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Final Grade


Goodell is a polesmoker
Aug 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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But we do have a lot of depth on the DL. What I wanted was another possible superstar like Donald or a great 1 tech. Remember we are getting back Crawford and Bass in addition to the two FAs. This is a big assumption, but lets assume Melton and Spencer get healthy and Lawrence becomes the pass rusher the team obviously sees in him. Our Nickel pass rush DL is Spencer, Crawford, Melton, Lawrence. That doesn't even include Selvie who did OK at getting to the QB last year. That could be pretty good. Then Rotating in on early downs we have Hayden, McClain, Mincey and Bass. Thats 9 guys. I think Bass is going to be a similar impact player as Crawford. I think he will get to the QB a little and also play the run well. Was really disappointed when they both got hurt last year. We aren't going to have the best DL in the league, but we could be good and we will be better than last year.

Crawford and Bass really have proved nothing.

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
Hoopla Cash
$ 1.36
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Unlike you EVER Cowboy player is "my guy". That is what it means to be a FAN, not piss a fit when you don't get players YOU want. Do you really think the Cowboys Organization give a FUCK who you wanted them to get :laugh3: If so you need not be a FAN of any team cause you will always be in Whiny BITCH mode :scratch: I will give you a few more days to get it out of your system because I know the bleeding usually last 7 days :L.


No, that's Bullshit Dude. Being pissed when you believe Jerry is fucking up ANOTHER draft doesn't make you any less of a FAN. Everyone who's pissed about the draft will be watching every play this fall and rooting their ass off for the team. I've said I hope I'm wrong about Lawrence. He is a 251 LB end only who runs 4.8. He's gonna get run over in the run game. As to his pass rush ability, we'll find out soon enough. It'll be interesting to see how he fairs in training camp. He didn't face many LT's like Tyron Smith at Northern Idaho Tech and Southern Montana State. I think he's gonna get ragdolled


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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By the looks of the way we drafted, I have to believe since we didnt get Donald and then didnt wait for Jernigan or Nix, Sutton, Ellis- that DT was something the team thought was a low priority.

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
Hoopla Cash
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He can't they banned him from their board...... That's the only reason he post on this one.

and what has he done all weekend ..... went at any and everyone that was against the 2nd round pick.

It's not just me and you .... He's tried to stir up shit with several guys ...... That's all he's ever been about

That's what I don't get.... we think that trading up in the 2nd for a situational guy is a terrible move, so we aren't fans? I guess the only way you can be a true fan is to stand and cheer everything Jerry does :L


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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By the looks of the way we drafted, I have to believe since we didnt get Donald and then didnt wait for Jernigan or Nix, Sutton, Ellis- that DT was something the team thought was a low priority.

I think they got this notion of needing an RDE in their head and had tunnel vision towards ensuring they got it. All I read about the two days before the draft on twitter was how they were looking RDE. All I heard about in the Lawrence press conference was how they wanted and got an RDE. We just aren't talented enough to draft that way. Again I like the player and am glad to have him, but I think our mentality going into the draft that way was stupid. It was clear we went perceived need over just taking the BPA and that is usually a dumb way to draft.


We Dem Boyz!
Jul 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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How about you go and hang out with the rest of the Skins fans on the Skins board

How bout you take your whiny ass to another team since you have such a problem with the decision they make. I GUARANTEE YOU WON'T BE MISSED!!


UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
Hoopla Cash
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By the looks of the way we drafted, I have to believe since we didnt get Donald and then didnt wait for Jernigan or Nix, Sutton, Ellis- that DT was something the team thought was a low priority.

That's the real headscratcher to me about the trade. I'm guessing Rod told Jerry he can coach up the guys they have. I think Crawford slides into Hatcher's old spot, and we start Selvie, Crawford, Melton and Spencer, with Lawrence as their 3rd round pass rusher. That's not exactly Long, Brockers, Donald and Quinn....

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
Hoopla Cash
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I think they got this notion of needing an RDE in their head and had tunnel vision towards ensuring they got it. All I read about the two days before the draft on twitter was how they were looking RDE. All I heard about in the Lawrence press conference was how they wanted and got an RDE. We just aren't talented enough to draft that way. Again I like the player and am glad to have him, but I think our mentality going into the draft that way was stupid. It was clear we went perceived need over just taking the BPA and that is usually a dumb way to draft.


UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
Hoopla Cash
$ 1.36
Fav. Team #1
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How bout you take your whiny ass to another team since you have such a problem with the decision they make. I GUARANTEE YOU WON'T BE MISSED!!


How about you go fuck yourself Troll. Or better yet, go back to bending over for Jerry


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I flat out gave us a Z

I like Martin .... but think that he is more of a pick for the future. As in we will have what should be one of if not the best left sides in football for maybe a decade.

Don't like the 2nd round pick. We needed a defensive 3 down player. Not a guy that is a 3rd down pass rusher.
Losing the 3rd pick in this draft was just stupid.
Didn't like the Lber pick .... think there were still starters left on the board. Rather than special team help that we took.
We take a receiver every draft so wasn't surprised there .... Again think we could have helped the defense with that pick and we didn't

No need to raate the 7th round picks or UDFA ..... most are unlikely t make the team anyway

In short for a defense that was worst in the league ... that has been injury plagued for the past 2 years.... and has question with the health of 3 D-linemen we didn't nothing to add depth or rotation. Nor did we do anything to address the secondary

For what was the deepest most talented draft in my lifetime ... we came out with one everydown starter ... and that was on offense
If not for Martin this draft would be worse than 2009

I hope your wrong, but I am also not happy going into the season with this defense.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think they got this notion of needing an RDE in their head and had tunnel vision towards ensuring they got it. All I read about the two days before the draft on twitter was how they were looking RDE. All I heard about in the Lawrence press conference was how they wanted and got an RDE. We just aren't talented enough to draft that way. Again I like the player and am glad to have him, but I think our mentality going into the draft that way was stupid. It was clear we went perceived need over just taking the BPA and that is usually a dumb way to draft.

By taking Martin, I do think the 1rst pick was about BPA. I think Martin will prove to be better than the 2 safeties . With that being said, if we went by our board and took the BPA- we would have Manzeil. Of course that is JJ speak, so who knows

UK Cowboy

Happy Father's Day T-Roy
Aug 9, 2013
Longview, Texas
Hoopla Cash
$ 1.36
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By taking Martin, I do think the 1rst pick was about BPA. I think Martin will prove to be better than the 2 safeties . With that being said, if we went by our board and took the BPA- we would have Manzeil. Of course that is JJ speak, so who knows

If we were going BPA, I want to know how our scouting department had Anthony Hitchens the BPA in the middle of the 4th round....


New Member
Jul 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I hope your wrong, but I am also not happy going into the season with this defense.

and I'm not one ( like someone else on here) that loves certain players more than the team.

How dumb do all the guys that loved Owen's becoming a Cowboy look these few years later?

Did it win us a Superbowl? Nope
Did it cost us Parcels? Yup
Did it cost us the Wade era followed by the Garrett era which has been 3 straight 8-8 seasons ... It sure did.
Jerry's offseason SPLASH moves have always hurt this team.
From Galloway costing us 2 first rounds ..... To Williams costing us 2 first rounders.... To Owens costing us a coach and IMO a Superbowl with the most talented team the Cowboys have had since the 90s

So no I don't see this years SPLASH move as working out either..... And it will likely cost this coaching staff their jobs.
History repeats itself again is my prediction


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If we were going BPA, I want to know how our scouting department had Anthony Hitchens the BPA in the middle of the 4th round....

This is definitely a scouting department pick. I cant believe JJ would be watching too much Iowa football.

Im hoping this pick is kind of like that girl in high school that has never had a boyfriend, but there is just something about her that makes you attracted to her. You end up asking her out and then everyone begins to like her.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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and I'm not one ( like someone else on here) that loves certain players more than the team.

If this is referring to me liking Owens then so be it. I thought he was a really good football player. I made that screen name in 2006. I never loved Owens though. I didnt lose any sleep when we cut him.