Mixon, stop acting like a douche... Jesus man... while I do enjoy you parading all over the Cowboys of all teams, ya look like a fuckin' clown.
Lousy showboatin' dang ol'Mixon, stop acting like a douche... Jesus man... while I do enjoy you parading all over the Cowboys of all teams, ya look like a fuckin' clown.
Who is Micon?If you think Micon is peacocking around like an ass now,wait until his 4th or 5th tonight it’s early!
I'm finishing this last one and done.Hahaha, DRINK!
He can deck all the white girls he wants if he does that.If you think Mixon is peacocking around like an ass now,wait until his 4th or 5th tonight it’s early!
Cut Sharky some slack.....if you paying attention.....he may be in the unemployment line soon.Lousy showboatin' dang ol'
More Lion King?