Unofficial board GM

You seem to have some animosity towards the city of STL. Nobody fell asleep at the switch. Rumors have been flying about moving to London or LA for years now because Kroenke is only loyal to money
It looks like the handwriting is on the wall.BREAKING NEWS: Inglewood has the verified signatures for NFL stadium initiative « The Beast 980
Not sure if this translates to the Rams playing in LA in the next couple of years but it's not looking good for stl.
Even if they moved the team to Syria?I have been a Rams fan since a child and whether it is St Louis, LA or London, I am still a Rams fan. Take the name away and the horns, we would have another conversation but as is, Rams are the Rams where ever they are.
Exactly. I don't get this STL dropped the ball talk? the lease was just up. what was the city suppose to do build another stadium when the one they are playing in isn't even paid for its only 25 years old. how many cities have built 2 nfl stadiums in 25 years? none that i know of. when was the last time LA built a nfl stadium? and we are way ahead already to build another stadium. shit San diego has been trying for 12 years… the Raiders for ever. it took Atlanta years along with the vikings to get their stadiums going. we would be years ahead of the schedule any of those teams took.
You don't know if that is a roadblock, Cougar. Right now it is going to be a watch and wait proposition.
Interesting tidbit I just read on CBS. The Raiders and Chargers have already BOUGHT the land in Carson. They OWN it outright. They can start building immediately. They also stated in the article that the stadium will be privately funded, which means no public vote needed. This could REALLY get interesting. I am almost beginning to wonder if Kroenke knew that Davis and Spanos owned that Carson land (which is THREE TIMES bigger than the Inglewood land btw) and simply used LA as leverage (again like 14 other teams have before him) to get what he wanted here in St Louis. Again, the next 6-8 months will be fun to watch.
Interesting developments indeed. Perhaps Kroneke has been playing a lot of people for leverage purposes and gain the max bucks he is always after.
I have been a Rams fan since a child and whether it is St Louis, LA or London, I am still a Rams fan. Take the name away and the horns, we would have another conversation but as is, Rams are the Rams where ever they are.