocky, mouthy white guy vs a cocky, mouthy black guy. Over/Under to the start of Race War in America: 24 days
It will be worse. If Pacquiao couldn't hit Floyd, how is Conor? It won't go to a decision. Floyd gets a TKO. Conor can't go 12 rounds. He will tire out.
I am hoping Conor gets lucky and KO's Floyd.
I won't be watching this money grab.
McGregor will get dc'd.
i am about to go all in on mcgregor ... who has a link to the hooopla booikie ?
sets up a higher paying rematch.I just got deja vu and in it McGregor wins. It was a pretty strong deja vu.
I can probably only afford to lose $100-200 or so right now. But my parents happened to be in Vegas right now so I had my dad put me down for $1k at -500. I still think it's free money and I'm not in the least bit worried.
But hopefully my dad doesn't have to break my kneecaps.
If he gets "dc'd" he doesn't get paid. If he doesn't get DQ'd he makes 100+ million.
People who really think he'll let himself get DQ'd are probably the only ones dumber than those that think he has an actual chance.