I like your beard.
@CraigCustance 14s
Told Penguins in the mix for Dan Cleary today as well.
Just about to post this...
Regardless the Pens will be in need of some salary shedding in the coming weeks.
@CraigCustance 14s
Told Penguins in the mix for Dan Cleary today as well.
Shero please make this happen
Haahaha, want him out of town then? Any idea what he'd be looking for $$ wise? The Pens are in need of bottom 6 wingers. I mean, his playoff beard is worth at least $500k.
Haven't heard a peep about Brunner.
Haahaha, want him out of town then? Any idea what he'd be looking for $$ wise? The Pens are in need of bottom 6 wingers. I mean, his playoff beard is worth at least $500k.
Based on some of the deals I could see you guys giving him about 12 mill for 3 years
Sort of surprised Matt Cooke hasn't settled somewhere yet. He's a good player you know...
i honestly don't get all this interest in cleary. he was a solid player a couple years ago, but his body is broken down and beyond repair. anything over 2 years will be a huge mistake