I thought growing old would take longer
I gotta say, weather like this makes me sooooo glad I quit smoking. Been 6 months now and I don't have any cravings. 

Good thing I'm always floating around on a cloud.
you are going to dink a whine cooler?
It's so hot...I might not even be able to dink this beer....I may have to switch to wine coolers.....damn global warmimg...
you might have to drink a zima to regain what is left of your manhood.
67 in Sunny SoCal
What is this thing humidity? I hear people complain about it in the summer but have never been in it. Also in the winter they talk about wind chill.
i the winter here when the winds blows its warm.
67 in Sunny SoCal
What is this thing humidity? I hear people complain about it in the summer but have never been in it. Also in the winter they talk about wind chill.
i the winter here when the winds blows its warm.
they don't make those anymore do they? my, um, wife wants to know...yeah