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Jahri Evans signed


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Apr 25, 2013
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Who here can say they had six years in their job where they had not improved year over year ONE FREAKIN TIME? I would wager a lot that none of you can say that.

tom cable can though, 6 years and we are now starting from scratch again. its outrageous how the bad coaches on this team get a complete pass.

all i ever hear are excuses. ya, we have been winning and that is the ONLY reason this garbage is allowed to stand. a few losing seasons and the same people saying i know nothing about football will be repeating my words.


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
Seattle, Washington
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He's not the player he used to be, but he's still capable of being a league average starter at guard. Something the Seahawks don't have at any of the other 4 positions on the line. I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that I'm not sure if any of the projected starters for the Seahawks would start for any other team in the NFL at their respective positions. The Seahawks have by and far the worst offensive line in the NFL and this was a much needed move. I'm curious what other vets are on the market, although it's unlikely they make more moves, they really should.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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It's a lot of weight on bad ankles. And he took a pay cut last year because his skills and health had both declined since 2013. Hope it works out, but I'm not expecting much.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Cable was brought here by Pete to build and establish a superb running game. Everything else about the offensive line performance is of a lesser importance.
Regarding Cable and the OL, it is #1 run the ball.
Cable has excelled at that
I am happy to debate that.


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Apr 22, 2013
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Cable was brought here by Pete to build and establish a superb running game. Everything else about the offensive line performance is of a lesser importance.
Regarding Cable and the OL, it is #1 run the ball.
Cable has excelled at that
I am happy to debate that.

The thing is they have actually looked better in pass protection in camp than run blocking but THEN you hear about the outstanding pressure the defense is getting on the QB. Think about that for a second. Carroll even said they have looked great in pass pro then talked about the injuries at RB and how the running game is not clicking yet then again talked about injuries at RB and shuffling the OL blah blah.

If what they are saying is true then the Pass protection might be better ( thank god ) than last year but the run blocking worse ( oh dear god no lol ) The run blocking last year was the worst it has been since cable got here. I know it was still good but not as good in 13 or 14 or 12 even. Us as fans have not seen the line actually improve through coaching since Cable got here. think about that. We have seen improvement when they changed up to even quicker passing and the group communication got better over games because of familiarity they gained from just playing with each other.


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Apr 23, 2013
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What happens in camp and what happens in games are 2 different things. The Ol won't be set until week 3 or 4 of the PS. Right now Cable is trying guys at all spots.


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Nov 19, 2014
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I heard on sports talk last week here in Seattle, that in 2013 when the Hawks won the SB they had the highest paid O line. Going into this season they have the least. Cable gets some blame but you get what you pay for.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I heard on sports talk last week here in Seattle, that in 2013 when the Hawks won the SB they had the highest paid O line. Going into this season they have the least. Cable gets some blame but you get what you pay for.

Very true! That is the price you pay to have an elite defense. Good thing RW has wheels but at some point it's going to catch up to the Hawks if that line doesn't get stable.


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Nov 19, 2014
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Very true! That is the price you pay to have an elite defense. Good thing RW has wheels but at some point it's going to catch up to the Hawks if that line doesn't get stable.
Not only does he have wheels but he's been able to avoid taking big hits. He's great at knowing when to get down or out of bounds.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Very true. Time and time again I thought he was going to get blasted only to see him escape, gain positive yards and then get down without a defender putting a finger on him. Glad he's on the Hawks!


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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Oh baby, the Cable thing again.

Seattle does have the least money invested in the O-line GOING INTO this season. We've yet to see how much of an issue this will be but odds are the line is going to be the biggest team weakness again.

Simply saying that more money invested = better O-line isn't a good argument fellas. Sure we can all admit that the amount of money being spent on the O-line has to be considered when judging Cable, especially this year. But even when Seattle was number one in the league in money invested during the 2013 season (as has been mentioned), they were still ranked 27th in the league overall according to PFF (2013 Offensive Line Rankings). That's a pretty bad ROI.

For reference here are the rankings since Cable has been here as well as the team rank in money towards the offensive line:

2015: $ Rank: 30 Overall Rank: 30 Run Rank: 29 Pass Rank: 27 Penalty Rank: 27
2014: $ Rank: 11 Overall Rank: 19 Run Rank: 18 Pass Rank: 17 Penalty Rank: 30
2013: $ Rank: 01 Overall Rank: 27 Run Rank: 23 Pass Rank: 25 Penalty Rank: 30
2012: $ Rank:n/a Overall Rank: 20 Run Rank: 15 Pass Rank: 18 Penalty Rank: 31
2011: $ Rank:n/a Overall Rank: 29 Run Rank: 26 Pass Rank: 27 Penalty Rank: 32
Avg : $ Rank:n/a Overall Rank: 25 Run Rank: 22 Pass Rank: 23 Penalty Rank: 30

Could not find the dollar rank for 2012 and 2011. I assume it was still top 15 for 2012 but I have no idea about 2011. The key point here is that there doesn't appear to be a huge correlation between dollars spent and on-field performance.

The results though are interesting. My opinion of Cable had always been that he went after big, physical, goonish players. Guys that can rough people up in the run game but struggle in pass protection and have poor discipline leading to a lot of penalties. He'll give you a top third run blocking group, but you'll pay for it with bottom third rankings in pass blocking and penalties.

These quick numbers show that not only has Seattle never been top third in run blocking under Cable, but they've only ever been top HALF once. The bottom third to mid-tier from the pass protection is actually a little bit better than expected. Penalties ..... well what do you even say? That's just a trend that follows Cable where ever he goes.

Admittedly I personally dislike Cable ( shocker ) so there's some bias when I give my opinion on the guy but it basically boils down to this:

I think Cable landed the perfect job in Seattle where the strengths of his system thrived and the weaknesses could be hidden well. Elite defense, a freakish athlete at QB, a RB that can put up ridiculous yards after contact, and inheriting 2 Pro Bowl offensive linemen isn't a bad situation to walk into as an O-line coach. I think the zone blocking scheme he brought with him worked well, but I believe any coach who would have brought that system over would have also succeeded initially.

My concern going forward is that Seattle's offense began to move away a bit from what they've done in the past last year. I worry that if they stray too much from the offensive system that has hidden the weaknesses of the offensive line things are going to get even worse than last season. The glimmer of hope is that the offense did explode after Rawls and Graham went down when Bevel made some adjustments and Cable got the right group of guys in there on the O-line. If they can even come close to what they did towards the end of last year with a defense that should be in-sync right away the struggles on the line may not have too much of an impact. Hopefully Cable can find the right group of guys again.

Anyway I feel like I'm rambling now so I'll just STFU.
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R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Oh and I realize I took those rankings from one source. Obviously rankings are going to differ depending on what metrics you're using. If someone can find stats that show a different trend then I'd love to see them.

Almost forgot to address the real subject of the thread. Signing a Veteran like Evans at a good price is all good with me. I'd love to see him contribute, but he may just be there to compete and help out some of the young guys.

Reminds me of the Eric Winston signing a few years back. Dude didn't even make the 53 man roster. Would not surprise me see Evans meet the same fate.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Who here can say they had six years in their job where they had not improved year over year ONE FREAKIN TIME? I would wager a lot that none of you can say that.

tom cable can though, 6 years and we are now starting from scratch again. its outrageous how the bad coaches on this team get a complete pass.

all i ever hear are excuses. ya, we have been winning and that is the ONLY reason this garbage is allowed to stand. a few losing seasons and the same people saying i know nothing about football will be repeating my words.
2012 # 3 rushing offense
2013 #4 rushing offense
2014 #1 rushing offense
2015 #3 rushing offense

Those results work for me.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Who here can say they had six years in their job where they had not improved year over year ONE FREAKIN TIME? I would wager a lot that none of you can say that.

tom cable can though, 6 years and we are now starting from scratch again. its outrageous how the bad coaches on this team get a complete pass.

all i ever hear are excuses. ya, we have been winning and that is the ONLY reason this garbage is allowed to stand. a few losing seasons and the same people saying i know nothing about football will be repeating my words.

Do you ever stop complaining?

Running game has sure looked good during the time he's been here... Pop Rawls in, no problem... Pop C. Michaels in, no problem... If our OL was just as awful as you suggest, CM's out of all guys ran for a buck hundy... CM, the same RB that was traded to Dallas, Dallas then cut him... Redskins signed him to practice squad... SKins then cut him... Then Seattle signed him and put him in the game to start for Rawls, who then ran for over 100 yards... Cable was just horrible that game... All of that in the same season..

I know... I know... You're going to say the reason our running game was so good was because of the play calling from Bevel... Oh wait... No you're not...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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2012 # 3 rushing offense
2013 #4 rushing offense
2014 #1 rushing offense
2015 #3 rushing offense

Those results work for me.

With a hall of fame RB and RW running for ~800 yards per season. Lets not pretend like our OL is some kind of juggernaught in the run game. Im sure we can all remember too many times where they couldnt get enough push to convert 3rd and short.


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Apr 23, 2013
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With a hall of fame RB and RW running for ~800 yards per season. Lets not pretend like our OL is some kind of juggernaught in the run game. Im sure we can all remember too many times where they couldnt get enough push to convert 3rd and short.
Why argue the results on the field? We kick ass in the run game. We will again this year.
It wins games for us.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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More of the same dumb shit: Assistant coaches get blamed for any negative, and overlooked for any positive. :L


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Jul 15, 2013
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More of the same dumb shit: Assistant coaches get blamed for any negative, and overlooked for any positive. :L

While I do agree with you that Cable takes too much blame for the failures and not enough credit for the success given the crap personal that he has been dealt over the years, it is a debatable point. Are the failures of the OL the fault of management or coaching?

I side with the management being the issue, but it is according to plan. OL has been given low (perhaps the lowest) priority on the team in recent years. Even Special Teams gets more money plugged into it than the OL (See Haush and Ryan contracts). But I do admit that it could be a coaching issue. From our perspective there is really no way of knowing. PC seems happy with Cable, so I remain onboard with him also. If the OL gets a higher percentage of the cap and still fails then I would be willing to re-evaluate.

Like I said: It is according to plan. We could have a great OL like the Cowboys and still suck (like the Cowboys). So far, plugging the money into the D, and now QB seems to work,!


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I heard on sports talk last week here in Seattle, that in 2013 when the Hawks won the SB they had the highest paid O line. Going into this season they have the least. Cable gets some blame but you get what you pay for.

Pfft. Cable gets all of the blame. Well, him and Bevell. Pretty sure they're responsible for Trump too.