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Josh Gordon: Facing Suspension - Failed Drug Test


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't think you can depend on perfect grammar or context on these boards Vita. Sometimes you just have to go with what's implied because to try to decipher through the semantics is just too much to ask. In any case, I wasn't just referring to this thread in particular, and to any one person in particular. I do appreciate your point about Christ however. But I must also say that Christ did some "slamming" from time to time, calling the Pharisees "White-Washed Tombs" and hypocrites among some other things. But its all good. Your philosophy of trying to be respectful is a point well-taken. I have an aggressive personality and certainly won't deny taking things too far occasionally. But one of the problems I had with becoming a Christian was the overall pacifist attitude, which I just had a hard time with. But talking to my pastor one time he said, "Being a Christian doesn't mean you have to be a doormat" Changed my whole perspective.


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Jul 14, 2013
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Advice taken, Vita. Ozark, you kill me sometimes with your sense of humor! lol.

No smartass meant here...I wonder if you can tell me how long the Earth has been in existence ??? I tried in vain for years to find somebody who can actually tell me, or at least give me an educated guess...I've heard things from I have no idea to 5,000 years..When I got the answer 5,000 years, my next question was do you believe that dinosaurs ever roamed the earth ?? If so, how long ago do you believe that was ??? My wife's life pretty much revolves around her faith...I have some problems with taking certain things on faith alone...Perhaps my biggest problem is with "testing"...Why was my 8 month-old cousin allowed to die so that someone could be tested ?? Why was my 18 month-old niece allowed to die so that someone could be tested ??? I mean no disrespect to anybody here, I just have some serious questions about many things that have to be taken on faith alone...This is why I rarely participate in conversations/debates concerning religion, faith, beliefs et cetera...I have no idea why I am doing so to a point now, other than to wonder if and when this kind of banter will conclude here...I'll check back closer to football time...I just tired of trying to read a thread thinking that it is about suspension, draft picks, or whatever, only to find that it has sometimes morphed into a classless dialogue session...And yeah, I know this board did fine before me and it will do fine when I'm gone...I just wish this kind of stuff could be undertaken at a different venue...


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
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No smartass meant here...I wonder if you can tell me how long the Earth has been in existence ??? I tried in vain for years to find somebody who can actually tell me, or at least give me an educated guess...I've heard things from I have no idea to 5,000 years..When I got the answer 5,000 years, my next question was do you believe that dinosaurs ever roamed the earth ?? If so, how long ago do you believe that was ??? My wife's life pretty much revolves around her faith...I have some problems with taking certain things on faith alone...Perhaps my biggest problem is with "testing"...Why was my 8 month-old cousin allowed to die so that someone could be tested ?? Why was my 18 month-old niece allowed to die so that someone could be tested ??? I mean no disrespect to anybody here, I just have some serious questions about many things that have to be taken on faith alone...This is why I rarely participate in conversations/debates concerning religion, faith, beliefs et cetera...I have no idea why I am doing so to a point now, other than to wonder if and when this kind of banter will conclude here...I'll check back closer to football time...I just tired of trying to read a thread thinking that it is about suspension, draft picks, or whatever, only to find that it has sometimes morphed into a classless dialogue session...And yeah, I know this board did fine before me and it will do fine when I'm gone...I just wish this kind of stuff could be undertaken at a different venue...
Yeah mikey I was afraid of this. Look don't go. Your opinions are as good as anyones. And believe me many of us are done with the drama. I am truly sorry for your losses. And no man I don't have the answers. You are completely right this board needs to get back to football.


Jul 2, 2013
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Jul 16, 2013
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This is awful lot of pontificating over nothing really. I conceded the research on marijuana and acknowledge it; I never didn't. I merely stated there are benefits of its use as well, and it is no worse a recreational drug than alcohol. Both have strong negatives, especially in the usage extremes, and obviously things like driving or using heavy machinery shouldn't be done under the influence of either.

As far as evidence of a "gay" gene, there is neither proof of nor proof that none exists. Thus, it shouldn't be used as evidence either way. Even if it isn't genetic, it clearly does not appear to be a choice, as who would choose the most difficult path through life? People are often closeted and/or flat out deny their true selves to avoid discrimination; if it was a choice, why not simply choose the simpler path (until you realize what a mystery a woman can be, of course)? Why go through the pain and torment? Why the high suicide rate?

With that, I'm done on this as well. Clearly, we will have to agree to disagree on the impact of the gay lifestyle on society. As far as the pot issue, I don't think we're far apart.
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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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This is awful lot of pontificating over nothing really. I conceded the research on marijuana and acknowledge it; I never didn't. I merely stated there are benefits of its use as well, and it is no worse a recreational drug than alcohol. Both have strong negatives, especially in the usage extremes, and obviously things like driving or using heavy machinery shouldn't be done under the influence of either.

As far as evidence of a "gay" gene, there is neither proof of nor proof that none exists. Thus, it shouldn't be used as evidence either way. Even if it isn't genetic, it clearly does not appear to be a choice, as who would choose the most difficult path through life? People are often closeted and/or flat out deny their true selves to avoid discrimination; if it was a choice, why not simply choose the simpler path (until you realize what a mystery a woman can be, of course)? Why go through the pain and torment? Why the high suicide rate?

With that, I'm done on this as well. Clearly, we will have to agree to disagree on the impact of the gay lifestyle on society. As far as the pot issue, I don't think we're far apart.
shopson, you sure do ask a lot of questions for someone who is done with the topic...

I am done myself, I want to keep posters like mikey and others coming around here to discuss Rams football. I suggest for all who want to discuss in depth issues of morality or lifestyles to do so on other forums such as:

Politics Forum ~ NFL Lounge ~ The Penalty Box

I would hope from here out, our mods would move threads with these type of debates which have clearly gone off topic to an appropriate forum.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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There are two threads already set-up for gay issues and weed issues. NSFW it is called and of course there is always the Penalty Box (mentioned in Vita's post) where you can really sling the mud. After providing a plethora of information I am amazed at some of you still come to the conclusions you do. Boggles the mind.

So, if you want to continue just say the word and I can meet you in one of those threads. But I guarantee you are all going to re-visit the gay issue again because we have one on the Rams roster now and no matter how much you want to avoid the issue, it will return because it is unresolved. Again, if you can't help yourself, return to the threads I mentioned and argue it out since the prevailing opinion is apparently to focus on football and not anything gay. Good luck.
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Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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BTW. Just because Vita is chirping about losing people doesn't mean there is a mass exodus. We have lost a couple of posters (a total of 3) in the last year. One was offended by SJ76's arguments and two were trolls that were removed by Hammer for various reasons.

Otherwise everyone is still here and we've added IceFreeze. So relax folks.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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BTW. Just because Vita is chirping about losing people doesn't mean there is a mass exodus. We have lost a couple of posters (a total of 3) in the last year. One was offended by SJ76's arguments and two were trolls that were removed by Hammer for various reasons.

Otherwise everyone is still here and we've added IceFreeze. So relax folks.



Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It's inevitable that subjects like PED violations and the gay issue are going to transition into a more detailed conversation. The topics aren't brought up in a vacuum....they are brought up because something about football started them. Perhaps a thread titled "Off-Topic" just on this board would suffice. That way nobody has to go to the general board, and they can still discuss hot topics with our members right here. Don't know if that would work or if there'd even be an interest but I'm just throwing the suggestion out there. That way anybody who's not interested in anything but football talk doesn't have to visit that particular thread because they already know its going to be something other than football. And anybody that does visit has nothing to gripe about because they already know what its going to be about. I suggest keeping it on our board because I personally have no particular interest in discussing things with total strangers. I'd prefer to talk to our guys.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Vita, you kill me, you freakin post whore you. LOL! You asked for it Boss. I'll set it up.


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Jul 14, 2013
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I just read today that now Gordon has been arrested for DWI...For a guy who has been suspended for at least a year (waiting on his appeals hearing) this doesn't seem to be in his best interest...How fucking stupid is this clown ???And to do it while waiting on his appeal, how much is that going to help him there ??? I guess not too terribly much...


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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you can't fix stupid.
