Sarcastic F-wad
Before alarms sound, pretty sure this guy is from the MLB board.
He passed the main test...
Before alarms sound, pretty sure this guy is from the MLB board.
He's very unNolanlike...
I was gonna say that he sounded like a tzill alt in the making. Welcome, Let's Go! Already repped you for the knowledge. I owe you welcome rep!
Way to rip the guy before his seat is even warm...![]()
lol, rep. Sorry tz, but that was good.
I know, just wanted to throw it out there
Ninebuck doesn't like him, so that makes him cool in my book!
Ninebuck and half the other posters from MLB board are asshats.You leave a comment and they flame you.When you reply in kind they have you banned.Havent been back in ages.No knowledge there only idiots.
He sure looked great today. Just finished watching the game after work and he had his best game as a Giant's pitcher. I sure hope this is not an anomaly.
Does anyone have any info as to his velocity last night? Maybe (hopefully) he nailed down that mechanical adjustment he's been looking for, and picked up a few MPH on the fastball.
Also, is there a "Colorado factor" on the radar gun? (ie, thinner air, less friction, faster fastballs)
I don't think he showed any particular velocity jump, I think he just had good command of his curve and his fastball, for the whole game for a change.
I've never ventured over to Runboard or MLB for long. The few posts I have read of his ($9Buck) have been pretty tame, but a lot of the folks I respect on here aren't fans of that's goog enough for me.
I don't remember him at all, was he one of Teh Mules?
I believe it was this^ Mays. Plus, he actually (sounded like, I didn't see the game) attacked the zone. When Barry does have command, but nibbles off the plate, he gets shelled when he brings his 85mph heater in on a 2-0 count.
I believe it was this^ Mays. Plus, he actually (sounded like, I didn't see the game) attacked the zone. When Barry does have command, but nibbles off the plate, he gets shelled when he brings his 85mph heater in on a 2-0 count.
I was on the Mouse board in the glory days of the early 2000's, and I don't believe he was one of Teh Mules. Unless he had one of tzill's alts.
I didn't think so. I was a lurker over there since 2001 and the name didn't ring a bell. Oh well, to each their own right?
There were some real characters back in the day. DieGnatsDie. Tito was a late comer. PortugueseWaterDog. But Teh Mules ruled with an iron fist, and made life pretty miserable for anyone who did not toe the party line. I think ESPN decided to go with Mods precisely because of the Giants' board. No other board had the camaraderie nor the wit, nor the sharp tongues, than that board. BruteSentiment tried to play the mod, but got crucified for it. Good baseball guy, that. Then the auto-mods and the descent into the abyss that it is today. Middle schoolers on detention with time to kill. Except for the stalwarts like LHG and Chef and a few others. Not sure why they stay, they are clearly the tallest players in the midget league.
Can't forget jdb. That old fuck was as crazy as they came. His only real friend on the ESPN boards was FSS, who defended that old coot til the end. Gotta admire FSS's loyalty, but it was misplaced.
When I left the ESPN boards, I went to runboard, but I couldn't abide that place long because it was run by idiots. I tried to make it work on the Mule and HF forum, but too many morons spoiled it. BTW, that is where most of us came into contact with 9$ for the first time. I never had problems with the guy, but then again, I wasn't really regular enough to become a target.
This place is paradise. Let's hope it never gets overrun by the Walking Dead from ESPN and runboard.