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- #461
Canuck eh?
Big Flat Member
Really? That's awesome.
going to have to come up so you can teach me.
What could go wrong?
Really? That's awesome.
going to have to come up so you can teach me.
They could forget to wash their toes??![]()
Gotta get the flavour from somewhere.
That will come from squeezing the squished grapes and stems through the hockey socks....
That gives it the slight hint of Tinactin which always puts it over the top.
I honestly don't drink the shit much, hangovers are awful and that feeling of 5 millions ants having run across your tongue is...just yuck!!! My wife and I long to take a box of Peter Vella Merlot and drain it into one of these freshly uncorked $100 bottles of Duck or whatever that shit my brother breaks out over the Holidays....I bet they wouldn't even know. Aristocrats...sheesh
I am far from an expert on anything, but the best wine I ever had in my entire life was at a Portuguese Social Club in Yonkers, N.Y. That was amazing, good old fashioned homemade wine.
Second best was my 80 yr. old Italian neighbor back in N.Y. Guy made the best wine and grapa.
Really? That's awesome.
going to have to come up so you can teach me.
Holy Cow....last week I made myself some 'special' herbal tea. Wow....
A friend of mine made his own version of Dago Red and his uncle made his own whiskey. I went over there one time and we were drinking some beer and he offered me some of his Dago Red. Then he brought out his uncle's whiskey. I didn't come to until about noon the next day.
It's the special that makes it good.
I woke up the next day still feeling it.
A piece of my cake a day keeps the doctor away....
And that's where 'it was a piece of cake' came from. Makes everything 'easier', eh.. Maybe Jets could use a piece - 7 pm in Snatchville Saturday, then noon in Minicrapolis on Sunday to finish a three in three and half day road trip.
Hey Tom, where you been?
I was just thinking about you the other day. Sorry to hear about your work condition.Work, work, work (Mel Brooks) - now I know that's no excuse, but it'll have to do. Seriously considering starting up a socio-political movement called Rep by Pop - to stop the ridiculous disenfranchisement of the Canarduckian electorate by the increasingly evil and ridiculously stupid RoboCons. Oh yeah, Go Jets!
I was just thinking about you the other day. Sorry to hear about your work condition.
HAHAHA...that's good stuff.
The Sicilians I knew obviously made the wine. But then they made this magical stuff called Grapa from the stems and skins and whatever else was filtered out of the wine. I think they re-fermented this stuff. It depends the level of expertise; some of the batches went down like gasoline and others were smoother.
Yeah Burgher, after almost twenty years of 'semi-necessitated' semi-retirement, I've decided to do something other than write, and walk the dog, and garden, and mow the lawns, and build fences, and do house repairs, and shop, and chauffeur, etc, etc. So, I've decided to become a political activist, and possibly even a Party founder and leader, and get some meaningful changes made to our local-national constitution, ie, regarding the way that our 'members' of parliament are elected, as well as removed from their positions, and status, when required.