I'd be shocked if she was in more than one scene in this season but it'll be another memorable one which I'm assuming will be on episode 37. There are a lot of things going on in the universe right now and Sansa is just being SansaNot asking for any details or anything, but does sansa ever become a likeable character?? she has been the most boring person in the show...
Basically all her role is, is to see how everyone shits on her, while others pity her and help her...
Not asking for any details or anything, but does sansa ever become a likeable character?? she has been the most boring person in the show...
Basically all her role is, is to see how everyone shits on her, while others pity her and help her...
Little finger seems bound & determined to score with some Stark woman LOL
I forgot her mothers maiden name.You're not wrong but replace "Stark" with another family name and you'd be even more right.
Sansa acted like a annoying teenager in the beginning, but you got to give her credit because she indured a tremendous amount of hell. Lannisters killed her (dad, mom, brother), rub it in her face, was still going to force her to marry Joffrey, he'd have her beaten up in court when things weren't going well with the war in the north, and then still made her marry Tyrion. Joffrey also made it known he planned to r*pe her as side action even after he married the Tyrell woman.
For a girl still in her teen years, she's dealt with a ton of abuse. You still got to give her credit for not killing herself and keeping it mostly together.
I agree with this... But in terms of least entertaining character, she takes the cake.
Sansa acted like a annoying teenager in the beginning, but you got to give her credit because she indured a tremendous amount of hell. Lannisters killed her (dad, mom, brother), rub it in her face, was still going to force her to marry Joffrey, he'd have her beaten up in court when things weren't going well with the war in the north, and then still made her marry Tyrion. Joffrey also made it known he planned to r*pe her as side action even after he married the Tyrell woman.
For a girl still in her teen years, she's dealt with a ton of abuse. You still got to give her credit for not killing herself and keeping it mostly together.
I've got to hand it to the guy that stepped up in Daenerys' ranks to take on the dude on the horse... Probably one of the more badass moments I've seen so far in the show.
Whipping out his wang to piss on the dirt immediately after was cause for applause.
OK, so Jaimie rapes his sister right next to their sons dead body.
"The Hound" mugs a guy for no reason, leaving him penniless.
I like that grandpa is taking the new king under his wing and actually teaching him how to be a proper king. Yeah, he'll be a puppet for a while until he figures stuff out but it's hard to make the bad choices that way.
Love how the blonde woman catapulted shackles into the city for the slaves to put on their masters. Thought that was cool. She can take the city without losing a single life on her side. She's also showing wisdom through her choice of 'champion' as she wasn't going to risk anyone valuable.
No way they kill off the imp.
in the book it was Strong Belwas (a character they cut in the show) and he shit on the rider after
She's been the scapegoat because she was the only Stark the Lannisters could get their hands on. Looking back to when they ordered the execution of her wolf Lady for her sisters supposed crime, I now believe that was major foreshadowing for what Sansa had in store for her.
in the book it was Strong Belwas (a character they cut in the show) and he shit on the rider after
I've found it pretty interesting that so many people (mainly feminists and female media types it seems) are acting so shocked and in horror with the Jaime-Cersei scene. Yeah it was rapey and rough to watch, but c'mon, remember what show we are watching here. There have been a 1/2 dozen worse scenes in the show already.
People are decrying the scene as over-the-top and completely out of place from the book, when actually the only major difference b/t the book and the show scene there is Cersei changes her "no" to "yes" after a struggle at first. Had the show depicted that, it would have been nearly verbatim. The scene is supposed to be disgusting, it was written that way for a reason. Though Jaime has been shown in a bit of a lighter tone recently, he is still the monster that tossed Bran out a window, murdered Ned Starks men in the streets, and murdered his own cousin with his bare hands while imprisoned. The thought that he is also capable of r*pe should come as no surprise.#endrant
Strong Belwas was a character I really enjoyed in the books. Love the few scenes he is in. Always a badass.