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Jeremy Lane Sits during National Anthem


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May 5, 2013
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Seahawks' Jeremy Lane sits during National Anthem in Oakland

Great I was really hoping this wouldn't somehow reach the hawks locker room but it did. I do not take any side on this and I see the point of views from both aspects but regardless of your stance this sitting during the national anthem and having it all over the news is distracting to the team and what they are trying to do (or any team at that). I thought it was mature of Cam Newton during his interview when they brought this up his response kinda danced around the question. Hopefully this wont grow into a huge thing going into the regular season and I'm glad it wasn't a big named player like Richard Sherman or Michael Bennett (although I'm somewhat surprised it wasn't) because this would be all over the news the next day and the coaching staff would have to address it.


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Seahawks' Jeremy Lane sits during National Anthem in Oakland

Great I was really hoping this wouldn't somehow reach the hawks locker room but it did. I do not take any side on this and I see the point of views from both aspects but regardless of your stance this sitting during the national anthem and having it all over the news is distracting to the team and what they are trying to do (or any team at that). I thought it was mature of Cam Newton during his interview when they brought this up his response kinda danced around the question. Hopefully this wont grow into a huge thing going into the regular season and I'm glad it wasn't a big named player like Richard Sherman or Michael Bennett (although I'm somewhat surprised it wasn't) because this would be all over the news the next day and the coaching staff would have to address it.
Hate the BS of athletes doing these kind of media stunts.


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Apr 25, 2013
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All in support of a pack of lies.

the nfl, for the first time, is in danger of losing its audience.

Judge Fudge

One Pretty Kinky Bastard
Oct 22, 2013
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If I may.

My dad served in the Canadian Navy till this March. I have a whole bunch of respect for military and what they Sacrifice to keep us safe.

Now during every Canadian national anthem during every Canadian gold medal in Rio, you guys want to know what i did? Sat in my Lazy-boy and sang the national anthem

Do i believe that BLM is a crock of Shit? Hell ya.

On the other hand. I have huge issues with the BC liberal government here and their treatment of people with disabilities. that don't mean i don't egg the legisture buildings or burn it to the ground. That means next year. I vote for the BC NDP in the provincial elections

We may not agree with his reasoning or think it is a heaping steaming pile of monkey crap. But still his choice

And a stand behind a man (no matter how wrong they are) who stands by his beliefs


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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What a douche. I'm rooting for a career ending ACL for Kaep and Lane this year. Yep... sounds cold, F it... how about you get cut and out of the league and earn $10/hr at a fast food restaurant? Only these douche nozzles can get millions playing a GAME in the US.

ACL tear. Hope they run into each other and an Arab nukes them from orbit. Only way to be sure...

The Derski

No Fat Chicks
Jul 11, 2013
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All in support of a pack of lies.

the nfl, for the first time, is in danger of losing its audience.
No it's not. People can act like they care (or maybe they really do care) but at the end of the day they will watch games. This situation presents ZERO threat to the NFL.


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Apr 21, 2013
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I have no problem with peaceful protests, which is what this is. I also don't think it's disrespectful to the troops or to the country as a whole to protest in this way. They're fighting for our freedoms, which include the freedom not to stand for the national anthem. Quite a few military personnel, both active and retired, have even said that they have no problem with it, even agreeing that it's a cause worth protesting about, and these are the people whom these protests are supposed to be disrespectful towards. Obviously there are also military personnel all over the country and abroad who take exception to the method of protest, but that's to be expected, as there are people all over the country who aren't fighting for their country who both agree and disagree with this method of protest. It makes sense that our troops would have a wide range of opinions on the subject.

Besides... the only reason we're even hearing about it is because it's the preseason and there's not much else to talk about once you get past the feel good player stories and surprises that come with every preseason and get retold over and over again. Once the season starts, this will become background noise. Most people will be so busy cheering on their teams and figuring out their fantasy rosters that they're not going to notice if players are choosing to sit during the national anthem unless they all start doing it, and I don't think you're gonna see this go league-wide. I've also been to enough sporting events to know that there are fans in the seats who will sit during the anthem or totally ignore the anthem in favor of doing whatever it is they were doing when it started, and my guess is that they're not all doing it in protest of a social injustice. It's usually because they don't want to take the time to stop what they're doing long enough to acknowledge the anthem.

There are people in this country who feel like their lives, or at least the lives of people with the same skin color, don't matter as much as the lives of people with white skin, and they have a couple centuries of evidence of awful treatment of people based on skin color to back up those feelings. Telling them to sit down and shut up because they don't think that the country is living up to or has ever lived up to the ideals it was supposed to be founded on and that the anthem is supposed to symbolize, just reinforces the idea that their lives, their views and their opinions don't matter as much as they should in this country.

Sports has long been a forum for people who might not otherwise have a platform to fight for social change to do so and every time it has happened, there has been push back by people who either don't wish to acknowledge the issue being raised as a problem worth talking about or who don't think athletes should be the ones to raise these issues because they're "just entertainers" or who think that, just because a lot of athletes become well-off thanks to their profession, they no longer have the right to fight against the injustices that they experienced before they became famous pro athletes and might still experience even as famous pro athletes.

It's sad that we have people calling these players un-American when they're just exercising one of the most cherished of American rights. I hate it when people trash the president, any president, simply because they disagree with his politics, but it's their right to do so and I'm not about to tell them they're un-American and that they should leave the country if they hate it here so much. I'm sure as hell not going to wish catastrophic injuries on them just because they say something I don't agree with or say it in a way that I wouldn't choose to say it. That's a ridiculously immature response to someone saying or doing something you don't like.

Anyway, I can't wait to start talking regular season football next week with Lane and the rest of the LOB looking to lead this defense to a 5th consecutive #1 ranking.


Jul 14, 2013
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Lane has been overshadowed by the other members of the LOB his whole career, not surprised to see him do something dumb for publicity.


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Jul 7, 2013
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Hes gonna be taking a knee in the unemployment line if he is not 100% focused on football! A lot of veterans on this team wont stand for this media stunt....there is other ways to show support for the black lives matter issue.This team does not need any distractions!


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Aug 18, 2014
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I'll say the same thing I said about Kaepernick. Pretty stupid thing to do. Less so because he isn't a QB but still stupid. But ultimately I really don't care whether anyone else sits, stands, kneels, does jumping jacks during the national anthem.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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Quite a few military personnel, both active and retired, have even said that they have no problem with it, even agreeing that it's a cause worth protesting about, and these are the people whom these protests are supposed to be disrespectful towards. Obviously there are also military personnel all over the country and abroad who take exception to the method of protest, but that's to be expected, as there are people all over the country who aren't fighting for their country who both agree and disagree with this method of protest. It makes sense that our troops would have a wide range of opinions on the subject.

Active duty here, 23 years and counting. I think not respecting the flag and song of our nation is shameful. I am not "outraged" though, as it seems the popular thing to label someone these days who disapproves of someone else's behavior. It certainly makes me think a bit less of Jeremy Lane though.

The good news is I've already taught my kids the right behavior when we are at an event where the anthem and flag are being presented, so chump moves like this at least won't really represent anything more than just that -- a chump move.


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From ESPN 710:

Lane said after the game he intends to continue sitting during the national anthem.

“It’s something I plan on doing until I feel like justice has been served,” Lane said.


Ok, Jeremy. Don't expect me to stand or cheer for you next Sunday then if you're introduced as a starter. Shameful.


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
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First of all I have little respect for this type of protest because I have a reverence for certain symbols like the flag and the national anthem. If your beef is with police then make them your target of protest. By protesting a national symbol it looks like you are targeting the entire country including people who might even agree with you.

Secondly, he says he's going to continue to do this until police brutality is ended against minorities. Just minorities? Kaep is ok with bad cops kicking the shit out of non-minorities? Is that what he's saying?

And what barometer does Kaep use to decide when police brutality has ended? "Brutality" is often in the eye of the beholder. Simply handcuffing somebody could be considered brutality to some. If Kaep is using BLM standards then his protest is never going to end since they seem to believe no black people have ever been justifiably shot by police. Kaep may as well say he's going to protest until starvation or homelessness is conquered. It's never going to be 100% fixed.

And last, Kaep should send the cops away who have been guarding him at games lately because of threats made toward him. Seems hypocritical to bash police and then still expect them to protect you.


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
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From ESPN 710:

Lane said after the game he intends to continue sitting during the national anthem.

“It’s something I plan on doing until I feel like justice has been served,” Lane said.


Ok, Jeremy. Don't expect me to stand or cheer for you next Sunday then if you're introduced as a starter. Shameful.

And who decides when that is?

I've lost a lot of respect for Lane now.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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And who decides when that is?

I've lost a lot of respect for Lane now.
Yeah, it's just more of this vague bs. Who exactly is he pinning the rose on to deliver this justice? Is this a negotiation? Does he think he has leverage and is holding someone (white people??) hostage? What is his BATNA? Just ridiculous.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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If this spreads in the team like a cancer and more or more players sit for the anthem of our country, then at some point I will no longer support them with my wallet "until justice is served" and "something changes."


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Apr 25, 2013
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No it's not. People can act like they care (or maybe they really do care) but at the end of the day they will watch games. This situation presents ZERO threat to the NFL.

First it was goodell threatening arizona their sovereignty, then georgia over the tranny bathroom garbage. Now its a weak response to disrespect for our nation and its heroes.

The more pc it gets, the more people will be turned off. Goodell all around has been terrible for the nfl


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Hes gonna be taking a knee in the unemployment line if he is not 100% focused on football! A lot of veterans on this team wont stand for this media stunt....there is other ways to show support for the black lives matter issue.This team does not need any distractions!

Yah, like completely ignoring it...

Black lives matter is the stupidest 'movement' I've seen personally, ever. All the black people that get shot/beaten by cops (or Zimmerman) are loud, obnoxious, un-cooperative, and looking to start shit. How about you STFU, be courteous, recognize that you're dealing with someone who has a dangerous job, and comply. Maybe then you'll get respect in turn and not a knee in the back.

But nooooo.... instead they'd rather post videos of dorks jumping out of their car and making a scene, getting taken down on the ground, and then freak out about the cops on CNN so they can just push more liberal black voters. Ugh... so many people in this country are pathetic. Whenever a cop shoots someone and kills them, I raise a glass. One less asshole I have to pay taxes for. Some moron would reply, "You wouldn't be raising a glass if the cop shot you!" Well a cop isn't going to shoot me. I'm not an asshole that flails, screams, and runs from cops and wouldn't have any reason to. Let that sink in.

BLM. BLDM. How about that. Black lives DON'T matter. Nobody's life matters... who cares. You're born, live 1-100 years, and then end up 6 feet under. Who the F gives a crap about your life?
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Day Butt Ass the sadgaydayboy
May 6, 2013
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They wouldn't have reason to do this shit if it didn't discombulate all your collective cockles so bad. Get over it...

At least maybe every other post on my facebook feed won't be some lame Kaepernick meme from some wannabe Seahawks fan now, hopefully.