Esteemed Colleague
So, we agree - the goal is to get on base, correct?
Would you take the guy that gets on .383 rate or .376 rate?
In his CAREER MVP type year, Elsbury got on base at a lower rate than Gardner the year he had ONLY BWHAHAHA ONLY 142 Hits.
Just to put it in perspective
Elsbury career high hits - 212 hits OBP .376
Jeter Career high hits - 219 hits OBP 438
Bwhahahah Elsbury got 212 hits and couldn't get on base more often than brett gardner! bwahahah
We agree that Gardner can't hit. And when you watch him at the plate you are rooting for him to draw a walk, because that's about the best he can do with a bat in his hands. 132 hits?!?!?