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Game of Thrones


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Fuck that shit.

It's just like that first season of American Horror Story. Why do they always have to make the hot red headed broads actually be crusty old bitches.


Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
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I have to admit, I got more excited after the necklace can't off. Pleasant memories of Mrs. Garrett.


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May 16, 2010
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Interesting first episode. Like most premieres nothing too exciting but a nice table setter.

Looks like Pod's been practising swinging a sword. I can't see it happening but I couldn't help but think how funny it would be if he ends up hooking up with Sansa after all the high born guys she's been married or engaged to.

Was hoping we'd get to see that scene we've been teased with where Davos fights the traitors. Looks like we'll have to wait a bit for that. Really interested to see how things play out with him and Melissandre with Stannis gone. Looks like he might be coming around to putting some faith in her abilities and the Lord of Light.

Starting to think that the burning flayed man we saw in a trailer might be Roose Bolton, which likely means Ramsay will also kill his fat Frey step-mom and unborn half-sibling.

Oberyn Martell's legacy continues to be a disaster. Such a shame since he was one of the best characters ever on the show. Doran was a waste of a potentially great character and a good actor.


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May 16, 2010
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Where was Tristane when the 2 Sand Snakes killed him? It appears he was a prisoner somewhere in Dorne. So Bronn and Jamie just turned around and dropped him off after Myrcella died but never bothered to confront anyone about it? They didn't kill him so they knew it wasn't his fault and they took the trouble to turn around and take him home but never bothered to see him return safely to his father, and instead he ends up captured by his cousins?


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Aug 15, 2014
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Episode #1

Reek takes a bath, or Brienne finally gets to stop saying 'I'm looking for a maid of four and ten...'

Didn't see the Martell thing coming.

C'mon GRRM, get writing ffs.


Superstitious Fan
Aug 11, 2010
Eugene, OR and Lake Tahoe
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Where was Tristane when the 2 Sand Snakes killed him? It appears he was a prisoner somewhere in Dorne. So Bronn and Jamie just turned around and dropped him off after Myrcella died but never bothered to confront anyone about it? They didn't kill him so they knew it wasn't his fault and they took the trouble to turn around and take him home but never bothered to see him return safely to his father, and instead he ends up captured by his cousins?

He was definitely on the ship that took them to Kings Landing. They had a shot of the ship before they cut to Trystane.


The most eubillicant poster.
Aug 5, 2011
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He was definitely on the ship that took them to Kings Landing. They had a shot of the ship before they cut to Trystane.

Yea. I think they just road or took a fast ship up to King's Landing to kill him.


Superstitious Fan
Aug 11, 2010
Eugene, OR and Lake Tahoe
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Didn't see the Dorne thing coming at all, but I dig it (didn't think I'd be saying that). I figured Ellaria was just going to be executed and Trystane was going to take the spotlight for Dorne. NOPE.

Loved the opening sequence at Castle Black. Davos just steals every scene he's in. Can't wait to see Edd return with Tormund Giantsmember, Wun Wun and the gang. Should be a fun early season action set piece.

Honestly got the chills (no pun intended) with new Theon. The moment when he corrals Sansa to exchange body heat was amazing because if you think about it, that was probably the first time since season 1 that anyone has held her like that, or even has been near someone who has cared about her for that matter (I guess season 2 with the Hound, but that was more lust IMO). Sad to think about really. I think this is finally when Sansa comes back with a vengeance. She knows Bran and Rickon are still alive and she's about to find out Brienne came across Arya at some point, so she has something to fight for now.

Dany is truly back, so now she can go forward. I like the quick call back to that theory with her "when the sun rises in the West...." line.

Varys and Tyrion is still awesome. Good.

And, of course, Mel. Wow. I was ready for some bewbage....


but still an awesome sequence that just says so much about where she is at mentally. Maybe she will give her faith one last effort?!


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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Where was Tristane when the 2 Sand Snakes killed him? It appears he was a prisoner somewhere in Dorne. So Bronn and Jamie just turned around and dropped him off after Myrcella died but never bothered to confront anyone about it? They didn't kill him so they knew it wasn't his fault and they took the trouble to turn around and take him home but never bothered to see him return safely to his father, and instead he ends up captured by his cousins?

I don't know man, I guess maybe they explain it later but I doubt it just given how god awful the writing has been for the Dorne part of this show. You're completely right though, Myrcella died before they even got that far out. After last season I couldn't imagine why Jaime wouldn't turn the boat around immediately after Myrcella kicked the bucket and just go to Doran and just say "Hey, your fuckin' sister-in-law just killed my niece". Doran would definitely believe it given his mistrust of Ellaria. Then they just have to throw them in jail like they've already shown they can do. The Sand Snakes are pretty legit fighters, but they wouldn't win against an ass-load of guards plus Areo Hotah.

Speaking of Areo Hotah, damn what a bitch-ass death he got. This is a POV character in the books who got maybe a half hour of screen time. He's also one of the best fighters in all of Westeros. Yet, this is how he goes out. Probably worse than how they butchered Barristan Selmy. You have to wonder why they even bothered casting Hotah as a black guy ( or at all) if they were only going to give him 8 lines and kill him off like this. Similarly, why change the actress who played Myrcella if they just planned on giving her 10 minutes of screen time and then killing her off?

There are some really interesting theories about Doran being behind a Dornish Master Plan. The more complicated aspects of the theory are a bit out there, but the general idea made a lot of sense and some parts were undeniably true. Guess they aren't touching that in the show. Too bad because it's the only thing that could have made Dorne interesting. Killing off the two most interesting characters down there doesn't bode well for the rest of the season.


Superstitious Fan
Aug 11, 2010
Eugene, OR and Lake Tahoe
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I don't know man, I guess maybe they explain it later but I doubt it just given how god awful the writing has been for the Dorne part of this show. You're completely right though, Myrcella died before they even got that far out. After last season I couldn't imagine why Jaime wouldn't turn the boat around immediately after Myrcella kicked the bucket and just go to Doran and just say "Hey, your fuckin' sister-in-law just killed my niece". Doran would definitely believe it given his mistrust of Ellaria. Then they just have to throw them in jail like they've already shown they can do. The Sand Snakes are pretty legit fighters, but they wouldn't win against an ass-load of guards plus Areo Hotah.

Speaking of Areo Hotah, damn what a bitch-ass death he got. This is a POV character in the books who got maybe a half hour of screen time. He's also one of the best fighters in all of Westeros. Yet, this is how he goes out. Probably worse than how they butchered Barristan Selmy. You have to wonder why they even bothered casting Hotah as a black guy ( or at all) if they were only going to give him 8 lines and kill him off like this. Similarly, why change the actress who played Myrcella if they just planned on giving her 10 minutes of screen time and then killing her off?

There are some really interesting theories about Doran being behind a Dornish Master Plan. The more complicated aspects of the theory are a bit out there, but the general idea made a lot of sense and some parts were undeniably true. Guess they aren't touching that in the show. Too bad because it's the only thing that could have made Dorne interesting. Killing off the two most interesting characters down there doesn't bode well for the rest of the season.

When Arianne, Quentyn, and Aegon aren't in the show (who clearly aren't by now), it's really makes Doran's plot pointless. He doesn't have the characters to carry out his "master plan" anyway. I'm actually interested in seeing how this change plays out.

Regarding Hotah; yeah I wish I could've seen Hotah swing that axe at least once, (kinda like how we at least got to see Selmy go down fighting) but he didn't really hold much of a purpose outside of protecting Doran. His storyline was closely tied to Arianne, who doesn't exist in the show, so again his arc is pointless.

One tidbit about Selmy, I don't think they butchered that. Clearly, they merged Tyrion (and Varys) into Selmy's arc to give a more prominent character control of Meereen. We at least got to see him in action and just ended up getting overwhelmed in the end. We don't really know much about Selmy's future in Meereen yet, but again most of the things he was tied to in ADwD just don't exist in the show, so it made more sense to rush Tyrion into the fold to rule instead of a backup character.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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As far as the rest of the episode goes, eh.....it was alright. We didn't get to see the Iron Islands or Brann yet so I'm still looking forward to that. The North was pretty good and is the only part that's really keeping me interested. We all know Davos and crew are going to prepare to fight, and they made it seem like the Wildlings may help them. It would make sense if Thorne and crew get fucked up by Davos and the loyal Night's Watch Members with some assistance from the wildlings, giants, and Ghost. At least, that's what I'd hope. Thorne and Olly are pretty awful characters. Olly is just an unnecessary little douchebag and they've turned Thorne from a somewhat complicated asshole into a completely retarded asshole.

All his talk of "Jon let all these Wildings and giants in" just makes no sense. No, shit head, YOU let them in. Remember when Jon was outside the wall looking to pass through with the majority of the Wildlings? Forget why they were on that side of the wall when they clearly left from Eastwatch By the Sea on the South side. And forget the fact that this makes even less sense when you recall that Jon promised to bring Stannis' ships back and still clearly parked what he had left after Hardhome on the other side of the wall for no reason other than to force a confrontation between himself and Thorne. Forget ALL of that. Why did Thorne let Jon and the wildlings in if he felt they were so dangerous? He was acting Lord Commander at that point, he didn't have to let Jon in. It's Jon and a bunch of destitute wildlings out there. They aren't getting in if he doesn't what them to. Name Jon a traitor there and be done with it. But no. He lets them all in and kills Jon. And now he has to deal with a shit load of angry wildlings. He's a moron, and if the show makes any sense at all I expect Thorne and his crew to get buttfucked next episode. Maybe Mellisandre beats him to death with those saggy tits of hers.

Not much to say about Meereen other than I still don't know why all the slaves that only speak Valyrian are drawing graffiti in the common tongue of Westeros.

King's landing and Arya, again not much to say.

Dany is going to Vaes Dothrak as most of us expected.

Sansa and Theon in the North was good although it came as a surprise to no one that Brienne saved the day. Ms. always in the right place at the right time strikes again. Brienne's a good character and all, but damn if she isn't the luckiest bitch on the planet.

As I thought it's looking like the North and Iron Islands are going to be pretty good. The rest....well at least the writers are on point with their jokes about pussy hair and Varys not having a cock. Good stuff guys, cutting edge material.


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I still have hope for Jon being resurrected.
Aug 15, 2014
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Since giving up on GRRM (I have no intention of reading anything else he writes, if he writes again) I've decided to let HBO finish the story for me. If this opening episode is any indication I'm not real thrilled. Now that we're in new territory, as a recovering martin reader, it felt very rushed and two dimensional without having the knowledge of the books in my pocket. Ugh. Fuck you Martin. You lazy fat fuck. I hope your next shit is square.


Crusader for Truthiness
Aug 30, 2011
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The sandsnakes scenes felt entirely rushed, but I was ok with basically everything else in the episode. The ending with Mel was pretty neat.

I'm bummed they outted Doran and Areo so cheaply. In the books Doran is a schemer playing the long game and is kind of a badass...guess that's not the route the shows going, but I'm cool with it since they are secondary characters at best.


Crusader for Truthiness
Aug 30, 2011
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Where was Tristane when the 2 Sand Snakes killed him? It appears he was a prisoner somewhere in Dorne. So Bronn and Jamie just turned around and dropped him off after Myrcella died but never bothered to confront anyone about it? They didn't kill him so they knew it wasn't his fault and they took the trouble to turn around and take him home but never bothered to see him return safely to his father, and instead he ends up captured by his cousins?

He was still on the boat.


Apr 17, 2013
Detroit area
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The final scene was kinda strange/confusing as it implied Melisandre's necklace was magical and kept her looking youthful... but... in previous seasons, we have seen her naked/without the necklace:


Is this a simple production continuity error, or is something else going on?



Unexpected Member
Jul 19, 2013
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The final scene was kinda strange/confusing as it implied Melisandre's necklace was magical and kept her looking youthful... but... in previous seasons, we have seen her naked/without the necklace:
Is this a simple production continuity error, or is something else going on?

Thought the same thing. My guess now is that she's leeching off royalty/royal blood herself for a long time.

Now that Stannis is dead, she has no more power, just illusion.

And the irony is that now that Davos needs her to use her power, she has nothing left in the tank.