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Jeremy Lane Sits during National Anthem


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Apr 21, 2013
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There's no reason to think that this is going to become a distraction unless someone in the media tries to make it one; and it's not like this team hasn't had to deal with "distractions" before. Between the PED stuff during Carroll's early years, Richard Sherman's Crabtree comments, Lynch's decision to stop talking to the media (particularly during the back-to-back Super Bowl runs), the Harvin stuff a couple of years ago and Kam's holdout last year, this team is pretty used to "distractions" at this point. I don't see it becoming a problem in the locker room either. It doesn't impact anything they're doing on the field like a couple of the things I listed did, so there's no reason for it to become an issue with his teammates as long as it continues not to impact what they do on the field.


Feb 28, 2014
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I served four years in our military and I honestly don't care how Kaep feels about our flag or country. It's just his opinion. We (military personnel) swore an oath to defend the constitution, including the first amendment. Kaep's stance and opinion is protected under the first amendment, regardless of whether you agree with him or not.

But I can tell you this: Kaep has apparently lost all of the endorsement deals he had because if he still had money coming in from those endorsements, he wouldn't be doing this protest. I'm sure those endorsement contracts include clauses which state that the athlete under contract must respectfully represent the ideals of the brand he represents.

And whoever said they were glad it wasn't Richard Sherman getting involved - you don't have to worry about that. Sherman is smart enough to know not to rock the boat. And, he has political aspirations. He's the future president of the player's association and will use that title to springboard into California state politics and eventually national politics.


Feb 28, 2014
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First it was goodell threatening arizona their sovereignty, then georgia over the tranny bathroom garbage. Now its a weak response to disrespect for our nation and its heroes.

The more pc it gets, the more people will be turned off. Goodell all around has been terrible for the nfl

Goodell's power will be gone soon. The players won't sign another collective bargaining agreement unless Goodell is removed from office or his authority over player discipline is stripped from him.


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Apr 22, 2013
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here is my take on this whole issue. PLEASE READ THIS, IT WILL OPEN MANY EYES

Racism is alive in the US of A but lets not kid ourselves This is NOT one sided. Non-Hispanic whites make up 63 percent of the U.S.; Hispanics, 17 percent; blacks, 12.3 percent; Asians, 5 percent; and multiracial Americans, 2.4 percent. The percentage of racist Whites is lower than that of the racist blacks compared to their % of population. They grow up being told that they will have to live and deal with racism so they believe everyone is against them. This whole sitting during the nation Anthem is BS and proves nothing other than you are ignorant. They say they are treated unfairly by cops more so than whites yet it's whites who are killed at a rate of TWO TO ONE by cops. Some might say that's pretty high seeing that whites out number blacks 6 to 1. Now lets look at something else. Unarmed white men are killed at a rate of 4 to 1 to unarmed blacks but that changes to 1 for 1 when talking about ARMED criminals. Black lives matter has no ground to stand on and they say they do this because they are "targets" of racism WTF? Please go read some stats and facts first.

In today's world if a white male goes for a job interview and there is a black male with equal qualifications the black male will get the job 80% of the time BECAUSE of his skin color. Now is that fair with All things being equal? No they are not. What do we have to do to show that they have every opportunity that the whites do AND THEN SOME.

A Poor black teenager gets killed by cops and then the black community riots, burns down stores and loot them in their OWN community and then beat up White people? Even though there is more black on black crime each year that turns deadly than there are black deaths by cops.

93% of all black homicide victims are killed by other blacks ( not whites not cops )
Blacks commit violent crimes at rates 7 to 10% higher than Whites so Cops are more cautious and rightfully so.

In 2013 blacks committed 38% of all murders compared to 29.1% for whites WHO btw out number blacks almost 6 to 1.

African Americans say this is because they can't get jobs and turn to crime... oh really?
the federal work force is 17% black even though they only account for 12% of the population and even lower percentage of the work force. 33% of all females in the federal work force are black which equals a higher percentage than white females compared to their population %. hmm

in Chicago, IL, blacks committed 76 percent of all homicides, despite composing 35 percent of the city's population. Blacks also accounted for 78 percent of all juvenile arrests. Whites, who compose 28 percent of the city's population, committed 4 percent of its homicides and 3.5 percent of its juvenile arrests. Hispanics, who compose 30 percent of the city's population, committed 19 percent of its homicides and 18 percent of its juvenile arrests.

In New York City, blacks committed "75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime," despite only composing 23 percent of the population.

The real issue is not racism it's how people look at the black youth, they have to CHANGE how people view them so things will change and the ONLY way that happens is if they CHANGE how they are. what i mean by this is like this " a white female is walking down a dark street and 8 black males come around the corner, this female now is scared 80% of the time" African Americans say that's because she is a racist, NO that's because your race has PROVEN to be violent. People are More afraid of a pitbull than a Golden Labrador because why? Both dogs can hurt you the same but one has been labeled because of FACTS and STATS that are true. I do not blame the pitbull i blame the owner of said pitbull.

My Wife is mixed and i have friends that are colored and they are outstanding citizens. They have told me that Racism is not bad at all and have said to me they rarely have seen it against them but they also have stated that they see racist acts against WHITES almost every day. Sad sad world we live in.

Stop blaming others and focus on fixing the problem and pulling the race card thats not how you fix it. Once we "remove" the race card and everyone views everyone the same then and ONLY then will the problem/issues be fixed.

Kaep and Lane will be sitting for the rest of their NFL Careers and if they don't then they are just full of shit. The problems can't be fixed in our lifetimes.
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Apr 22, 2013
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My wife just said this " it's just an excuse they use because if people argue it they are labeled a racist and look bad".


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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here is my take on this whole issue. PLEASE READ THIS, IT WILL OPEN MANY EYES

Racism is alive in the US of A but lets not kid ourselves This is NOT one sided. Non-Hispanic whites make up 63 percent of the U.S.; Hispanics, 17 percent; blacks, 12.3 percent; Asians, 5 percent; and multiracial Americans, 2.4 percent. The percentage of racist Whites is lower than that of the racist blacks compared to their % of population. They grow up being told that they will have to live and deal with racism so they believe everyone is against them. This whole sitting during the nation Anthem is BS and proves nothing other than you are ignorant. They say they are treated unfairly by cops more so than whites yet it's whites who are killed at a rate of TWO TO ONE by cops. Some might say that's pretty high seeing that whites out number blacks 6 to 1. Now lets look at something else. Unarmed white men are killed at a rate of 4 to 1 to unarmed blacks but that changes to 1 for 1 when talking about ARMED criminals. Black lives matter has no ground to stand on and they say they do this because they are "targets" of racism WTF? Please go read some stats and facts first.

In today's world if a white male goes for a job interview and there is a black male with equal qualifications the black male will get the job 80% of the time BECAUSE of his skin color. Now is that fair with All things being equal? No they are not. What do we have to do to show that they have every opportunity that the whites do AND THEN SOME.

A Poor black teenager gets killed by cops and then the black community riots, burns down stores and loot them in their OWN community and then beat up White people? Even though there is more black on black crime each year that turns deadly than there are black deaths by cops.

93% of all black homicide victims are killed by other blacks ( not whites not cops )
Blacks commit violent crimes at rates 7 to 10% higher than Whites so Cops are more cautious and rightfully so.

In 2013 blacks committed 38% of all murders compared to 29.1% for whites WHO btw out number blacks almost 6 to 1.

African Americans say this is because they can't get jobs and turn to crime... oh really?
the federal work force is 17% black even though they only account for 12% of the population and even lower percentage of the work force. 33% of all females in the federal work force are black which equals a higher percentage than white females compared to their population %. hmm

in Chicago, IL, blacks committed 76 percent of all homicides, despite composing 35 percent of the city's population. Blacks also accounted for 78 percent of all juvenile arrests. Whites, who compose 28 percent of the city's population, committed 4 percent of its homicides and 3.5 percent of its juvenile arrests. Hispanics, who compose 30 percent of the city's population, committed 19 percent of its homicides and 18 percent of its juvenile arrests.

In New York City, blacks committed "75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime," despite only composing 23 percent of the population.

The real issue is not racism it's how people look at the black youth, they have to CHANGE how people view them so things will change and the ONLY way that happens is if they CHANGE how they are. what i mean by this is like this " a white female is walking down a dark street and 8 black males come around the corner, this female now is scared 80% of the time" African Americans say that's because she is a racist, NO that's because your race has PROVEN to be violent. People are More afraid of a pitbull than a Golden Labrador because why? Both dogs can hurt you the same but one has been labeled because of FACTS and STATS that are true. I do not blame the pitbull i blame the owner of said pitbull.

My Wife is mixed and i have friends that are colored and they are outstanding citizens. They have told me that Racism is not bad at all and have said to me they rarely have seen it against them but they also have stated that they see racist acts against WHITES almost every day. Sad sad world we live in.

Stop blaming others and focus on fixing the problem and pulling the race card thats not how you fix it. Once we "remove" the race card and everyone views everyone the same then and ONLY then will the problem/issues be fixed.

Kaep and Lane will be sitting for the rest of their NFL Careers and if they don't then they are just full of shit. The problems can't be fixed in our lifetimes.

Holy fucking shit.

"Coloreds" have told you that racism isn't bad, but they see black on white racism every day?

Cops and women are "rightfully" more scared of blacks?

You're right, your post was eye opening. About your ignorance.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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here is my take on this whole issue. PLEASE READ THIS, IT WILL OPEN MANY EYES

Racism is alive in the US of A but lets not kid ourselves This is NOT one sided. Non-Hispanic whites make up 63 percent of the U.S.; Hispanics, 17 percent; blacks, 12.3 percent; Asians, 5 percent; and multiracial Americans, 2.4 percent. The percentage of racist Whites is lower than that of the racist blacks compared to their % of population. They grow up being told that they will have to live and deal with racism so they believe everyone is against them. This whole sitting during the nation Anthem is BS and proves nothing other than you are ignorant. They say they are treated unfairly by cops more so than whites yet it's whites who are killed at a rate of TWO TO ONE by cops. Some might say that's pretty high seeing that whites out number blacks 6 to 1. Now lets look at something else. Unarmed white men are killed at a rate of 4 to 1 to unarmed blacks but that changes to 1 for 1 when talking about ARMED criminals. Black lives matter has no ground to stand on and they say they do this because they are "targets" of racism WTF? Please go read some stats and facts first.

In today's world if a white male goes for a job interview and there is a black male with equal qualifications the black male will get the job 80% of the time BECAUSE of his skin color. Now is that fair with All things being equal? No they are not. What do we have to do to show that they have every opportunity that the whites do AND THEN SOME.

A Poor black teenager gets killed by cops and then the black community riots, burns down stores and loot them in their OWN community and then beat up White people? Even though there is more black on black crime each year that turns deadly than there are black deaths by cops.

93% of all black homicide victims are killed by other blacks ( not whites not cops )
Blacks commit violent crimes at rates 7 to 10% higher than Whites so Cops are more cautious and rightfully so.

In 2013 blacks committed 38% of all murders compared to 29.1% for whites WHO btw out number blacks almost 6 to 1.

African Americans say this is because they can't get jobs and turn to crime... oh really?
the federal work force is 17% black even though they only account for 12% of the population and even lower percentage of the work force. 33% of all females in the federal work force are black which equals a higher percentage than white females compared to their population %. hmm

in Chicago, IL, blacks committed 76 percent of all homicides, despite composing 35 percent of the city's population. Blacks also accounted for 78 percent of all juvenile arrests. Whites, who compose 28 percent of the city's population, committed 4 percent of its homicides and 3.5 percent of its juvenile arrests. Hispanics, who compose 30 percent of the city's population, committed 19 percent of its homicides and 18 percent of its juvenile arrests.

In New York City, blacks committed "75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime," despite only composing 23 percent of the population.

The real issue is not racism it's how people look at the black youth, they have to CHANGE how people view them so things will change and the ONLY way that happens is if they CHANGE how they are. what i mean by this is like this " a white female is walking down a dark street and 8 black males come around the corner, this female now is scared 80% of the time" African Americans say that's because she is a racist, NO that's because your race has PROVEN to be violent. People are More afraid of a pitbull than a Golden Labrador because why? Both dogs can hurt you the same but one has been labeled because of FACTS and STATS that are true. I do not blame the pitbull i blame the owner of said pitbull.

My Wife is mixed and i have friends that are colored and they are outstanding citizens. They have told me that Racism is not bad at all and have said to me they rarely have seen it against them but they also have stated that they see racist acts against WHITES almost every day. Sad sad world we live in.

Stop blaming others and focus on fixing the problem and pulling the race card thats not how you fix it. Once we "remove" the race card and everyone views everyone the same then and ONLY then will the problem/issues be fixed.

Kaep and Lane will be sitting for the rest of their NFL Careers and if they don't then they are just full of shit. The problems can't be fixed in our lifetimes.
You have some facts in there that are relevant and worthwhile, but holy smokes man some of the other stuff is cringe-worthy.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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One thing that bothers me, and I've seen an abundance of this past week, is how people associate our flag almost exclusively with the military. I'm a vet, and I'm from a long of vets. But I'm also a descendant of immigrants, documented and undocumented (like most Americans). I'm also a self made - relatively successful businessman. I truly feel like I represent the American Dream. That concept of the American Dream, and our flag is about American people, and what we're capable of achieving because of where we are, regardless of where we start. Is our military a part of that? Yes, but only a part. This is why Kaep and his ilk have it wrong, our flag doesn't represent the government state, it represents our people, our opportunitities and our drive to improve together through any adversity. He, Lane, and others simply have it backwards, they should be leaning on what our flag truly stands for to get their point across.
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Never go full Husky
Apr 26, 2013
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At least Kaep's doing it just so he can keep getting pussy. What is Lane's motive? It can't be for "justice" as we have a system for that.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Holy fucking shit.

"Coloreds" have told you that racism isn't bad, but they see black on white racism every day?

Cops and women are "rightfully" more scared of blacks?

You're right, your post was eye opening. About your ignorance.

when you think about the amount of violence yes, black on white crimes have escalated with the "black lives matter" movement. when cops pull over a colored man or women there is a 60% higher chance that things turn violent than if they pull over White/Hispanic or Asians.

The Stats show that they have a higher propensity for violence THATS what makes Cops more cautious. My Wife is colored and she was sitting beside me when i typed my post and agreed with it 100%. She was attacked when she was 14 by a group of colored men and they tried to well you know.

Yes there is racism in the U.S. of A. but it's not one sided, there is as much against whites as there is against blacks the thing is black on white crime is most of the time VIOLENT and Black on Black crime is mostly DEADLY.. This is where things need to change, a colored cop kills a ARMED colored man and riots break out and Whites are targeted. WHY! What did that poor 17 year old boy do to deserve to get his head kicked in when he was standing up WITH the black lives matter people? :L

I was in LA when the Riots broke out over the Rodney King thing. It was horrible, we had to lock ourselves IN our house. They try to say " we are violent because of the racism against us" WTF! That's not the way you handle it.
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Apr 22, 2013
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and my man Morgan Freeman



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Aug 15, 2014
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I had no idea America had such narrow fvcking shoulders.

Good grief, there's a shvt ton of stupid in this thread.

Center Ice

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Using your place of business as a conduit to further your political views is a dismissable offense in the business world. Goodell has completely lost control of the league. Fucktard.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Did I make a wrong turn and end up on the politics forum?


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sorry everyone.

I think the real issue is the welfare state. I am SHOCKED to here 75% of colored males are raised by a single mother, or are in a single parent household.

It all goes back to how they are raised, that last video i posted was a real eye opener.