Well-Known Member
no one saying he should not be those things....but the guy is simply far from humble. Saying this for some reason puts Jordan23 over the edge.Ok …
He had a massive ego!!!
What do you think it takes to want to be the best, to prove your the best nite in and nite out in front of millions
He took charge, isn’t that what you want ? There has to be a leader.
He wanted perfection, he just about got it!
I was a Knicks fan, I didn’t follow MJ
But cmon, he backed up who he was! That’s all you should feel about the guy!
I get many people argue what you say just because you said it and not what you actually say) but no need for you to do this as well. Jordan23 has been caught lying and clearly is beyond an MJ lover. No need to make him a hero whose word you trust in an MJ topic no matter what he says.
But you do you.