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Holy Moly! Give it a REST!!!

Darrell Green Fan

The Voice of Reason
Sep 2, 2014
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That's ^^^^^^^^ the very first sentence after the claim that the running game is terrible featuring an undrafted rookie.

I even posted about such in another thread naming said issues as goal to go or goal line situations and short yardage situations.

I was told by 2 other posters, one of whom just told a lie abpout me in this thread, that I need to focus on the Skins yards per carry stat. To which I responded I'd gladly take a lower yards per carry stat for more success in goal to go and short yardage situations.

So in response to the question "Are you really saying the Redskins running game doesn't have issues?"

Nope. Nor have I insinuated such, but to claim they are terrible is bullshit and imo has been done for one reason and one reason only. To support the narrative that KC has no help or support whatsoever which imo is more bullshit.

Such angry words from an old friend.

I did see you had addressed your concerns, I tried to correct my post but of course this web site won't allow an edit after a few minutes for some annoying reason. But I do think you are being a bit easy on run game results. Maybe it wasn't "terrible" but it was pretty damned close.

They didn't run it 20 times because when they did try it resulted in 2nd and 9 all game. Same thing against Carolina and in other games. Continuing to do that is Einstein's definition of insanity. While I agree at times they abandoned the run too early, especially when it was working, the fact is Kirk is still saddled with a run game that again put him in 2nd and 9 a whole lot this year. It limited his ability to win games and there is no doubt it was a big factor in the red zone issues as I illustrated earlier.


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Sep 3, 2014
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Who is "these guys"?

Us ass0s, you're one and so am I, who have dared to question the awesome that is the stats/play of one Kirk Cousins.

Submission is mandatory, ehb5. Daring not to do so means we must hate the Skins. Are bad and mean fans and my personal fave though I haven't seen you bring him up and I know I haven't. Is secretly wishing Robert Griffin III becomes the Skins QB again.


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Jan 16, 2015
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these guys want KC gone

I don't want to point-by-point with Breed's post, but he's missing quite a few things. For one, Cousins is NOT Scott Mitchell or any other one-year wonder like him. Osweiler started in just seven games. And Matt Flynn was a one-game wonder.


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Such angry words from an old friend.

I did see you had addressed your concerns, I tried to correct my post but of course this web site won't allow an edit after a few minutes for some annoying reason. But I do think you are being a bit easy on run game results. Maybe it wasn't "terrible" but it was pretty damned close.

They didn't run it 20 times because when they did try it resulted in 2nd and 9 all game. Same thing against Carolina and in other games. Continuing to do that is Einstein's definition of insanity. While I agree at times they abandoned the run too early, especially when it was working, the fact is Kirk is still saddled with a run game that again put him in 2nd and 9 a whole lot this year. It limited his ability to win games and there is no doubt it was a big factor in the red zone issues as I illustrated earlier.

Correction. 2nd and 9 was a good run. When Matt Jones was carrying the rock, it was more like 2nd and 12. Running the ball with Jones was like taking an automatic sack on first down.


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Jul 4, 2013
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Us ass0s, you're one and so am I, who have dared to question the awesome that is the stats/play of one Kirk Cousins.

Submission is mandatory, ehb5. Daring not to do so means we must hate the Skins. Are bad and mean fans and my personal fave though I haven't seen you bring him up and I know I haven't. Is secretly wishing Robert Griffin III becomes the Skins QB again.

Come on Breed, we are both old enough to have experienced human nature and how people can be.

To say that there are not some folks that were way too attached to Bob, and thus will always only begrudgingly accept Cousins is unrealistic. Kirk ultimately is the reason Griffin didnt get another chance here. Kinda like the new guy at work who took your Buddys place. No matter how good the new guy does, you still deep down blame him for your buddy no longer being there even IF your Buddy ultimately really got fires for his own performance or lack there of. Hell when Kirk was first made the starter, there were folks hinting that it was a racial thing. Feelings like that dont just vanish. Now I havent heard it at any of the games this year, but I know quite a few times at home games last year I did hear fans openly debating that they couldnt wait for the real Kirk to show up so we could get our QB back on the field.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Us ass0s, you're one and so am I, who have dared to question the awesome that is the stats/play of one Kirk Cousins.

Submission is mandatory, ehb5. Daring not to do so means we must hate the Skins. Are bad and mean fans and my personal fave though I haven't seen you bring him up and I know I haven't. Is secretly wishing Robert Griffin III becomes the Skins QB again.

It's sad how true this is. If it weren't for the very few of us this board would be a frightening echo chamber of homerism. Instead I dutifully carry the the name of a kirk hater despite calling for him to be our QB for over 2 years now. Makes a lot of sense doesn't it.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Come on Breed, we are both old enough to have experienced human nature and how people can be.

To say that there are not some folks that were way too attached to Bob, and thus will always only begrudgingly accept Cousins is unrealistic. Kirk ultimately is the reason Griffin didnt get another chance here. Kinda like the new guy at work who took your Buddys place. No matter how good the new guy does, you still deep down blame him for your buddy no longer being there even IF your Buddy ultimately really got fires for his own performance or lack there of. Hell when Kirk was first made the starter, there were folks hinting that it was a racial thing. Feelings like that dont just vanish. Now I havent heard it at any of the games this year, but I know quite a few times at home games last year I did hear fans openly debating that they couldnt wait for the real Kirk to show up so we could get our QB back on the field.

Then leave those judgments to the morons you encounter at the games and don't bring them on here where nobody gives a crap about all your junior psychologist theories.


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Sep 3, 2014
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Such angry words from an old friend.

I did see you had addressed your concerns, I tried to correct my post but of course this web site won't allow an edit after a few minutes for some annoying reason. But I do think you are being a bit easy on run game results. Maybe it wasn't "terrible" but it was pretty damned close.

They didn't run it 20 times because when they did try it resulted in 2nd and 9 all game. Same thing against Carolina and in other games. Continuing to do that is Einstein's definition of insanity. While I agree at times they abandoned the run too early, especially when it was working, the fact is Kirk is still saddled with a run game that again put him in 2nd and 9 a whole lot this year. It limited his ability to win games and there is no doubt it was a big factor in the red zone issues as I illustrated earlier.

My bad. I didn't think I was angry when I responded to you. Though looking at my post now, while factually correct, does have an unnecessary hard ass edge tone to it.

The accusations of being emotional, a bad fan, stupid, and having what I say misrepresented gets a bit old. Simply because my emotion, fandom, stuipidity or lack therof, comes from a differing perspective on a Skins player. All the while posters I'm disagreeing with are using the same emotions, fandom, and stupidity or lack thereof to support the Skins player.

I don't want or think the Skins should get rid of KC. Particularly in light of the options or lack thereof that are available to them. I'm not real tickled that the Skins will likely end up paying KC money in the neighborhood of top tier QB money with the Rodgers, Bradys and Brees. IMO he isn't in that class. The unhappiness of paying KC that type of money though doesn't stem from whether I think he deserves it. I could give a shit about that. Its not my money and I'm down for anyone making as much as they can, as fast as they can. That's how I did it though in a different field of employment. It stems from the fact that the Skins have a lot of holes up and down the roster. And that they will likely lose contributing players and/or be unable to sign other players to shore up those holes. I'm pissed about it as well because I don't think the Skins have gotten enough in terms of the draft and FA the last couple years. I'm concerned that Scotty Mac may be too married to a BPA mindset far as the draft and too resistant to opening up the checkbook for FAs. I'm worried that the Skins may retain Barry. Or that Barry really isn't that bad and our defensive players are truly total garbage. Either way, I'm worried we end up making the wrong choice(s) again.

I'm pissed cuz the Skins used the franchise tag on Cousins and imo the issue of is he or isn't he hasn't been resolved or even close to it. I think Cuz should be paid, but it comes from a the Skins are in a corner with little chance to get out. As opposed to he's the one Morpheus has been waiting for. Even when tye Skins seemingly do tye right thing, the prudent thing. We still end up on what seems to be the short end of the stick. I'm scared that somewhere in a dark corner in his mansion. Daniel Snyder will end up on the verge of saying fuck it if the Cousins thing doesn't work out. Fire everyone and become the Skins GM again.

I'm happy I'm not a Browns or Bills or even 9ers fan right now. I'm pissed that the bar is that shitty and pathetic for me to be happy. I pissed that the greatest joy I'll likely get far as football goes, Is being happy at the misery of others, relating to the hope that the Cowboys and Giants flaming out in spectacular fashion in the playoffs. I'm even more scared that they won't flame out and one ends up winning the Super Bowl.

I'm pissed because our best or most paid defender commited 14 penalties this year and is more apt to run his mouth over some dumb shit. As opposed to being a real leader of the team.

I'm pissed because I still have no concrete idea as to who or what our most important player really is after 2 years of auditioning.

I'm pissed at being hopelessly in love with a bitch I still can't stand because of the way shit continues to end up. Like the bitch in typical bitch is just toying wiyh my emotions once again fashion. Such as finding a way to totally fuck off something (two winning seasons in a row) that should be a good thing by finishing up the season the way they did.

Sigh, homey. I'm tired of being pissed, but I have no way to prevent it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2015
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Then leave those judgments to the morons you encounter at the games and don't bring them on here where nobody gives a crap about all your junior psychologist theories.

Sometimes homerism is better than things like contrarianism. Or RGIII apologetics. More importantly, what you may call homerism is what others call common freaking sense. How many outsiders looking in at our situation have said to pay the guy and asked what else he needs to prove before giving him a blockbuster deal? And how many other teams like Cleveland, San Fran, Chicago, and Jacksonville -- all of whom have more than enough cap space to give Kirk a huge deal -- would love to offer that to Kirk if he walks?

But . . . I hear RGIII might be on the outs.

There's hope after all, right?


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Jul 4, 2013
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Then leave those judgments to the morons you encounter at the games and don't bring them on here where nobody gives a crap about all your junior psychologist theories.

The only person it seems to really bother that its pointed out though is

well you. :noidea:


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Sometimes homerism is better than things like contrarianism. Or RGIII apologetics. More importantly, what you may call homerism is what others call common freaking sense. How many outsiders looking in at our situation have said to pay the guy and asked what else he needs to prove before giving him a blockbuster deal? And how many other teams like Cleveland, San Fran, Chicago, and Jacksonville -- all of whom have more than enough cap space to give Kirk a huge deal -- would love to offer that to Kirk if he walks?

But . . . I hear RGIII might be on the outs.

There's hope after all, right?

Yet theres no contrarianism or rg3 apologetics on this board. There's also plenty of outsiders who question what the skins should do with kirk. Your grasp of common sense is not great.


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Jan 16, 2015
Southern California
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My bad. I didn't think I was angry when I responded to you. Though looking at my post now, while factually correct, does have an unnecessary hard ass edge tone to it.

The accusations of being emotional, a bad fan, stupid, and having what I say misrepresented gets a bit old. Simply because my emotion, fandom, stuipidity or lack therof, comes from a differing perspective on a Skins player. All the while posters I'm disagreeing with are using the same emotions, fandom, and stupidity or lack thereof to support the Skins player.

I don't want or think the Skins should get rid of KC. Particularly in light of the options or lack thereof that are available to them. I'm not real tickled that the Skins will likely end up paying KC money in the neighborhood of top tier QB money with the Rodgers, Bradys and Brees. IMO he isn't in that class. The unhappiness of paying KC that type of money though doesn't stem from whether I think he deserves it. I could give a shit about that. Its not my money and I'm down for anyone making as much as they can, as fast as they can. That's how I did it though in a different field of employment. It stems from the fact that the Skins have a lot of holes up and down the roster. And that they will likely lose contributing players and/or be unable to sign other players to shore up those holes. I'm pissed about it as well because I don't think the Skins have gotten enough in terms of the draft and FA the last couple years. I'm concerned that Scotty Mac may be too married to a BPA mindset far as the draft and too resistant to opening up the checkbook for FAs. I'm worried that the Skins may retain Barry. Or that Barry really isn't that bad and our defensive players are truly total garbage. Either way, I'm worried we end up making the wrong choice(s) again.

I'm pissed cuz the Skins used the franchise tag on Cousins and imo the issue of is he or isn't he hasn't been resolved or even close to it. I think Cuz should be paid, but it comes from a the Skins are in a corner with little chance to get out. As opposed to he's the one Morpheus has been waiting for. Even when tye Skins seemingly do tye right thing, the prudent thing. We still end up on what seems to be the short end of the stick. I'm scared that somewhere in a dark corner in his mansion. Daniel Snyder will end up on the verge of saying fuck it if the Cousins thing doesn't work out. Fire everyone and become the Skins GM again.

I'm happy I'm not a Browns or Bills or even 9ers fan right now. I'm pissed that the bar is that shitty and pathetic for me to be happy. I pissed that the greatest joy I'll likely get far as football goes, Is being happy at the misery of others, relating to the hope that the Cowboys and Giants flaming out in spectacular fashion in the playoffs. I'm even more scared that they won't flame out and one ends up winning the Super Bowl.

I'm pissed because our best or most paid defender commited 14 penalties this year and is more apt to run his mouth over some dumb shit. As opposed to being a real leader of the team.

I'm pissed because I still have no concrete idea as to who or what our most important player really is after 2 years of auditioning.

I'm pissed at being hopelessly in love with a bitch I still can't stand because of the way shit continues to end up. Like the bitch in typical bitch is just toying wiyh my emotions once again fashion. Such as finding a way to totally fuck off something (two winning seasons in a row) that should be a good thing by finishing up the season the way they did.

Sigh, homey. I'm tired of being pissed, but I have no way to prevent it.

If you're taking the position that it's not your money, then don't fret over what the team will pay Cousins. The cap numbers for the first two years of a Luck deal are $18.4M and $19.4M, which are less than the tag Cousins played on this year. And those numbers take up less than 11% of the cap, which is also less than the 12% number his tag had on our 2016 cap. Cousins has some flaws and is continuing to improve. This is only his second year as a starter with no running game and no defense. ESPN has him ranked fifth overall in terms of QBR. And he nearly passed for 5,000 yards, something only five other QBs in history have done. He's also lead this team to consecutive winning seasons, which is something no other QB has done in years.

He's worth a Luck-type deal and he's a franchise QB.

Pay him the money and intelligently build around him. Sign someone like a Dontari Poe or Bennie Logan and draft another d-lineman (from Alabama) to pair up with one of them and Chris Baker (who would we should also re-sign). By doing that, you start to build the foundation of a good defense to grow with a pretty good offense that's captained by first franchise QB since Joe Theismann.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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The only person it seems to really bother that its pointed out though is

well you. :noidea:

I take that back then it is obnoxious (though I'm not the only one who thinks so). But the point stands - you bring up all this nutty shit with no basis in reality for god knows why. Most people would prefer to debate on the merits of an argument not on conspiracy theories just because your former qb left a mark but hey you do you man. Me pointing out the idiocy in your insistence on this crap has never stopped you before that's for sure.


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Aug 15, 2014
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My bad. I didn't think I was angry when I responded to you. Though looking at my post now, while factually correct, does have an unnecessary hard ass edge tone to it.

The accusations of being emotional, a bad fan, stupid, and having what I say misrepresented gets a bit old. Simply because my emotion, fandom, stuipidity or lack therof, comes from a differing perspective on a Skins player. All the while posters I'm disagreeing with are using the same emotions, fandom, and stupidity or lack thereof to support the Skins player.

I don't want or think the Skins should get rid of KC. Particularly in light of the options or lack thereof that are available to them. I'm not real tickled that the Skins will likely end up paying KC money in the neighborhood of top tier QB money with the Rodgers, Bradys and Brees. IMO he isn't in that class. The unhappiness of paying KC that type of money though doesn't stem from whether I think he deserves it. I could give a shit about that. Its not my money and I'm down for anyone making as much as they can, as fast as they can. That's how I did it though in a different field of employment. It stems from the fact that the Skins have a lot of holes up and down the roster. And that they will likely lose contributing players and/or be unable to sign other players to shore up those holes. I'm pissed about it as well because I don't think the Skins have gotten enough in terms of the draft and FA the last couple years. I'm concerned that Scotty Mac may be too married to a BPA mindset far as the draft and too resistant to opening up the checkbook for FAs. I'm worried that the Skins may retain Barry. Or that Barry really isn't that bad and our defensive players are truly total garbage. Either way, I'm worried we end up making the wrong choice(s) again.

I'm pissed cuz the Skins used the franchise tag on Cousins and imo the issue of is he or isn't he hasn't been resolved or even close to it. I think Cuz should be paid, but it comes from a the Skins are in a corner with little chance to get out. As opposed to he's the one Morpheus has been waiting for. Even when tye Skins seemingly do tye right thing, the prudent thing. We still end up on what seems to be the short end of the stick. I'm scared that somewhere in a dark corner in his mansion. Daniel Snyder will end up on the verge of saying fuck it if the Cousins thing doesn't work out. Fire everyone and become the Skins GM again.

I'm happy I'm not a Browns or Bills or even 9ers fan right now. I'm pissed that the bar is that shitty and pathetic for me to be happy. I pissed that the greatest joy I'll likely get far as football goes, Is being happy at the misery of others, relating to the hope that the Cowboys and Giants flaming out in spectacular fashion in the playoffs. I'm even more scared that they won't flame out and one ends up winning the Super Bowl.

I'm pissed because our best or most paid defender commited 14 penalties this year and is more apt to run his mouth over some dumb shit. As opposed to being a real leader of the team.

I'm pissed because I still have no concrete idea as to who or what our most important player really is after 2 years of auditioning.

I'm pissed at being hopelessly in love with a bitch I still can't stand because of the way shit continues to end up. Like the bitch in typical bitch is just toying wiyh my emotions once again fashion. Such as finding a way to totally fuck off something (two winning seasons in a row) that should be a good thing by finishing up the season the way they did.

Sigh, homey. I'm tired of being pissed, but I have no way to prevent it.

Dunno if it makes you guys feel any better, but Seattle fans have all these same crazy disagreements, and we're going to the effing playoffs.


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Jan 16, 2015
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Yet theres no contrarianism or rg3 apologetics on this board. There's also plenty of outsiders who question what the skins should do with kirk. Your grasp of common sense is not great.

Whatever my common sense may be, it's far superior to yours, which isn't saying a whole lot. Having said that, I've read on your prior posts that you want to keep Kirk. That's a good start. And I'd like to see any reputable outsider that doesn't concur with the overwhelming consensus that we keep and pay him.

I'll be waiting on that.


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I take that back then it is obnoxious (though I'm not the only one who thinks so). But the point stands - you bring up all this nutty shit with no basis in reality for god knows why. Most people would prefer to debate on the merits of an argument not on conspiracy theories just because your former qb left a mark but hey you do you man. Me pointing out the idiocy in your insistence on this crap has never stopped you before that's for sure.

Again dude, if it doesnt pertain to you why do you give a fuck. If you really think there are people basing their opinion of Cousins and his worthiness off of what they think he ISNT instead of what he is, I dont know what to say. But the reality is, people have decided what Cousins needs to be based off of what they expected the other guy to turn into. This board is but a tiny microcosm of the fan base at large. We have our uber positive fans, our ultra Negative fans. Our Homers for homers sake... and yes I feel safe in saying we do have those Die hard Bob fans who have accepted that bob is gone, but still hold a bit of a grudge against Kirk because of how it went down.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Whatever my common sense may be, it's far superior to yours, which isn't saying a whole lot. Having said that, I've read on your prior posts that you want to keep Kirk. That's a good start. And I'd like to see any reputable outsider that doesn't concur with the overwhelming consensus that we keep and pay him.

I'll be waiting on that.

Thats funny from the guy who couldnt offer me one single defense for his argument today.

And look it up yourself. You proved yourself incapable of reading anything I post looong ago.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Again dude, if it doesnt pertain to you why do you give a fuck. If you really think there are people basing their opinion of Cousins and his worthiness off of what they think he ISNT instead of what he is, I dont know what to say. But the reality is, people have decided what Cousins needs to be based off of what they expected the other guy to turn into. This board is but a tiny microcosm of the fan base at large. We have our uber positive fans, our ultra Negative fans. Our Homers for homers sake... and yes I feel safe in saying we do have those Die hard Bob fans who have accepted that bob is gone, but still hold a bit of a grudge against Kirk because of how it went down.

Because you constantly bring it up that there are posters on here who dont think highly enough of Cousins because they want him to fail. Youve said this many times including about me specifically. Somehow you leap to that assumption instead of accepting not everybody agrees with your view of things. Then again it might just be your default excuse for people criticizing kirk in any way because you're worried they have a point some times and arent willing to debate on the merits of argument. Which like I said - you do you man.


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Because you constantly bring it up that there are posters on here who dont think highly enough of Cousins because they want him to fail. Youve said this many times including about me specifically. Somehow you leap to that assumption instead of accepting not everybody agrees with your view of things. Then again it might just be your default excuse for people criticizing kirk in any way because you're worried they have a point some times and arent willing to debate on the merits of argument. Which like I said - you do you man.

Once again dude, if it doesnt actually pertain to you, why should it bother you. Especially if i have not even mentioned you in such context. Sure I question your rational as to why you think Cousins isnt a franchise QB especially when its pointed out he has performed as good as or better than a few other QB considered franchise QBs. But seriously, if you arent hoping he fails, and you are questioning him solely based on his merits, and not some preconceived notion of what you expected us to get out of the 2012 draft great. IN that case me bringing it up should bother you no more than some one mentioning that some black men are thugs. Its a reality, but as IM not a thug, it dont bother me once I have made the point that Im not one.

Cool beans??