The Original Husker+ Fan
I don't care give one single fuck about the weed. Not one. As long as they aren't robbing and killing, leave them the hell alone.
Yea but we are still a republic where states govern themselves. Decriminalizing it at the federal level wont legalize it in nebraskaI think Trump might run part of his campaign on legalizing it throughout the United States and decriminalizing it
You do not have to smoke pot, just saying."Marijuana smoking is associated with large airway inflammation, increased airway resistance, and lung hyperinflation, and those who smoke marijuana regularly report more symptoms of chronic bronchitis than those who do not smoke. One study found that people who frequently smoke marijuana had more outpatient medical visits for respiratory problems than those who do not smoke. Some case studies have suggested that, because of THC’s immune-suppressing effects, smoking marijuana might increase susceptibility to lung infections, such as pneumonia, in people with immune deficiencies; however, a large AIDS cohort study did not confirm such an association. Smoking marijuana may also reduce the respiratory system’s immune response, increasing the likelihood of the person acquiring respiratory infections, including pneumonia. Animal and human studies have not found that marijuana increases risk for emphysema."
Yes, I know many very high functioning marijuana users that attended Colorado School of Mines. But their moral character and intelligence levels are much different than your average college football player at the FBS level.
I do not smoke, and I have made zero visits to the hospital/doctor for any lung/respiratory problems. I do not have a cough. I have never had pnuemonia.
Me too. If you can't afford to have more than an ounce on you at all times you need to be locked up for vagrancy.Well I for one think that we should incarcerate people for having less than an ounce
Edibles is where it’s at, not as cool for the younger generation though, meh idrc about some marijuana
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That’s a scene from Half Bakedi missed that episode
Bob Saget does some good stand-up"I seen him"