I'm baaaaaaack....
Is Yuba ok?
and seattles local affiliate chose to air their local news over the cup final featuring the NHL team only 150 miles away
so much for hockey love in seattle
actually, we have 2 NBC stations, jst. Believe it or not, they are King and Kong. Kong had the game on but I'm lucky here in Tacoma. The city cable provider carries CBC.
Completely worthless, unless you like meth.
Are you in Boston? I always wanted to go there. Live it up!
can't blame local stations for cutting into national televised programing when there are possible tornadoes around. especially this year where tornadoes have been killing people left and right. if there was a possible tornado barring down on my house, i would want to know about it
Northern California is to tornadoes as the Carolinas is to snow. Total over-reaction...But it wasn't a real tornado. Northern California doesn't have real tornadoes. Nothing happened and everyone here knew nothing would happen.
Plus they didn't just break away shortly they cut out halfway through the first and didn't comeback to the game until the second intermission. All this warranted was a quick two minute break from the game and then a scrolling ticker along the bottom of the screen.
I would understand if this were tornado alley but it's Northern California, we're known for our incredibly mild weather.