I'm So High Right Now
Not the first time Vancouver players have been accused of embellishment...

Not the first time Vancouver players have been accused of embellishment...
I had to quote your post jstew and then copy/paste the URL to see the pic...Hilarious stuff.
That picture of a guy lighting a rag stuffed into the gas tank of a police car - He's from Maple Ridge, B.C. and is currently attending University of Calgary on a scholarship. Son of a surgeon and a very good water polo player (Canadian national team).
daddy better pull out the cheque book ... one for the police car and one to the University of Calgary (bye bye scholarship???)
dash, is he the kid who's girlfriend dumped him publically on facebook after she saw the picture?
A Canadian newspaper has named the kissing couple caught on camera by photographers documenting Wednesday’s Vancouver riots, and detailed how the iconic embrace unfolded.
The Globe and Mail reports that the pair in question is an Australian, Scott Jones, and a Canadian, Alex Thomas, who have been dating for several months. Jones is said to be 29-year-old aspiring stand-up comic and, according to the way his mother tells it, may just be the best boyfriend ever.
The photo of the couple, taken during the riot that began after the hometown Canucks lost game seven of the Stanley Cup, quickly became an Internet sensation and fueled speculation that the embrace was staged.
According to Jones’s mother, that wasn’t the case.
She tells the paper that the couple was at the game and got caught between police and rioters as they were leaving. Thomas was knocked to the ground by an officer’s riot shield, and Jones leapt to the ground after her to comfort her with a kiss.
The story lines up with the photographer’s take on what happened. He said that he initially snapped the photo thinking it was of someone hurt. “I looked back and thought someone was injured and I shot that,” Rich Lam told msnbc.com. “I framed it up, juxtaposed with the policemen.”
It wasn’t until his editors were sorting through his digital images that anyone realized just how amazing of a shot it was.
I find is so cold that Leonardo and young Fey can just walk past without any regard if the people are injured or not.