R.J. MacReady
Well-Known Member
Never...close twice, ball touched the hole both times...I have been in the presence of a couple...one in FL...guy tried to act like he was a real player and was looking worse than me for about 6 holes then aces a par 3 about 135...generous bogey putts he gave himself, imo he barely broke 90 that day, bailed on our drinks, not a great guy.
The other was in a best ball tourney...he made out like a bandit since the drinks were on the house!
My best is holing a LW for eagle from 86 yds...didn't see it go in, but ran up there Sergio style and it wasn't to be found and I said we better check that cup...found the pitch mark and it was in the cup.
"Sergio style" ...brilliant.
85 yards out ... I love shots in and around that distance. You can take a full cut at it but still be close enough to get a good look at it land on the green. That bites that you did not get to see that fall from an enjoyable distance.