Geno is average at best. He'll never be above avg or elite. Trading him was the best move.Geno is a good QB..with an offensive
Line even
Man in wooden.
Double recurve. Bow..penobscot..
If you can ,t find no use
Then it was.probly .meant for a fix
Of a bow.
That has seen..better days.
Prob why..a girl..was.carrying it
Honestly even with a better environment Geno will still be the same or regress further. He's not getting any younger and his decision making won't be getting any better. Vegas gave up a 3rd rounder so I'm assuming they give him a 3yr contract with a chance to get out of it after the 2nd year.Pete is still damn sure Geno is the guy. LOL. They are both going to fade into retirement thinking he is the guy. Maybe Geno will be better in a new environment with the coach who has faith in him, but he regressed last year looking, at times, more like the QB that the Jets gave up on, and less like the guy that threw for us his first two years as a starter here.