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Kam heading back to Seattle


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Apr 22, 2013
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Seems that the game of Chicken might come to a end shortly. Kam is reported to be heading back to Seattle and might all ready be Here. He called management late last night and they set up a meeting. This is a huge step as all Seattle wanted was for Kam to come in and TALK to them face to face. Also when you are playing a game of Chicken about money and the guy you are playing against is Paul Allen, yeah you are not going to win Mr. Chancellor.

Kam has all ready turned thousands of fans against him and if he plays this Sunday i can bet there will be a chorus of Boo's falling on him. To little to late? We will see but if the Hawks miss out on the #1 Seed or playoffs by one or two games i am sure there will be Many MORE THOUSANDS of Seahawks fans not to happy with Kam and they will be calling for his head this offseason.


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Seems that the game of Chicken might come to a end shortly. Kam is reported to be heading back to Seattle and might all ready be Here. He called management late last night and they set up a meeting. This is a huge step as all Seattle wanted was for Kam to come in and TALK to them face to face. Also when you are playing a game of Chicken about money and the guy you are playing against is Paul Allen, yeah you are not going to win Mr. Chancellor.

Kam has all ready turned thousands of fans against him and if he plays this Sunday i can bet there will be a chorus of Boo's falling on him. To little to late? We will see but if the Hawks miss out on the #1 Seed or playoffs by one or two games i am sure there will be Many MORE THOUSANDS of Seahawks fans not to happy with Kam and be calling for his head this offseason.

If indeed he and the management come to an agreement I highly doubt he'll be playing this week. He would however be on the sidelines and I think you're right, he'll hear some boos. However, winning over time does heal wounds.


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Hopefully we don't see him greeted by police after they find the body of his agent who was beaten to death in his office.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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Hopefully Kam is in shape and doesn't get hurt his first game due to not being in "football shape"... That's my only fear with guys who hold out - they're a lot more suspect to injuries...


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murdering his agent, calling for his head...

Good grief.

Seahawk Sal

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Kam's supposedly at the VMAC this morning according to radio reports. Pullin a Emmitt Smith, and I hope the results are the same.


Jul 4, 2013
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Apparently flew in last night and reported early this morning at around 6:30 right when I left for work. Happy to have him back. I think the fact that people have been critical of him on TV and radio stations finally got to him and the straw that broke the camel's back was his teammates, especially Earl Thomas finally spoke out about it and was not happy.

No new deals though, but it look like they will "work something out" over the offseason.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Seems that the game of Chicken might come to a end shortly. Kam is reported to be heading back to Seattle and might all ready be Here. He called management late last night and they set up a meeting. This is a huge step as all Seattle wanted was for Kam to come in and TALK to them face to face. Also when you are playing a game of Chicken about money and the guy you are playing against is Paul Allen, yeah you are not going to win Mr. Chancellor.

Kam has all ready turned thousands of fans against him and if he plays this Sunday i can bet there will be a chorus of Boo's falling on him. To little to late? We will see but if the Hawks miss out on the #1 Seed or playoffs by one or two games i am sure there will be Many MORE THOUSANDS of Seahawks fans not to happy with Kam and they will be calling for his head this offseason.

I won't. And anyone that does is a tool. The Hawks had opportunities to win those games. Blaming Kam is low hanging fruit.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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His agent (and him) handled it HORRIBLY. You bring up that you want more money to management and talk to them. If they say no and stand firm (frankly it had to have gotten pretty heated if Paul Allen had to step in) then play lights out that year, and with the fact you want more money in Seattle's heads and only 2 years remaining, you're probably going to get a renegotiation especially with the salary cap bump.

He's already on the hook for $2M+ but Seattle may in good faith say, "We're not going to penalize you with that amount. Here's $2M back." It doesn't count against their salary cap by not penalizing.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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Yeah, I can't see a whole lot of boos showered on Kam for coming back. Fans will get over this very quickly. I'm sure there will be a few that voice their displeasure, but it's not like he's going to get an ARod treatment or anything. The business part is now over, at least for the time being. The football part will be the focus, and the truth is Kam is adored on that field.


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Apr 18, 2013
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The reason that most are happy that Kam is back is because he impacts the game when he is one the field. To say that it was his fault that we lost the first two games would be emotions getting the best of a fan, but to assume that the impact that he could have added wasn't missed during the 0-2 stretch would be just as foolish. His presence could have easily helped us in victory rather than defeat, but pointing the finger at someone that doesn't play offensive line or call the offensive plays wouldn't be right. I for one am glad that Kam is back, he is one of my favorite players on the team, but if I was at the game Sunday I would boo the shit out of him. I think it's the least we can do since he didn't want to hear our voice on social media during his hold out, but come Monday night against Detroit he should receive the cheer that he deserves for always being our enforcer. All IMO.


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Apr 18, 2013
Gilbert, AZ
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Now that I think about it, with the Pope here an all, he did leave it in god's hands right?


Qui n’avance pas, recule
Sep 5, 2015
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The Charge of the Chicago Bears

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league waited,
For play in the valley of Death
To finally commence.
"Forward, the Midwayers!
"Charge for the QB!" they said:
Into the valley of Death
Ran the Chicago Bears.

"Forward, the Midwayers!"
Were there any naysayers?
Not tho' the players knew
Kam had returned:
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Ran the Chicago Bears.

Bennett to right of them,
Avril to left of them,
Wagner in front of them
Tackled and stunted;
Storm'd at with blitz and shell,
Boldly they ran not well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Ran the Chicago Bears.

Smash'd all their runners bare,
Trash'd as they turn'd in air,
Knocking out the ball there,
Blitzing a scrambler, while
All the team wonder'd:
Plunged into battle-shock
Right from the line were crush'd;
Ducasse and Long
Reel'd from the fearsome rush
Battered and beaten.
Then they fell back, but not
Not in time for Clausen.

Bennett to right of them,
Avril to left of them,
Wagner in front of them
Tackled and stunted;
Storm'd at with run and pass,
While back and tackler fell,
They that had fought so well
Came to the end of Reg
Back from Zero and Two.
All that was needed for them,
Was Kam to play Ball.

When can their glory fade?
O the huge score they made!
All the league cow'ring.
Honour the return of Doom,
Dispel the Lingering Gloom,
Seahawks are flow'ring!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Now that Kam's back and the D is all back together, time to get this season started.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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31-14 or something like that.
Yeah, I'm guessing (and that's really all it is) 31-10. Bears get some points in garbage time when Hawks are resting starters late.