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I don't get it at ALL


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Dec 4, 2013
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To me, Manning is already the GOAT. Brady has that cheating scandal and even if there is no asterisk, it will never go away. And Manning is just a more likable person than Brady. jmo.


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Apr 22, 2013
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To me, Manning is already the GOAT. Brady has that cheating scandal and even if there is no asterisk, it will never go away. And Manning is just a more likable person than Brady. jmo.


I never understood why Brady with the whole spygate and the fact the Pats have not won a SB since is even looked at as one of the greatest. He has numbers but after getting busted for spying they have not won a damn thing and some of those teams were more talented than the ones that won the superbowl. Greatness or prior knowledge, i think the latter.

Manning is with out a doubt in my mind the greatest QB i have ever seen. Brady is good but he is not on Mannings level, some times you got to look past Stats and superbowl wins. no make that more often than not you should look past stats and superbowls.

One of the most truthful videos on Youtube :yahoo:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFyg0eh0aGs]Shady Brady and Bill Belicheat! - YouTube[/ame]


Broncos Fanatic
Apr 18, 2013
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in 2005 when Seattle went to the bowl all the talk was Steelers, The Bus, home coming etc etc etc.

one day after the two teams are decided for this years superbowl and its been Manny, legacy, can he do it ? will people stop talking if he wins, Does he need to win to prove he is great etc etc etc.

Even the Sherman thing has dropped out of the talk today mostly. This is so disgusting as a fan of football and a die hard Seahawks fan. I want to see some talk about the Hawks not the 2 minute discussion of BOTH teams then 58 minutes of Denver, Peyton, legacy etc etc etc. It's still early but i am all ready getting 05 flashbacks.


Trust me. I would trade places with you in a heartbeat and pull for the team that's flying under the radar. All of the Peyton Manning legacy talk just puts more pressure on the Broncos (well, at least their fans!)

It's the leadup to the Super Bowl. Manning and the Broncos may be garnering all the press coverage for now, but that will ebb and flow like a tide washing ashore on Vashon Island.

This is going to be an epic Super Bowl and the press knows it. The number one offense vs. the number one defense. Finesse and skill vs. brute force strength. Nasty football weather vs. well laid out game plans.

I think the key to this matchup is not how the Seahawks defense will fare against the Broncos offense. I want to see if Denver's defense can deal with Beast Mode and Russel Wilson's mobility. So many storylines in this one is going to make for an agonizingly long two weeks.

Good luck Seahawk fans. Should be a great game!



Apr 18, 2013
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I'm not worried about the press. They are going to auto suck off Manning so that's all white noise to me.

All I'm worried about is if the NFL sends a crew of refs under orders to throw flags on any ticky tack contact on the Broncos WRs and TEs.

I thought the refing was pretty fair in the NFC championship game. The league held a meeting with both teams during the week telling them things got way out of hand with the chippyness in the 1st half of the Niners Panthers game and a "hockey night in Seattle" was not going to be tolerated by the refs.

But with the storyline of this game turning into Broncos O vs. Seattle D, I'm just concerned on what the refs are going to be under orders by the NFL front office on how to call it.

I simply would like to see a ref'd game like we saw last night. Flags on the mostly blantant stuff, but through out, just let the teams play.

I wouldn't worry too much about the officiating, DBs playing against the Broncos have gotten away with a lot of contact all year long, wouldn't expect it to change much (Julius Thomas got mugged on the Broncos 1st drive inside the 5 and nothing was called.) Luckily for the Broncos their receivers have become much more physical through the year. I wouldn't say the officiating in the NFCCG was even, 2 huge calls went in favor of the Seahawks (fumble and roughing the kicker). Granted the fumble didn't impact the game b/c of the fumble on the next play.

Looking forward to the game!


Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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We're still just over a day into Super Bowl coverage. Between now and Super Sunday, there's still plenty of room and time for there to be Seahawks-related stories that don't elicit reaction words like "thug" or "cheater" or "punk".

As far as the Manning narrative being put out there right now that he needs another Super Bowl title for "legitimacy" as one of the greatest QBs of all time, that's been a thing ever since the playoffs started, so I'm not surprised that it has continued to be a thing in the second full day of Super Bowl coverage. I don't think one narrative, one story line, is necessarily going to be indicative of how the rest of the coverage of this match-up is going to play out.

I'm not ready to condemn the media just yet. If we're sitting here a week from now and they're still on the "Manning legacy" thing much like they were on the "Can the Steelers win one for Bettis in his hometown" thing 8 years ago for what seemed like the entire lead-up to the Super Bowl, that's the time to start wondering if they know that two teams are going to be playing in this game. Let's not condemn the media for something they haven't done yet and might not do at all.

I agree, I wouldn't get too worked up about the coverage yet. For the most part it is just continuing story lines from the Championship weekend. Unfortunately most of the coverage from the NFCCG has been on Sherman instead of the great game. Like it or not you can't argue that Manning/Brady in a championship game is big news any time to HOF QBs go head to head. As the week rolls on I'm sure they will get more into matchups and SUPER BOWL previews. Congrats Seahawks fans on a great season to date! I would wish you luck but I wouldn't mean it!

Judge Fudge

One Pretty Kinky Bastard
Oct 22, 2013
Victoria BC Canada
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I got a lil rhyme for ya guys

Mannign this, Manning that

I wondered how Manning is gonna look ON HIS BACK

Judge Fudge

One Pretty Kinky Bastard
Oct 22, 2013
Victoria BC Canada
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and i wonder how the media is gonna take a Seahawk SB championship