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should not be on that list....Stanton?

should not be on that list....Stanton?
Babe Ruth actually is a person, who has never played baseball at a semi good level but are in charge because they con people with dumb numbers, wet dream. His launch angle alone in his prime would make him a top 5 DH in today’s baseball.
Ruth's bellyaches were usually from syphilis and not eating 40 hotdogs in one sitting...Babe Ruth would be suspended for PEDs
“…As the sporting industry exploded in the 1920s, athletic trainers and their charges immediately saw the possibilities of using his research. Even the Big Bambino himself, Babe Ruth, injected himself with extract from a sheep’s testicles, hoping for increased power at the plate (and in the bedroom). He attempted this only once, and it made him incredibly ill; the Yankees covered the story by telling the press that the Babe just had one of his famous bellyaches. Even though the Yankees tend to celebrate all things Babe Ruth, they have never, to my knowledge, had “Sheep Testicles Day” at the stadium.”
This wins the craziest post of 2018 award!!!Babe Ruth actually is a person, who has never played baseball at a semi good level but are in charge because they con people with dumb numbers, wet dream. His launch angle alone in his prime would make him a top 5 DH in today’s baseball.
The spitball/dirty ball era ended around 1920...before that time, fans were expected to return fouls in the stands and the umps did their best to use one ball for the whole game. A few pitchers were grandfathered to throw the spitter for the rest of their careers, but the umps starting cycling in fresh balls during the game and players were not allowed to totally blacken the ball.You have to compare players with others in their own era.
For his time, Ruth was far better than almost everyone who played the game
If you take a guy out of his era, and put him into a different one, you have to recreate conditions.
There were 16 MLB teams in Ruth's time, some rich some poor. The teams played each other 22 times, there were rarely relievers, they threw the spitball, dirty balls, nasty balls all in the daytime. They rode the train and spring training was 3 weeks of situps and running.
I doubt any of these old timers could hit this way now with the gloves the fielders use and the field conditions, plus the money they made sucked -- and they bet on outcomes.
Babe Ruth actually is a person, who has never played baseball at a semi good level but are in charge because they con people with dumb numbers, wet dream. His launch angle alone in his prime would make him a top 5 DH in today’s baseball.
That’s a fucking weird avi, dude.Well if you had babe ruth conditioned to todays game and gave him access to all the programs to transform his body and coaching he could still be good but babe ruth as is probably wouldn't make it out of the minor leagues. He has no speed, he is way to fat, his diet was pretty poor from what I read there is no way he would have a career. Of course there are exceptions like Bartolo Colon but he was caught with performance enhancers
That’s a fucking weird avi, dude.
What are your thoughts when you see it
That it’s a fucking weird avi.
Well the premise is that the black guys in the back is the seahawks defense and the girl is Dak Prescott for this Saturdays playoff game
I smell a sitcom coming.Wow. It gets weirder.
So, you think Dak Prescott is going to be a spoiled rich girl and the Seahawks’ defense are going to be his family’s butlers and servants? Maybe wash his cars, give his dog a bath, greet his friends and stuff?