Well-Known Member
Ive had my keurig for over 2 years, no complaints, bought it for 60 bucks on a discount day......supposed to be like $120.......good investment for us
I have a Keurig, but I've never used the Kcups. I use the resuseable filter and get fresh coffee beans ground instead for it. Much better.
I don't get Keurig, at all.
Its a fad and you overpay for it. Someone please convince me why I should buy one. Give details.
I buy bulk colombian and arabica beans from Costco and grind them for the Mr. Coffee maker.
I buy the cheapest fucking coffee maker there is. I buy good beans and grind daily, and however many cups I'll be drinking that day, is how many fucking cups I make!?
Then, when the piece of fucking shit craps out a year later, it doesn't pain my heart, to throw the fucking thing away and go by another cheap-ass coffee-maker.
Rinse, Lather Repeat.
The whole difference in the best cup of coffee is the temperature that cheap ass coffee maker makes the water. McDonalds does not make the hottest cup of coffee for no reason, they get more from a lesser amount of beans.
Since most of these threads are right wing circle jerk whack fests, I feel right at home posting on them
I don't get Keurig, at all.
Its a fad and you overpay for it. Someone please convince me why I should buy one. Give details.
I buy bulk colombian and arabica beans from Costco and grind them for the Mr. Coffee maker.
I don't get Keurig, at all.
Its a fad and you overpay for it. Someone please convince me why I should buy one. Give details.
I buy bulk colombian and arabica beans from Costco and grind them for the Mr. Coffee maker.
I buy the cheapest fucking coffee maker there is. I buy good beans and grind daily, and however many cups I'll be drinking that day, is how many fucking cups I make!?
Then, when the piece of fucking shit craps out a year later, it doesn't pain my heart, to throw the fucking thing away and go by another cheap-ass coffee-maker.
Rinse, Lather Repeat.
I used to have a Keurig and only got it because I got a good deal on it ($60) and I ended up giving it to my grandma. I just use a french press now and it's pretty quick and easy. You don't have to worry about any electronics failing and it can be taken camping and stuff if you have the room (but that is because I have a smaller one that holds about 2 cups or enough to fill up slightly more than a travel mug).
If I were to spend a lot of money on a coffee machine, I'd want an espresso machine. I'm slightly addicted to cappuccinos but a decent machine is so damn expensive.
My time is worth more than the savings I'd have from scooping and filtering my own coffee, waiting for it to heat up and fill the carafe. open it up, pop a cartridge in, walk in and gather my things for work, come back 15 seconds later and grab the cup, in the car, off to work.
Come downstairs and out the door in under a minute.