Well-Known Member
You *too, Treff. 

Even though I hate proposing trades and then pulling them, I am pretty relieved I did that with the one I offered you. At this point, anyway. That said, it might be all downhill for Beckett from here on out. :rollseyes:
Was it Beckett for Melkman?
I honestly think I need Melky more. I just need to wait on Wood, Cashner and Pineda and hope that Fransucko remembers how to pitch.
God no, it was Beckett for Swisher. Would have been another unwise trade to add to my collection, I think. I actually would have been quite happy with Melky. He is back in my good graces.
Desperate times....
6 RP strategy vs Rev this week.
I think anything less than 4 starts makes going with 6 RP risky. Not sure I'd gamble with just 3.
Great recap and write ups Tlance!! Also a joy to read every week
As always, great write-up, Tlance!
I'm kinda wondering what happened to Micro's team, I seem to remember he had lights-out pitching when we started.