You talking about did Tyrion know or did Tywin?Perhaps... but if that's the case, did he know it at the time of his death?
Not cheating, taken. As a subject, she had no choice. Mad King Aerys had been smitten by Lady Joanna for ever. Tywin knew it...and Aerys made many suggestive comments. It is said that on the day of some court festival that Tywin got drunk and Aerys got himself a piece. As they say, 'it is good to be king.'Tywin. I haven't read the speculation of Tyrion's conception, but I assumed it had something to do with his mom cheating on Tywin?
That why the Lannisters went after him?Not cheating, taken. As a subject, she had no choice. Mad King Aerys had been smitten by Lady Joanna for ever. Tywin knew it...and Aerys made many suggestive comments. It is said that on the day of some court festival that Tywin got drunk and Aerys got himself a piece. As they say, 'it is good to be king.'
I think part of the reason they turned on him (on top of Tywin being very calculated and sensing the tide continued to change even after he stepped down as the hand).That why the Lannisters went after him?
well that is going to make a mightly happy Zombie Mountain who will be raping the hell out of her for years to come
Having your tummy cut open, throwing a weasel inside, and sewing you back up would suck a little too...Dragonfire is worse.
Yes, the rumors are that Aerys had his way with Tywin's wife, possibly leading to the conception of Tyrion as half Targ. This is especially telling during the description of Tyrion in the books having similar hair color as the classic Targ look.
However, that wasn't what really turned Tywin against the King, as Tywin was one that would put political power and loyalty (he and Aerys were very good friends) over a lot of personal slight. He sat back and watched as he offered Cersei to Rhaegar in marriage, but the King refused. Then the King took Jamie on as a Kingsguard, which really pissed off Tywin with Jamie being his heir (especially if Tyrion really wasn't his). Tywin then left Kingslanding and returned to Casterly Rock to sit out the upcoming rebellion waiting to see which side to go with for the most political gain (again offering Cersei to Robert to help gain power for his lineage). Aerys seeing his old friend at the gates welcomed the Lannister army in, assuming Tywin was there to protect the King.
I finally finished reading Dances With Dragons (yes I wanted Kevin Costner to make an appearance on the show and be cooked by dragon fire). So are we going to ever see a Winds of Winter book? Looking more and more like Martin is content to bask and profit in the success of the show now.
Too many secret Targs in this story (well, at least in the books). I hope Tyrion isn't the son of Areys. It makes the whole relationship with Tywin less interesting IMO. He's the closest child in the family to Tywin, and unlike Tyrion's brother and sister, he actually paid attention to his father and emulated him. I like it better that Areys just was a terrible person to Tywin over the years (they were actually BFFs as children) by fucking his wife, "stealing" his son, removing him as Hand of the King and that Tywin just waited for his time to get ultimate revenge. I like the fact that Tywin HATES Tyrion because he's the better son than Jaime ever was, despite being a dwarf and "killing" his wife/mother. If he hates him because he's actually a Targ, then that would be boring IMO.
I always wondered if Tywin hates Tyrion because he suspects he could be a Targaryen, or if he suspects he could be a Targaryen because he hates him.
Some think that the twins are actually Targaryens and that Tyrion is actually Tywin's only child. That would be ironic and somewhat amusing, but without Tywin alive to find out it wouldn't mean as much so I hope it's not true.
Someone did and in-depth analysis and the timing just didn't workout for Jaime and Cersei. I would prefer that TBH because Cersei is the fucking Mad Queen 2.0 (in both books and show) and it would be crazy if Jaime and Tyrion both killed their fathers. But it doesn't really makes sense given the timing and the looks. Jaime and Cersei are Lannisters through and through.
From what I recall, the timing for Tyrion was reasonable though, aiding the theories.
The main piece of evidence that I latch onto that he is a Targ is the constant symbolism of "three" with the Targs.
The Targ banner has a dragon with three heads. Danny has three dragons.
In the books...Dany, Jon, and Young Griff.Dany, Jon, and Euron Greyjoy![]()
In the books...Dany, Jon, and Young Griff.
In the books though, Connington was at Kings Landing when the sack of the city was eminent, so he'd know if the child he was delivered was the real deal depending on who gave the baby to him. He fled the city just prior to all the bad shit going down.I know the books and the show are different in a lot of ways, especially the past few seasons. But the show writers know GRRM's end game and plan on ending on a similar note. I think if Young Griff was who he says (thinks?) he is and would eventually become the 3rd head of the dragon, that he would have been on the show since season 5. In theory he could still be brought in, just as Euron was introduced a bit later on the show, but with only 13 more episodes planned I think it would be way too late to introduce a character with that much importance. I'm thinking that he is probably a Blackfyre, but both Griff and Young Griff actually believe that he is who they claim him to be.