amazing the small ball team muscles up again and shuts down the powerful O's

amazing the small ball team muscles up again and shuts down the powerful O's
6 runs is getting shut down?
how many HR's did the O's have last night???
With that logic, one could say that KC got shut down too since they didnt have any stolen bases.
Latest word is that Guthrie, the former Oriole, is the game 3 starter- Vargas is "probably" the game 4 starter.
Tonight's game is obviously huge as is but since it's Ventura it's even bigger.
Win tonight and the Os are at least getting another home game. Id bet everythig I own(ok it's not much) that they don't lose games 3 and 4 to Guthrie/Vargas.
Believe it or not, Vargas vs Gonzalez is a landslide in Vargas' favor by FIP. (3.84 vs 4.89)
Guthrie vs Chen however...
(4.32 to 3.89 in favor of Chen)
Vargas against jones,Cruz,Pearce,hardy,young,schoop is no bueno.
He gave up 2 homers against Anaheim would couldn't hit a lick and got 3 great defensive plays.
It's in KC at least but I don't like a soft tossing lefty vs this lineup.