Suck My Brine
The McNabb comment.
OH LOL that dont bother me .... especially since you were mocking Brady too

The McNabb comment.
Every fighter with a great record has a long list of tomato cans as victims.
The point is, he destroyed who he fought. Spinks wasn't "past his prime" either, he was an undefeated champion at the time, and never got back into the ring after Tyson made him soil his undies.
Losing Teddy Atlas was the biggest blow to his career. Losing Cus wrecked him personally.
Patriots’ decision to cut Love looks like disability discrimination
Posted by Mike Florio on May 16, 2013, 8:56 AM EDT
The ruthless nature of football decision-making has resulted in plenty of fans and reporters becoming desensitized to the human element of these moves. And that causes us all, in some situations, to miss potential violations of human rights.
For former Patriots defensive tackle Kyle Love, the facts as communicated by his agent to the media (and not yet refuted by the Patriots) point to the conclusion that the team cut Love because Love has Type-2 diabetes. And that points to a potential violation of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act and any Massachusetts laws covering a persons rights when it comes to certain physical and medical conditions.
The labor deal omits actual or perceived disability as a ground on which discrimination is prohibited by Article 49 of the document. That decision likely was aimed at preventing players from arguing that the cruel-but-inevitable decision to strip a roster spot from an older, damaged player and give it to a younger guy resulted from physical conditions that the team should have found a way to reasonably accommodate.
Still, rights not covered by a labor deal typically exist beyond the four corners of a Collective Bargaining Agreement, allowing the employee to file suit. While suing the Patriots could make it harder for Love to continue his NFL elsewhere, a decision to lump it doesn’t mean the Patriots properly respected his legal rights.
Unless there’s more to the story (and there could be), it appears that the Patriots preferred not having to deal with a diabetic player, presuming he could miss practice time or game time or who could have a hard time keeping his weight at the right level or otherwise create issues or distractions a healthy player doesn’t. If there is more to the story — if, for example, Love has been teetering on the brink of Type-2 diabetes and the team had been working with him to improve his diet and he nevertheless failed to comply with efforts to keep him from acquiring the disease — the Patriots need to make that known. (Though that wouldn’t necessarily make the move legal and proper, it would make the team’s swift reaction to the diagnosis more understandable.)
Absent an explanation, a head coach whom many believe to be heartless will appear that way. Even worse, it will reinforce the perception that Bill Belichick does whatever he wants, daring those whose rights may have been violated to do something about it.
Todays new baseball street terminology:
[STRIKE]'Mumped' - when you are in a close game against the Fraudkees* and lose because the home plate umpire gave One Pitch a ridiculously enormous strike zone.
(Example) - "Man, we almost beat the Fraudkees* last night and then One Pitch came in and Jerry Layne mumped us."[/STRIKE]
spinks started fighting in 1977...fought in the 76 olympics
that fight was in 1988
32 isnt figthing prime...tho tyson was the only guy to ever knock spinks to the floor
tyson was what, 22?
I really wish Dirt hadn't wanted to gone for the anal last night
But still, Spinks had never been beaten, as you said, never had been to the floor, and was still carrying one of the belts I believe.
Spinks ended Holmes' 7 year run.
From what i've heard they were going to cut Love anyway because they're moving back to a 4-3 and he's strictly a 3-4 guy. They signed Kelly and armstead to replace Love and Deadrick. also Love has already lost 20 lbs mostly muscle mass.
It's the NFL, a cold business.
I remember me and some buddies all chipping the $50 to watch Tyson fights then being pissed it was over in 30 seconds lol
i liked love, but his motor was either on or off...and like you said, scheme was changing and we already brought new bodies on. deadrick was a bigger shock to me.
15 round gem
i remember it
I remember me and some buddies all chipping the $50 to watch Tyson fights then being pissed it was over in 30 seconds lol
Heavyweight boxing sucks. I'd rather watch smaller weight classes. They are little energizer bunnies. They keep going and going and beat the shit out of each other. There is nothing better than watching two brown skin people beat the shit out of each other.
I do too.
Spinks wasn't a natural heavyweight. I think he only had a handful of fights as a heavyweight.