Lefty 99
You can't run sideways on a kick return. This field position is going to hurt them.
Starting off strong in the second half with #40....

You can't run sideways on a kick return. This field position is going to hurt them.
Ginn fucks up the kick return and now a penalty. Not the start they were looking for. Trying to give the Steelers this one.
Serves him right for heading to the sideline at the 5 yard line on a kickoff.
That was awful there. I can't recall seeing a worse pass.
They let the Steelers right back in the game
Grant definitely led with the crown of his helmet there.
Starting at the 50, an excellent opportuntiy to break the red zone curse.
Davis still can't make a guy miss.
Absolutely terrible. Gotta come up with a better play call than that.
The game will come down to one play that the 49ers either make or don't make. I suppose you can't ask for much more than that with this team.
Close game but it was basically decided when the 49ers failed twice in the red zone early. You can't expect the D to pitch a shutout.
Barely got that. That was a killer. Now a TD wins the game. Offense needs to pull their head out.
Holding on the Niners. Walker is a piece of shit.
Uh oh. First and goal at the 1. That means only a field goal.
I'm gonna be pissed if they can't punch this one in with 4 downs from the 1.
I bet they lose yards on 1st down with Gore.
The worst tackling I've seen from the 49ers this year.
The Steelers just needed to run this two minute offense earlier. The Niners are helpless against it without a pass rush.