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Four Seasons Loco Coffee and Total Landscaping Talk

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Bloody Brian Burke

#1 CFL Fan!
Jun 28, 2014
West Toronto, BC
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I haven't followed closely enough to see, but have they taken the Latino vote as a whole, or just specifically the Cuban vote?

Miami-Dade - which obviously has a massive Cuban population - seemed to be an outlier from the way they were talking about other highly Latino areas.
As a whole no but I did see one exit poll that showed it down to the 50's% for Biden, which is down from 66% for Clinton and 71% for Obama in 12. There were people on twitter already "ejecting" Latinos from minority classification lol.

At worst, they're making inroads in that community as that community starts to prosper on a larger scale and, to at least some extent, starts to consider their religion when voting.

One county they kept going on about in conservative circles was Zapata County, Texas, which is apparently one of the most Latino counties in America. It went from 71% Obama, to 65% Clinton to 52% Trump.


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Sums it up for Fox ratings:

CNN was noticeably conservative with calling states and it is the exact opposite for them.
They know they have to now defend Biden 24x7 and it will kill ratings whereas Fox will keep their ratings knowing all their viewers hate Biden.


Stance: Goofy
Apr 19, 2010
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As a whole no but I did see one exit poll that showed it down to the 50's% for Biden, which is down from 66% for Clinton and 71% for Obama in 12. There were people on twitter already "ejecting" Latinos from minority classification lol.

At worst, they're making inroads in that community as that community starts to prosper on a larger scale and, to at least some extent, starts to consider their religion when voting.

One county they kept going on about in conservative circles was Zapata County, Texas, which is apparently one of the most Latino counties in America. It went from 71% Obama, to 65% Clinton to 52% Trump.
Apparently there was a pretty big misinformation campaign aimed at Cuban voters, essentially aligning Biden with Castro.

Kind of like how Brexit turned because old people in the midlands believed lies about their healthcare printed on the sides of buses. Lie to enough people and you can get over the top.

CNN was noticeably conservative with calling states and it is the exact opposite for them.
They know they have to now defend Biden 24x7 and it will kill ratings whereas Fox will keep their ratings knowing all their viewers hate Biden.
They need that boogeyman to keep people scared and tuned in to learn who to be afraid of.

Republicans will never overturn Roe V Wade because if they did, they would never be able to scare people about it. "Darn it all, we tried again and failed. We need you to donate to us so we can keep doing God's work for you!" AKA the Falwell model.


Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Apr 20, 2010
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Sums it up for Fox ratings:

CNN was noticeably conservative with calling states and it is the exact opposite for them.
They know they have to now defend Biden 24x7 and it will kill ratings whereas Fox will keep their ratings knowing all their viewers hate Biden.


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walter superbowl at jeff dunhams house GIF by Jeff Dunham
- Every time Biden talks this is all I think of.

Bloody Brian Burke

#1 CFL Fan!
Jun 28, 2014
West Toronto, BC
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Looking at some states that are 100% counted and their pre-Tuesday polling and I think its unignorable that one of these three is definitely true:
1) there's definitely a shy Trump/Republican poll respondent and they exist in large numbers
2) Pollsters suck at their jobs

Some Wisconsin (>1%) polls:
CNBC: Biden +8
Reuters: Biden +10
NYT: Biden +11
CNN: Biden +8

Michigan (1.2%) polls:
CNBC: Biden +7
Reuters: Biden +10
NYT: Biden +8
CNN: Biden +12

Florida (3.5%) polls:
CNBC: Biden +3
Reuters: Biden +4
NYT: Biden +3
CNN: Biden +4

That's a terrible record.


Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Apr 20, 2010
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walter superbowl at jeff dunhams house GIF by Jeff Dunham
- Every time Biden talks this is all I think of.
I spent a lot of yesterday with my dad ... he calls trump > dump and biden > bidon (pronounced BEE-don ... which is the northern italian word for trash can) and i cant get Bee-don out of my head now lmao


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There's a lot of good stuff in that post Dave and I agree with a lot of what you're saying. There is a lot of work to do to repair the fractures in the States (and in Canada as well) but it's clear that Trump isn't interested in trying to fix what's broken (for that matter, I don't think Trudeau is either). At the end of the day, I think all you can do is look at the past four years under Trump and think "do I really want four more years of him as President?" Apparently, 65+ million people do which I find quite depressing (but that's just me).

It isn't gloating and it is not bashing the "other side" and stated "we won" never was about that. It is more relief knowing there is a possibility that the leader of the free world won't sit around and promote inane conspiracy theories. That is dangerous beyond belief and that really triggered the worst out of way too many people.

This election had major consequences for me. My 16 year old daughter recently came out publically to us, her friends and other family members. My wife, older sons and I all knew so it wasn't any surprise (nor should it be) but this is why I highlighted the comment above and highly agree with. I have family members who are part of the 65 million people that disowned their niece because of her sexual orientation, it just breaks my heart. On top those 65 million voters voted to promote the ideas to limit her rights as she becomes an adult and future voter. So for me yes it is personal and true "life will go on" but without change I am truly scared what the future for her would be.


Unreliable Narrator.
Apr 21, 2010
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Now I remember why I ignore this thread. We had an election and Biden won. Life goes on, just like it did 4 years ago when Trump won. And 8 and 12 years ago when Obama won. I skimmed through some of the posts here made over the last few days, and sorry to say that the posts reflect American society as a whole. This country is deeply divided and NO ONE on either side of the aisle is remotely interested in changing that.

Extremists on both sides are the same and act the same. Both sides would engage in violence if their side lost. This phony superiority complex that "my side is better" is a crock, always has been. And its true on both sides of the 49th parallel.

Its a sad indictment of society today that people including most on this site truly believe their side is "good people" and the other side is "bad people". Anyone who voted and did so in a rational thoughtful way is good people to me. And many of them did not vote the way I did. It used to be true that reasonable people could disagree. That is the great loss of the 21st century. Not an election.

Diogenes searched in vain for an honest man. I will go forward seeking reasonable men. Bless you all, and good luck during the next hockey season.
I really would have agreed with most of this 8 years ago but things have changed. Among other things the Trumps and Palins really brought an end of civility between the two parties.

In the past I have voted for candidates from both parties and pretty much before the stupid Iraq invasion I never thought one side was good and the other one bad. No I'm much more conflicted. Racists/bigots are not good people. Trying to take healthcare from people without a replacement is not good. Not providing much Covid aid forcing people to risk their health or lose their homes while funneling aid companies that are doing well is not good.
Narcissists/sociopaths are not good leaders and can be dangerous ones. This administration is not filled with good people. A large portion of its cultlike base are not good people. Trickle down doesn't work.

For the first time ever in the booth after I dropped my pants I voted for all democrats regardless. This administration's republican enablers do not deserve my voting consideration.

I don't think the democrats are boyscouts but I do think at this point they are not nearly as awful as the Republicans. I don't like to feel this way but I do, and I don't think I am wrong.


Stance: Goofy
Apr 19, 2010
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James Carville (I know, I can't stand him either - but he does seem to have good info) says that he knows Biden will win PA by 150K. Aligns with certain reports.

He also says that they will flip a Senate seat in Alaska. Says there's an outside chance that Biden will win there too.

I really want that to be true.


Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Apr 20, 2010
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Apparently there was a pretty big misinformation campaign aimed at Cuban voters, essentially aligning Biden with Castro.

yep ... bidens a socialist... was revealed on hunters laptop

latinx is a pretty diverse group in itself and probably shouldnt be lumped in as one solo group (rapists?) ... maybe some were closer to the kids in cages geographically :noidea:



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It isn't gloating and it is not bashing the "other side" and stated "we won" never was about that. It is more relief knowing there is a possibility that the leader of the free world won't sit around and promote inane conspiracy theories. That is dangerous beyond belief and that really triggered the worst out of way too many people.

This election had major consequences for me. My 16 year old daughter recently came out publically to us, her friends and other family members. My wife, older sons and I all knew so it wasn't any surprise (nor should it be) but this is why I highlighted the comment above and highly agree with. I have family members who are part of the 65 million people that disowned their niece because of her sexual orientation, it just breaks my heart. On top those 65 million voters voted to promote the ideas to limit her rights as she becomes an adult and future voter. So for me yes it is personal and true "life will go on" but without change I am truly scared what the future for her would be.
The shoe that drops for me is the inane, constant tweeting like a mean girl. Corruption and alternative facts, combined with constant lying. I am so sick of waking up every day and wondering what person that asshole was going to disparage because he's a egotistical, self centered jackass only looking out for himself and they didn't make shit up to fit his mythical narrative. Fuck trump and I can't believe there are humans breathing that think he did anything good for this country. Divisive pussy who can't own anything he ever does or fucks up.
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