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Kevin Durant: Stephen A. is "lying" about Lakers rumors


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Stephen A. Smith reported on an episode of ESPN's First Take that sources revealed to him Durant has interest in the Lakers.

"Regardless of how senseless it may (sound), in one breath I'm hearing that if Kevin Durant doesn't stay in Oklahoma City, L.A. is his primary objective and landing spot as opposed to South Beach or even his home of Washington, D.C.," Smith said.

"I don't talk to Stephen A Smith at all," Durant said on Friday, per Anthony Slater of The Oklahoman. "No one in my family, my friends do. So he's lying."


True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
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I have enjoyed listening to Stephen A Smith because he is comical, but honestly I gave up listening to any one on ESPN years ago. They are always so full of shit that they are not even funny

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
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Way too early to be talking about free agents in 2016 any way and regardless of when Durant is a free agent - I think he is out Oklahoma no matter what happens. Oklahoma had the best chance they will ever have of winning a championship and instead they fucked it away be getting rid of players like Hardin, Chandler and a few others. Durant is stupid if he doesn't recognize that and I don't think he is stupid at all. Say good bye to Durant Oklahoma - you are screwed if you hold onto him


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Stephen A fired back and called Durant out for lying on him. Durant should learn how to read


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Let's just title this " SHOTS FIRED"

Regarding Kevin Durant and his negative comments about me, let me say this: At NO time did I ever say I SPOKE to K.D. Or his family. Or his brother, friends, teammates, etc. (although I can assure you all I have on several occasions in the past). I said I HEARD from folks I know -- in a league I've been covering for 19 years -- that if he were to leave OKC as a free agent, these are the cities I was told he was considering. OKC. LA. Miami. DC. NY. I stand by it all. And that is that.
His assertion that I was lying is not only FALSE, but totally uncalled for. Especially from a player who receives nothing but praise not only from me, but from practically every media member you can find. Yet, for some reason, we're all the same folks who don't know *&%$ about the game of basketball. Whose thoughts he could give a &^%$ about. Essentially, individuals he wishes he'd never have to talk to.....that he's being forced to tolerate.....as if someone has done something to him.....OF ALL PEOPLE!
Don't know what has happened to Mr. Durant over the years. But I know this much: We all win with his return, because he is an absolute superstar. The NBA is better with him. We're all at a loss without him.
It just appears that KD needs to learn something about today's world in professional sports:
We don't have to talk TO HIM to talk ABOUT HIM!
Folks like ME will still be here. Watching! Listening! Waiting! Reporting!
Whether he likes it or not. While he's here and long after he's gone.
Time to get use to it.


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Nice to see I'm not the only one that noticed that Durant is a changed man. He is such a piece of shit now. Been this way for at least 3 years now

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
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Stephen started out that sentence by saying he never spoke to KD or his family, but then claims he did. As I recall KD responded to the first statements that at no time has he or his family spoken to KD, so Stephen A Smith is kind of doing some double talk on that one - Just saying

Personally I think Smith has had some credibility issues in the last few years and didn't like it because KD called him out for it. I can see where a player gets tired of people speculating on his future and trying to put words in his mouth, but handled his response badly.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I don't see Durant coming to Los Angeles though, I have a hard time believing any one told Smith that was one his targets. The Lakers are right now in the cellar of the NBA and will have to improve in leaps and bounds. There is no such thing as a big agent like Kevin Durant considering or looking at the Lakers right now. My reponse to my agent would be "Lets put them off the table and keep an eye on them and see how they progress. KD is now old enough that he will want a team that with his presence will be an instant contender and I really don't see that happening next summer even though I would love to see it. Just saying


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Every year, every high profile free agent is interested in the Lakers. Kevin Love was suppose to be wearing Laker unit last offseason.


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Stephen started out that sentence by saying he never spoke to KD or his family, but then claims he did. As I recall KD responded to the first statements that at no time has he or his family spoken to KD, so Stephen A Smith is kind of doing some double talk on that one - Just saying

Personally I think Smith has had some credibility issues in the last few years and didn't like it because KD called him out for it. I can see where a player gets tired of people speculating on his future and trying to put words in his mouth, but handled his response badly.

You misinterpreted Stephen A comments. He's saying in reference to these Durant to LA reports that he never spoke to Durant or any family member or teammates about those rumors....BUT he has spoken to Durant in the past which I completely believe. Durant claims that he doesn't speak to Stephen A at all which Smith is disputing by saying that he spoke to him on several occasions in the past. It is comical to think that Durant been in the league 8 years and he and Smith never spoke. Durant is full of shit. He is one of my most disliked players in the league

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Every year, every high profile free agent is interested in the Lakers. Kevin Love was suppose to be wearing Laker unit last offseason.

That's what they said, but Love also said that Minnesota was better than the Lakers. How is a player going to even consider going to a team worse then the one he wants to get away from?


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Apr 16, 2013
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And Stephen A last statement is very true. They don't need to talk to you directly to talk about you. Fuck Durant

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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You misinterpreted Stephen A comments. He's saying in reference to these Durant to LA reports that he never spoke to Durant or any family member or teammates about those rumors....BUT he has spoken to Durant in the past which I completely believe. Durant claims that he doesn't speak to Stephen A at all which Smith is disputing by saying that he spoke to him on several occasions in the past. It is comical to think that Durant been in the league 8 years and he and Smith never spoke. Durant is full of shit. He is one of my most disliked players in the league
Perhaps, but I kind of think they both over-reacted a bit. I think Smith over-stated his thoughts a bit and Durant was quick to respond without knowing exactly how every thing was said and what was said which then cause Smith to get a bit testy. Either way, I think the Lakers would have to be considerably improved for Durant to consider them. I think most or all of the big agents are going to gauge each team's progress and potential to contend. So sorry about that Arizona Sting - but that means your team is screwed too


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Apr 16, 2013
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Perhaps, but I kind of think they both over-reacted a bit. I think Smith over-stated his thoughts a bit and Durant was quick to respond without knowing exactly how every thing was said and what was said which then cause Smith to get a bit testy. Either way, I think the Lakers would have to be considerably improved for Durant to consider them. I think most or all of the big agents are going to gauge each team's progress and potential to contend. So sorry about that Arizona Sting - but that means your team is screwed too

Smith has every right to get testy. When someone responds the way Durant did, you only have one option.


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Apr 16, 2013
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What if he signs with the Miami Heat?

I'll root for him but still wouldn't care for him as a person. You can still root for someone if they're on your team and think they're a piece of shit as a person. It doesn't have to be one or the other.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I'll root for him but still wouldn't care for him as a person. You can still root for someone if they're on your team and think they're a piece of shit as a person. It doesn't have to be one or the other.
I really didn't like Shaq as a person the last year he played for the Lakers. I thought he acted like a dick. Was really happy when the Lakers went to Time Warner on a new channel. It meant I didn't have to listen to him or Charles any more. I love hearing James Worthy every time.