Mr. Knowitall
You're actually watching ESPN? a moron
You're actually watching ESPN?![]()
My analogies of other sports weren't intended to be perfect and if anyone thinks they were they missed the point. I'm simply stating the the onus needs to be on the team/player that has possession whether they like what the other team is doing or not, so long as that other team is doing nothing illegal. Former referee Kerry Fraser and the NHL rulebook seem to agree:
Fraser: The correct assessment of the Lightning-Flyers situation
Then the rules need to be changed. What about when a team killing a penalty plays the puck backwards from their offensive zone to their defensive zone? Isn't that against rule 72? What about when a team holds the puck behind their net while waiting for a line change to complete? I've seen that last longer than ten seconds. And finally, as I stated in my last post - hockey is the sport where the defense is MOST able to recover possession and force plays to occur. I'm not saying I want to watch a game where a team sits in their own d zone for ten minutes at a time. But don't act like the Bolts can't do anything about it. They can choose to attempt to recover possession.
And as for other sports. In football, a very common strategy is to run out the clock by intentionally downing the ball behind the line of scrimmage. Also, if the defense drops eleven guys into coverage, then the offense can take an entire quarter in one play. You won't see that happen, because it would be absolutely moronic to allow free territory gain except in very specific scenarios, but it's legal in football. In baseball, the onus is actually on the defense to start the play by the pitcher delivering a hittable ball (in the form of a strike). In basketball you are correct, the offense must advance and attempt to score, but keep in mind it's much easier to maintain possession in basketball than it is in hockey. They need to force the action because otherwise the game stalls out too easily.
Now after reading this, you might think I have no problem with teams not playing into the trap. That's not true. I don't want to see teams hold the puck in their zone for minutes at a time. But the only change that I feel needs to be made is that if a team holds the puck in their own defensive end for more than x seconds at a time without any serious attempt to recover possession by the defenders, the play is blown dead and a faceoff is held at center ice. My reasoning is this: neither team is forcing the action, so neither team should get any advantage. Why do the trappers get an offensive zone faceoff when they were never in the offensive zone to begin with? And you certainly wouldn't put it in the other offensive zone, as the other team might not have gotten it that far had they advanced it. They very reasonably could have made center ice though. Plus a faceoff at center relieves the problem by forcing the team that loses the draw to defend when the attackers have gained center. I think this is a fair solution to improve the quality of the game while not granting advantages to teams who aren't forcing play on either side.
(That said, the day the trap goes out of vogue cannot come fast enough!)
And again, I'm saying that while that is the correct interpretation of the rules as they stand, we should change them. You don't think that the possessing team can make it out to center ice? Given that the trapping team has nobody in the zone with the puck, the very laws of physics dictate that it is impossible to turn the puck over prior to it exiting the zone.
Unless of course it is Matt Carle with the puck, then fucking anything is possible.
And by leaving the faceoff in the zone, you give the trapping team an advantage. You are giving them an incentive to trap, which we do not want. By putting it in the neutral zone, you both lessen this incentive to trap, and you end up with a confrontation at center ice, which IS THE VERY THING THE TRAPPING TEAM WAS LOOKING FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE.
And by leaving the faceoff in the zone, you give the trapping team an advantage. You are giving them an incentive to trap, which we do not want.
And I agree that having the face-off inside the blue line puts the trapping team in a better situation. But its an advantage that the other team would willingly allow to happen. I can't blame Philly too much for this instance because it was a bit of an obscure rule, but it's not so obscure now. Going forward I would say that it would be the team's own stupid fault if they give this advantage to their opponents. And by giving them this advantage the team with the puck is discouraged from just standing there in their own zone doing nothing. I'm pretty sure we want that far less than we want teams trapping.
But you are also giving them an advantage if you play into a 1-3-1 trap. 2-2-1 traps can be beaten easily, though the Devils used to own us with it.
A 1-3-1 is a whole different ballgame because it completely loads up the neutral zone and then has a guy sit wayyyyy back ready for a dump and chase. Not as easy to beat.
If a 1-3-1 is allowed, then what the flyers did was allowed. Like I said in my last post, I do not want any more rule changes, but I also don't want refs just taking the game into their own hands and making up rules on the fly.
This is exactly my argument. Look, I do not want to change the rules. If teams want to trap, let them trap. If teams want to exploit the trap by not giving into it, that is also fine.
What pisses me off is the refs lowing the play dead the very a player stops moving the puck. Yes it has to stay in motion, but at one point in that game our players was doing circles, moving the puck, but the second it stopped moving it was whistled dead and a faceoff was in our zone. They need to allow more time before they blew the play dead, and I believe they were talked to possibly during last game because they were indeed wrong.
IMO, it's wrong to penalize one team for using their strategy but not the other. If the guy with the puck is forced to move, the other team should be forced to forecheck. Or are we taking forechecking out of the game now? Other than the first whistle, the Flyers kept the puck moving.
Rule 72 - Refusing to Play the Puck
72.1 Refusing or Abstaining from Playing the Puck - The purpose of this section is to enforce continuous action and both Referees and Linesmen should interpret and apply the rule to produce this result.
Sounds like Tampa was breaking the rule also. If they're just sitting back, they're not playing the puck, correct?
According to Fraser, it applies to the team with possession. And teams can forecheck as much as they want. They can also forecheck as little as they want. And how come nobody wanted to penalize Tampa for their strategy before this but only when another team does something like this to "counter" it? People can ask for a rule change all they want but in the meantime it was called properly, if anything it might have been allowed to go on too long before being blown dead.
There is no unfair advantage of the 1-3-1 setup. Are other teams not allowed to try to stop them using whatever legal methods they see fit? Are they supposed to make it easy for them? If it's that tough to beat then I guess it's a good coaching strategy for as long as it remains legal, and I guess they'd be wise to start using it themselves. Then again, it can be beat as shown many times in the past. It just may not be that easy.
Also we seem to be going in circles here, but as mentioned earlier they didn't make any rules up on the fly. Someone suggested a change in the rules may be necessary to which I don't necessarily agree nor disagree either way. But as the rules are right now, the faceoff was held where it should have been.
For the record, I don't think the other side of this debate is completely unreasonable at all. In fact as I mentioned that's how I felt at 1st but the more I think about it, the more I realize the refs did indeed get it right and the more I am happy with the current rules being what they are.