Can't forget jdb. That old fuck was as crazy as they came. His only real friend on the ESPN boards was FSS, who defended that old coot til the end. Gotta admire FSS's loyalty, but it was misplaced.
When I left the ESPN boards, I went to runboard, but I couldn't abide that place long because it was run by idiots. I tried to make it work on the Mule and HF forum, but too many morons spoiled it. BTW, that is where most of us came into contact with 9$ for the first time. I never had problems with the guy, but then again, I wasn't really regular enough to become a target.
This place is paradise. Let's hope it never gets overrun by the Walking Dead from ESPN and runboard.
jdb is still there. And he's still as crazy as ever. Runboard still has some really good posters left but it seems to be a dying board. This place has been awesome since I migrated over. I think it was Filo that invited me. Since I never thanked you for it, thanks Filo.