Sarcastic F-wad
Since our beloved team is out of it...I'm having a difficult time choosing whom to root for. I dislike both the Yankees and the Phillies, so I hope they die pathetic and humiliating deaths...
Both Milwaukee and Texas winning would be good stories...and a Tampa Bay win would really piss off Red Sox Nation and the Yankee homers....but, since the Rays fanbase doesn't support them that would also be rather lame...
This is a good point.
I had the Rays as my #2 team I was rooting for (after the Snakes), but I may have to rethink after this comment.
As much as I hate the Philth and the Spanks, at least they have solid, loyal fanbases. The Rays, an organization that "does it right", has fans that do not deserve a winner.
I will have to think about this...
Edit: Change that to ATTEMPTED Rep...