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Lane Johnson file NLRB complaint


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Eagles' Johnson files claims against NFL, NFLPA

I personally think the NFL and the NFLPA are nothing but money hungry bastards that only care about lining their pockets.

I am not suprised by this complaint. If Lane Johnson was telling the truth that a supplement he took was listed on a an app by the NFLPA caused his failed test then he should be pissed. If I am remembering this story correctly he was basically told he is responsible for what he puts in his body and you know what I agree with that. But if you put something in your body you thought was ok where do you go when shit hits the fan?

The FDA does not regulate supplements so as a player you can put anything in your body and not know everything that is in it. That leads to the question of if you have a policy that can severely impact a player where is your support structure to ensure they take the right things. The NFL and NFLPA used to certify supplements that players can take but as of 2013 they stopped doing that. If the NFL does not list approved substances and will not perform tests how are players to know? Are they expected to find a lab and test it themselves?


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Eagles' Johnson files claims against NFL, NFLPA

I personally think the NFL and the NFLPA are nothing but money hungry bastards that only care about lining their pockets.

I am not suprised by this complaint. If Lane Johnson was telling the truth that a supplement he took was listed on a an app by the NFLPA caused his failed test then he should be pissed. If I am remembering this story correctly he was basically told he is responsible for what he puts in his body and you know what I agree with that. But if you put something in your body you thought was ok where do you go when shit hits the fan?

The FDA does not regulate supplements so as a player you can put anything in your body and not know everything that is in it. That leads to the question of if you have a policy that can severely impact a player where is your support structure to ensure they take the right things. The NFL and NFLPA used to certify supplements that players can take but as of 2013 they stopped doing that. If the NFL does not list approved substances and will not perform tests how are players to know? Are they expected to find a lab and test it themselves?

The NFLPA is the worst pro sports union, but this is on the player...most every player take supplements, if there were no guidelines on what is approved and what's not, there would be a ton more PED suspensions.


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The NFLPA is the worst pro sports union, but this is on the player...most every player take supplements, if there were no guidelines on what is approved and what's not, there would be a ton more PED suspensions.

Your argument is very vaild. What causes me to slightly side with Johnson and this is contigent on his statements being accurate is that he stated the supplement he used was on the approved list from the NFLPA. Of course my next question would be if other players used it as well. Which is why I say "if" his statements are true.


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Your argument is very vaild. What causes me to slightly side with Johnson and this is contigent on his statements being accurate is that he stated the supplement he used was on the approved list from the NFLPA. Of course my next question would be if other players used it as well. Which is why I say "if" his statements are true.

Far be it from me to call Johnson a liar, but 10 games is a lot of cash plus the voided G$...enough to make many a player stretch the truth.

Idk all the details of his particular case, but obviously this his is second failed PED test...you don't get the benefit of doubt. To say the supplement was on the NFLPA's approved list is one thing...show the proof.


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Far be it from me to call Johnson a liar, but 10 games is a lot of cash plus the voided G$...enough to make many a player stretch the truth.

Idk all the details of his particular case, but obviously this his is second failed PED test...you don't get the benefit of doubt. To say the supplement was on the NFLPA's approved list is one thing...show the proof.
but if it's 10 games doesn't that mean he is a repeat offender? If so I'm thinking maybe his story is Bull Shit...How many guys have come out and said they purposely took PEDS??? It's always something pout in the water on vacation or a supplement their doctor gave them for allergies, or some other crap...but who knows...maybe he is the one telling the truth:2cents:


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but if it's 10 games doesn't that mean he is a repeat offender? If so I'm thinking maybe his story is Bull Shit...How many guys have come out and said they purposely took PEDS??? It's always something pout in the water on vacation or a supplement their doctor gave them for allergies, or some other crap...but who knows...maybe he is the one telling the truth:2cents:

It does mean multiple, imo what's driving this is this man is losing out on $35 mil in guaranteed money.

From my understanding...the league rules on PEDs is pretty long, but also pretty clear, so before I take damn near anything...over the counter, prescribed, I would have my agent clear it with the NFL...make those guys work beyond just a contract.


F the Houston Astros
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I mean there is a chance I guess, but a repeat offender doesnt help his cause and the $35 million in guaranteed money gives him lots of reasons to lie. I mean I am of the highest integrity, but for $35 mill I'm lying my ass off and hoping the fuck it works. Highly doubtful, Lane wins anything in this one