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Welcome to the Washington Redskins forum @ SportsHoopla . com
To make your life easier as a fan of this team we have created a page of Redskins Resources
We would like you to be aware of a few guidelines:
1. Be respectful. Most of the posters here have been together for upwards of 10 years.- If you are a wanderer, please keep that in mind.
3. Before starting a new thread take a moment to see if a similar thread has already been created.
4. We have an Off Topic Lounge for topics unrelated to the Washington Redskins.
- You can also check out Other Forums at the hoop
6. Language. We are all adults (or should be, according to TOS). Adult language is allowed.
- Do not use vulgar language to insult people as this will be considered personal
- I have no desire to police insults anymore but I will ban you if it gets out of hand and I will determine what is and isnt period
- Starting incendiary/critical threads.
- Engaging in flaming.
- Attacking, stalking or trolling.
- Bumping old threads to force currently relevant ones down the board
- No thread hijacking will be tolerated
- If you’d like to do that, try the NFL General Board
- We have a Smack Talk Thread , USE IT.
- There you can troll, name call, whine, piss & moan to your hearts content without repercussions.
- If you carry it over to another thread then all bets are off.
8. SportsHoopla Rules & TOS still applies.
9) The moderator is the arbitrator of this forum. Undercutting the authority of the moderator will not be tolerated . You can disagree with the moderators opinions and are free to express those opinions in a respectful manner as would be required of anyone . Administrative action will only take place when guidelines of this forum are violated not because you disagree with a moderators opinion .

We welcome all users to post on this forum who can follow these guidelines.
Violators of these guidelines may have their posts deleted or receive warnings (usually via pm). They may be asked not to post in the forum again, or have their access restricted so they can’t view the forum. Banning, temporary or otherwise, may be considered as an option, as well.
If you can not live with these guidelines then please post elsewhere !
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