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If this guy is right, some of these people may get thier wish


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Luther Campbell: 'I know for a fact' Holgorsen, Strong would take Miami job

In Campbell’s eyes, it’s much the same logic for Holgorsen. Yes, he’s set to make close to $3 million next season. And yes, he’s gotten West Virginia to bowl games in three of his four seasons at the school.

But according to Campbell, that last stat might prove to be Holgorsen’s ceiling. It simply isn’t easy to win at West Virginia thanks to the inherent disadvantages that joining the Big 12 created.

“Dana’s not going to win at West Virginia and he knows it,” Campbell said. “Dana is in the Big 12. He can’t win in that s**t. ... He can’t win playing against Texas and TCU and Baylor and all them.”

It’s one thing for a coach to have the deck stacked against him, but it’s another for Campbell to throw a name like Holgorsen’s out there. After all, he has no apparent ties to Miami, after cutting his teeth as an offensive assistant at places like Texas Tech, Houston, Oklahoma State and now West Virginia.

But in asking “Why Holgorsen?” you come to find out just how deeply connected Campbell is to the Miami football scene.

“Dana has two coaches (on his staff) already (that are from Miami),” Campbell explains. “He has (Ja’Juan) Seider from Belle Glades, and he has the other guy who used to be the head coach at Miramar, (Damon) Cogdell.


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I hope we win out and this is not the case. I hope Holgerson does good here and stays here.


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Well, he IS right about one thing, he wont be winning in the Big12 but... that aint WVU's fault :laugh:

Dana was hired to try and win in the BigEast, well, the ACC IS the new BigEast so... have at it.

Lets bring Doc home and call it a day.


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I don't see what the infatuation is with Doc? Maybe someone can explain?


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I don't see what the infatuation is with Doc? Maybe someone can explain?
Fantastic recruiter, one of the best in CFB, been a good assistant coach, very good head coach now, great job at Marshall, CUSA coach of the year, has worked with our best recruiter (Seider) before, we could keep him on staff and that combo could get us a ton of talent on the roster. He put as many WR's in the NFL as Dana and co. has (meant as a compliment, Dana and staff have done well with our WR's) he runs a similar system so transition wouldn't be a big deal, he is a WV guy and WVU player/grad and prob would finish his career at WVU (bout 10 years max). Wont cost us an arm and leg to get him here and with Dana's buyout that's a plus. Just a lot of things to like about him. I think he is the most underrated coach in the group of 5.

I don't believe in Dana as a HC that will get us to a Big12 championship or championship level of play no matter what happens the rest of this year. Dana is a poor mans Mike Leach, entertaining system at times but neither of them pay enough attention to detail in all 3 phases of the game and refuse to use tried and true methods of clock management ect. that win games. I love Leach's personality and Dana's for that matter, and think both can get you to some bowl games ect. and think both would be great hires under a good HC as an offensive coordinator but they havn't and imo wont ever win championships so I'm ready to give someone else a shot and I think Doc would be a great fit for us. I like some of the other names out there as far as hot young gun coaches too but I don't think we have a real shot at them this year due to so many other $pots opening up.


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I just don't see Holgerson as a hot commodity. Coaching WVU in the B12 is difficult and Holgerson just may be one of the greatest coaches ever just stuck in a tough place to coach. He has not shown it to me. If Miami wants him, they can take him. He is learning and may be getting better, but if you are Miami, do you take that chance.

I think if Holgs wants to step out, he will need to be more successful. He may end up as an OC somewhere and may be a better fit for him.

Now if he throws Chuggs in their and wins the next 5, we will all reconsider.


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Bobby Bowden was run out of town by our idiot fans. He turned out to win more games than any other coach in the history of football. That is the legacy of WVU. I wouldn't be surprised for our idiots to run DH out of town and for him to win multiple championships elsewhere.


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Bobby Bowden was run out of town by our idiot fans. He turned out to win more games than any other coach in the history of football. That is the legacy of WVU. I wouldn't be surprised for our idiots to run DH out of town and for him to win multiple championships elsewhere.
Yea we also put heat on Nehlen at the end, got RichRod and went to win BCS bowls and nearly played for the NC,saw RichRod leave and go to a blue blood and get fired then we fired Stewart and he went on to coach.. Where?


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Bobby Bowden was run out of town by our idiot fans. He turned out to win more games than any other coach in the history of football. That is the legacy of WVU. I wouldn't be surprised for our idiots to run DH out of town and for him to win multiple championships elsewhere.

Worked out great for Frank Cignetti also.


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Fantastic recruiter, one of the best in CFB, been a good assistant coach, very good head coach now, great job at Marshall, CUSA coach of the year, has worked with our best recruiter (Seider) before, we could keep him on staff and that combo could get us a ton of talent on the roster. He put as many WR's in the NFL as Dana and co. has (meant as a compliment, Dana and staff have done well with our WR's) he runs a similar system so transition wouldn't be a big deal, he is a WV guy and WVU player/grad and prob would finish his career at WVU (bout 10 years max). Wont cost us an arm and leg to get him here and with Dana's buyout that's a plus. Just a lot of things to like about him. I think he is the most underrated coach in the group of 5.

I don't believe in Dana as a HC that will get us to a Big12 championship or championship level of play no matter what happens the rest of this year. Dana is a poor mans Mike Leach, entertaining system at times but neither of them pay enough attention to detail in all 3 phases of the game and refuse to use tried and true methods of clock management ect. that win games. I love Leach's personality and Dana's for that matter, and think both can get you to some bowl games ect. and think both would be great hires under a good HC as an offensive coordinator but they havn't and imo wont ever win championships so I'm ready to give someone else a shot and I think Doc would be a great fit for us. I like some of the other names out there as far as hot young gun coaches too but I don't think we have a real shot at them this year due to so many other $pots opening up.

Interesting comments........:think:


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I just don't see Holgerson as a hot commodity. Coaching WVU in the B12 is difficult and Holgerson just may be one of the greatest coaches ever just stuck in a tough place to coach. He has not shown it to me. If Miami wants him, they can take him. He is learning and may be getting better, but if you are Miami, do you take that chance.

I think if Holgs wants to step out, he will need to be more successful. He may end up as an OC somewhere and may be a better fit for him.

Now if he throws Chuggs in their and wins the next 5, we will all reconsider.

More interesting comments........Personally I don't see Miami being a good fit for him..and IMHO Wv is a BETTER job right now...and I don't think Miami can afford him...........


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Was having this conversation with BBW and I have reluctantly come to agree with him..Wv just maybe a job where a sustainable winner is not possible..the BIG EAST record was a mirage, especially after the defection...the years of Nehlen of having one big time winning season every 5 years may just be who Wv is...it's 100 year history would support that view...


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Worked out great for Frank Cignetti also.
I think we have a newer, flashier version of Cignetti on the job now, a guy who can get talent in, but can not get the kids coached to be able to play. Nehlen took Cignetti's players who had never had a winning season to 9-3 in two years. Cignetti took Bowden's winning players to a 2-9 record in two years. WVU CAN win, it takes a coach willing to stay and put in the effort, a coach (like Fraud) who can get five star play from a two star kid. I think a HC must be a delegator, a guy who hires assistants who he trusts to keep his vision for the team. Holgorsen is still operating as if he were the OC, and the team lacks the overall vision a good HC provides. With the results on the field, I just can not imagine Miami offering him their job. These coaches agents shop them around to get more in their pocket, remember "the product" ? Had someone told you ten years ago that TCU and Baylor would be top five teams, you'd have laughed in their face, but they hired the right coaches.


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I think we have a newer, flashier version of Cignetti on the job now, a guy who can get talent in, but can not get the kids coached to be able to play. Nehlen took Cignetti's players who had never had a winning season to 9-3 in two years. Cignetti took Bowden's winning players to a 2-9 record in two years. WVU CAN win, it takes a coach willing to stay and put in the effort, a coach (like Fraud) who can get five star play from a two star kid. I think a HC must be a delegator, a guy who hires assistants who he trusts to keep his vision for the team. Holgorsen is still operating as if he were the OC, and the team lacks the overall vision a good HC provides. With the results on the field, I just can not imagine Miami offering him their job. These coaches agents shop them around to get more in their pocket, remember "the product" ? Had someone told you ten years ago that TCU and Baylor would be top five teams, you'd have laughed in their face, but they hired the right coaches.

I understand you point, but don't think you are comparing apples with apples...Wv during the Nehlen. Bowden and Cignetti years was getting thumped by PITT and Penn State annually...and it was about 50/50 with Syracuse and Va Tech depending on the era...I am not bashing, but who else did they play? Temple? Virginia? Kentucky? ...etc... They played in marginal bowl games if they made it during that span...the best was the Sugar Bowl and then you drop immediately down to the Peach Bowl...Rich struck gold with some recruits and a new innovative offense that most defenses hadn't seen yet..which set up the golden era of Wv football..the days of believing you can still recruit like that and think you are going to sustain a winning program year in and year out is a reach IMHO...especially playing in a conference that the majority of programs recruit high end talent consistently...as far as someone telling me if 10 years ago Baylor and TCU would be perennial winners with the facility's they played in at that time..no...if someone told me that Baylor would spend 260 million dollars on a new stadium and millions more in upgraded facility's and TCU spending $100 million I would have said "YES".

As far as Holgorsen delegating his OC duties..I don't know seems like you see more and more of it in college and in the pro's...I guess it is what makes him comfortable..


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Slaton, something I wonder is where would we be right now had Fraud stayed, I think WE would be where TCU is right now. By the way, Bowden was 3-3 against sPitt, Nehlen was 11-9-2 against them, and there were PLENTY of rough games back then too.


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From 1973-1982 as Pitt was building their program into a national power, WVU beat them once.

WVU did not beat PSU for 28 or 29 years.

From 1991 - 2003, WVU beat Miami twice.

From 1994-2004 when VT was building a national power, WVU beat them three times.

From 1987-2001 when SU was a national power, WVU beat them 5 times.

WVU is now facing this kind of quality opponent... year in... and year out... again.


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The problem does NOT lie in losing to the top teams, the problem, as Nehlen said when first hired, worry first about beating those who you SHOULD beat, then worry about knocking off the big dogs. 1982, we played 4 ranked teams (remember there was only 20 ranked then) and went 2-2 against them, yea we lost to top 10 sPitt and PSU, but beat every other team on the way to a 9-2 record and a Gator bowl slot. If we lose to top ten teams, OK fine, but don't be trying to sell losses to TT, KU, KSU, IAST, OSU as playing the Steelers. WVU is a better program historically than EVERY B12 team but two, and we SHOULD finish in the top half of the league EVERY year. Our offense has gone completely to crap, putting too much weight on a weak but improving defense. Players calling the coach by his first name tells the tale!!!!


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Slaton, something I wonder is where would we be right now had Fraud stayed, I think WE would be where TCU is right now. By the way, Bowden was 3-3 against sPitt, Nehlen was 11-9-2 against them, and there were PLENTY of rough games back then too.

Its a great question...I really don't know, I say that based on the following..If all things were equal and we landed in the Big12 you would be hard pressed to believe the program would be in a better place...all the teams in the conference run the spread so its nothing those teams don't see on a weekly basis...Wv runs the same defense as it did under Rich and quite possibly may run it better now then when Casteel was at the helm..can't believe the recruiting would be better..yes Rich recruited well at Michigan...but I could recruit at Michigan!...by comparison Wv, based on Rivals, will have out recruited Arizona 3 out of the last 4 years....pretty telling don't you think?.for a program like Arizona that averages about 7 instate recruits per year...and I will throw another nugget in there...He is getting his ass kicked by Arizona State from a guy that used to work for him and is a bigger scum bag than he is!..LOL!

So that is my reasoning that I think we would be right where we are..but for some crazy reason Rich being a home spun kid would not be catching this kind of heat Dana is that is for sure...


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I was going back through the seasons on wvustats.com and noticed an interesting trend FOR THE MOST PART, Nehlen's teams, and Fraud's teams improved their level of play from game one to game 11(or12). Stewart and especially Holgorsen's teams, on the other hand, seemed to peak earlier in the season, as I have said many times, I think that we lack strength and conditioning that we once had, I scratched my head when Stewart didn't make use of the barometric chamber that Fraud bought for the game at Colorado, and why Holgorsen, even though we play several games a year on grass, rails about practicing on grass. As to Fraud's tenure at Arizona, he went clear across the country to a state he knew nothing about and took over a perennial doormat, so he started from scratch, he had it on the rise here, had established himself, and I feel would have been able to bring in top recruits based on the on field success. I will tell you, had Fraud still been the coach we would NOT have given up against Kansas and IAST two years ago. AND would have practiced on grass prior to going to TCU, our kids could barely stand up on the grass there last week.