I thought growing old would take longer
I would love to see Lavy come out and play the 1-3-1 in the third, that would be some funny shit.
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I would love to see Lavy come out and play the 1-3-1 in the third, that would be some funny shit.
checking in to crash the party.
You missed all the fun already
Downie's ears ahve to be ringing lol. good heart though.
Downie must have GIANT balls.
He takes 3 solid uppercuts and refuses to even drop. Mad props. Still very stupid to fight a 6'5" guy when you are 5'11"
I'm just glad my birthday is on a Monday this year. Center ice tickets, 8 rows from the glass are "only" $170 (against the Maple Laughs). The same seats 2 days earlier are almost $400!!!! No wonder families can't afford to take their kids to the games!!!!!!!!
Isn't he legally deaf in one of his ears?
These commentators are stupid. Did I hear him correctly? "I think there should be an additional penalty for taking the helmet off..." I swear to god I heard him say that.