It's raw, you donkey!
Nonsense...plenty of people hold it against Koufax, and rightfully so. Koufax homers are the only one claiming he's a top 5 or so pitcher of all time. Those who realize that workload is an important factor in career value/skill don't mention him in the same class with the likes of Maddux, RJ, Seaver. Longevity/workload is a factor, especially when you're productive throughout those extra games and years.
Numbers are nothing unless you take them in context, and it's harder to keep up good rate stats with a longer workload. Koufax slightly better career rate stats than that because Koufax simply better, or moreso that he pitched only 1/2 the innings and didn't have a decline phase?
Back to Brett and it Brett's fault that Rice declined relatively early and was done at age 36 and couldn't hack it into his late 30s?
Just to clarify, rokket never said Koufax was a top five or so pitcher of all time. He simply said that Koufax was a great pitcher. I guess I would be that Koufax homer.