Here's my problem with all of this. After you have other coaches (Williams, Boeheim, etc.) continuously say, "I didn't know", how is that still an excuse?
Let's just play this out for the sake of argument. If I'm a coach and I see everything going on at these other universities that the HC "didn't know about", how does a coach not protect himself? Aside from the fact that apparently all of these assistants (etc.) are doing all of this highly immoral, unethical, and illegal shit behind HC's back, how would HC not make sure that this shit isn't going on in his program? If I'm HC, and I see all of this shit happening without other HCs knowing, I pull everyone associated with the program in and no one leaves until I know everything that is happening in my program, so that this doesn't happen to me. That is, if I didn't know.
And again, how does the most important, highest paid, and most influential person in the entire city (often times), not know what is going on right under his nose? How do these HCs control so much, and have no idea what's going on right in front of them?
All of this shit just doesn't fly with me. Knowing, to me, doesn't change the punishment. If you really have no idea that this shit is happening with your players and your program, then you are such a piece of shit manager of your personnel and program, that it's amazing that you got this far (again, if none of these HCs know).
How are all of these assistants constantly conspiring against HC for years to better the program in ways that HC is oblivious to? And with thousands of dollars covering this, then books are being cooked, which involves more than just assistants.
I'm just not buying any of this shit. I just cannot believe that all of these things are happening at these programs for years and years and years, and HC just has no idea. How are they so isolated from 15 players per year (current and recruit) when it's his overwhelming responsibility to be accountable for them? I can completely understand if a player goes to a party some night and gets drunk and into a fight. I get that HC cannot be there for absolutely every second of a player's time at the university. But when these systematic occurrences go on for years on so many of the players, and by so many assistants, how the fuck could you not know? All of these assistants are willing to completely destroy their own professional lives and careers in these scandals for HC, and yet in order to isolate him from the backlash, they don't tell him?
So an assistant tells others, "Hey guys, I have an idea. All of us are going to bring strippers and prostitutes in for the recruits. We are going to set everything up; run it, pay for it, film it, and control it for years. HC will never know so he doesn't get in trouble. But we are going to put our professional lives on the line for something that he will never know that we did for him, unless it all blows up."
And all the assistants at these multiple schools are just signing up for this? Jesus, if HCs have no idea that entire degree programs are set up for their players, boosters are buying players, assistants are throwing fuck parties for recruits, then WTF do they know? They honestly don't see giving a single fuck about what happens to their players outside of the gym, as important, even as all of these situation unfold all across the nation? When the NCAA loves to hand out "Lack of institutional control" penalties over and over, and the HC still can't look up from his desk, or open his eyes when he leaves the gym?
How the fuck can these coaches keep claiming plausible deniability and expect that to fly? And if they do know, how the fuck to they think "I didn't know" is going to at all work? Which is worse, that you are lying by saying that you didn't know, or that you have such little control over your program (of 15 fucking guys) that you have no idea when something of this magnitude happens for years?
Hahaha, how are all of these assistants so fucking skillful in racketeering? Are they ex-capos or some shit?
One shining moment......
I will give you an analogy Cats. I also gave this advice to my daughters. If you are riding along in a car with your friends and are stopped for speeding and the cop asks you to step out of the car. Then he searches it. He looks in the glove box and finds cocaine, who is guilty? The car owner is guilty no matter what, but don't they also arrest the passengers? In fact, everyone is guilty and arrested in this case and it's up to everyone who is a passenger to prove why they're not.
Pitino is in some serious trouble here. Either way, he's tarnished along with HIS program regardless.
It's in Kentucky for crying out loud. If it's under 250 pounds it's considered skinny.Dang these bitches are FUGLY!!!!!! Standards in Louisville must not be that high
I guess OD had sex with strippers paid for by the school in the dorms back in the day. LolSounds like college.