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Have you guys seen Jed York's interview on Harbaugh's firing?


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What I got from it was that he's getting "we need to win with class" from pops and Harbaugh's saying "Let me do my thing". It's fun to bag on him but from reading the transcript it sounds like he was getting directives from ownership who are pretty disconnected to day to day operations of the team. They just want wins and no BS in the newspapers.

What I get from it is that York is implying that the 49ers would of been harsher with some of the idiots on the roster and Harbaugh over ruled them or objected. Now I have no clue if this is so, but if it is , shouldn't the guy that drafted these idiots be taking the fall? Harbaugh just wanted to put his best players that Baalke provided on the field.


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What I got from it was that he's getting "we need to win with class" from pops and Harbaugh's saying "Let me do my thing". It's fun to bag on him but from reading the transcript it sounds like he was getting directives from ownership who are pretty disconnected to day to day operations of the team. They just want wins and no BS in the newspapers.

That is really a lot to ask. Since some "reporters" are not always printing legitimate stories. What does class mean in the football world, the obvious would be no arrests, no police at your home in the middle of the night.
We are so fortunate this season that we only had a handful of negative stories and I think most were overblown as they just went away.

How much of the players getting into trouble can the team control? They have some pretty tough characters on the Niner's team. When he was drafted, we had a lot of people concerned about Irving as he had a storied past. He had red flags all over his past. But I don't think we have heard a single word from him off the field. And he is really a valuable player to this team. How much of that is on him and how much is on the team?


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Just to play devil's advocate; there were LOTS of people that questioned handing Schneider/Carroll the reins after Holmgren was sent packing.

Sometimes change can work out.

TR was the Issue here not Holmgren so when they handed the reins over to Carroll and Schneider i couldn't have been more happy lol. I hated Tim with a passion. TR just made the team get older and older every year with no hope to the future with all his quick fix band-aids.


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With Jeb York, the team moving to Santa Clara and the mess the 49ers are in right now i think they are losing their fans left and right. These fans love Harbaugh because he brought winning back to the Bay area. Even though Jim was the biggest prick in the NFL he was their prick lmao that won when most of their current fans didn't no what winning felt like. They know what losing feels like and will bail on the York's faster than you can say "what a joke" if this team starts losing again.

They had a winner and with the passion that the 49er fans have show with remembering Superbowl victories 20+ years ago you think they will forget and forgive the Yorks LMAO not if they don't win that's for sure. This has the makings of the Detroit Lions all over it and i mean the ones that were bad for EVER and EVER lol. Their FO thinks they can do no wrong and can do better with a yes man. LMAO not likely. When this Franchise falls flat on it's face, and it will, The York's will be run out of town... oh wait they superseded that all ready by moving the team to Santa Clara

in a way i feel sorry for them, it kind of reminds me of how Ken Berhing tried to destroy the Seahawks so it would lose the fans support just so it would be easier to move them. It failed but thats because the fans saw through his plans from day one.
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In the small excerpt posted in this thread, Jeb sounds like he actually only cares about the money. My rationale is that he has no answer for the question about holding him accountable. He knows that he is in a rare market where virtually nothing you do can hurt your bottom line. He is daring the fans to give up their ties to the team with full knowledge that their are tens of thousands more that will snatch up the season tickets and wait out the storm. Pretty cocky if you ask me, but he knows his market. It may even be part of the plan (or at the very least a nice side effect) to get more of the silicon valley fan base as the majority fan base instead of the north bay.


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I think there tends to be some confusion between "blame" and "accountability". Fans can blame him all day for what's going on, but there's really no mechanism to hold him accountable.

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"Accountability breeds Response-Ability" ~ Stephen Covey


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You guys may find interesting what former 49er Riki Ellison says about the Harbaugh firing/departure:

"I stand by the 49ers decision as it is with this organization all about winning Super Bowl Championships. Bill Walsh was held to unbelievable expectations by the San Francisco ownership to deliver Super Bowl Championships, he delivered and so did George Seifert. If either of them would have lost two NFC Championship Games and a Super Bowl and then a season with a non playoff team they would have been fired by Eddie... let alone not being able to beat Seattle, that would have been reason enough to fire. Why all of a sudden are we as 49er faithful lowering our standards? You coach or play for the San Francisco 49ers, you win Super Bowls, you are held accountable, that is our make up, that is our culture and we don't tolerate anything else but winning Super Bowl Championships. GO NINERS!"

I don't necessarily agree 100% with Riki, just thought some may find it interesting.


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Clearly Riki loved the non cap era and thinks that is the way it should be. He is a dinosaur and will be extinct soon, as will the Niners if that is truly their mindset. The variance in making the playoffs and winning the SB is pretty broad since 1994 with only one team building and maintaining what is considered a dynasty since then.

I hope our team is the second example of a dynasty, but there are many years ahead to prove it.


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Clearly Riki loved the non cap era and thinks that is the way it should be. He is a dinosaur and will be extinct soon, as will the Niners if that is truly their mindset. The variance in making the playoffs and winning the SB is pretty broad since 1994 with only one team building and maintaining what is considered a dynasty since then.

I hope our team is the second example of a dynasty, but there are many years ahead to prove it.

Yeah, Riki retired before the salary cap era began, so you definitely have to understand that when reading his comments. Good point.