Carl silent for minutes. I suspect he's totally fapping to Stat's Helen Hunt post
multi-tasking man carl... im talkin about practices
practice multi-tasking man
Carl silent for minutes. I suspect he's totally fapping to Stat's Helen Hunt post
10pts and 2pisses off the bench
Helen Hunt may be saggy, but i was didn't mind her bush. Nicely trimmed and shaped.
Long overdue. His offense has been less than mediocre recently
too scared to click scatmans link, cant have my computer dying like ozzies
You dudes gonna watch the olympics?
Raps keep this up and you might have some new converts to the postmormon conference.
Looks like it's good for the women.
Raps keep this up and you might have some new converts to the postmormon conference.
Looks like it's good for the women.
i can`t wait to read about crosby chocking and letting down an entire nation
Carl silent for minutes. I suspect he's totally fapping to Stat's Helen Hunt post
Blame Manning 2014?
blame fetus head 2014
or should i say blamed