Brain dead Hacker
A Win!!!!
It didn't answer any questions or relieve any doubts (Beltran looked better?) but a win is still a win.
Always a good thing to get the milker back and doing her thing

A Win!!!!
OCrap and Keppinger have been in take mode early in their at bats.
I think agiantstep is left over there, too. That board is like the Dead Marshes in the LOTR.
That. Will. Not. Happen.
We have Eljim on board tonight!
Another clue on how the offense is so bad...anyone else getting tired of Kuip or Kruk being happy when a Giants hitter either goes beyond a 3 ball count or hits something semi-hard into an out?
Have we sunk that low?
Casilla doing his best Weez impression...
Kruk and Kuip are Giants employees, and two of the biggest homer announcers there are. That is good and that is bad at times. I think I prefer their rose-colored glasses than not.
However, to hear Ralph and tom go on about how fp swinging is a solid strategy just boggles the mind.
FPOM instead. So fucked up. Huff does that, Ross does that, OC does that. It's literally the stupidest thing you can do in the batters box. YOU TAKE THE FIRST PITCH in that situation ALWAYS.
And it's not just the shitty hitters fault. Bochy needs to take some heat. He needs to BENCH ANYONE who does that the next game and tell him why.
This ..... and then some!
Another interesting aspect of this offense - we also have 240ish hitters that swing 3-0. We need facking base runners. Make them throw strikes! If we were averaging 6 runs a game - then fine - but this team has problems scoring 6 runs in a 3 game series.
Pantshatting aside, seriously, does this team need to be treated like a little league team? Should boch put this kind of restriction on everyone except Panda, Belt and Beltran? they are all failing miserably doing it "their way", so let's try something new.
I think it may be time. Mutiny? Who gives a fuck. You guys are professionals and the season hangs in the balance. Half the position players will be gone next year anyway, so who cares if they get pissed.
Which means Nolan is Sauron and Marcus is Gollum. Not that I was into LOTR or anything.
I think you know the answer to that.