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Eagles win NFC East (?)...


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You didn’t make any arguments about any of those teams. You just spouted some cherry picked stats.

You’re WRONG about the giants. They have WON two SB titles (funny when other teams win its “magical” but when the eagles win it’s not “magical”) but they also went to another SB and lost. So during this time frame they have BEEN to 3 SBs and WON two of them. That’s certainly much better than the Eagles.

Care to try again ?

We are talking about who are the top organizations since 2000 and me saying the Eagles are top 5 in wins and top 5 in playoff wins is “cherry picked stats”? You’re a trip dude


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Jul 21, 2019
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I “argue” that these organizations have been better than the eagles.

Green Bay

Some of them you already agree with. Explain to me why the eagles have been better than the other ones during that time frame.

Colts made it to 4 conference championship games, 2 Super Bowls, won 1 and then watched their QB go to another team win a Super Bowl while their replacement QB retired young a week before the season. 13 total playoff appearances in the past two decades.

Broncos have made it to three conference championship games, 2 Super Bowls, won 1 of them but all of their success over the past two decades have been confined to two fairly small windows with a lot of middling late year Shannahan seasons or bad post-Peyton seasons. 9 total playoff appearances in the past two decades.

Rams have been completely dog shit for most of the past two decades outside of the post Super Bowl win greatest show on turf years (99 the Super Bowl win does not fall in the past two decade seasons of 00-19)and two McVay years where they got embarrassed in the Super Bowl. 6 total playoff appearances in the past two decades.

Packers have been to 4 conference championship games, 1 Super Bowl which they won but mostly the past two decades are going to represent how Rodgers was wasted by Mike McCarthy. 14 total playoff appearances in the past two decades (including this year)

Again, compared to the Eagles of the past two decades they have made it to 6 conference championship games, two Super Bowls, winning 1 of them. 12 total playoff appearances (will be 13 total if they beat the Giants Sunday).

So let's say we create a point system here for success: 1 Super Bowl win = 4 points. 1 Super Bowl appearance = 3 points, 1 Conference Championship Game appearance = 2 points, & 1 playoff appearance = 1 point. Based on this very simple formula you have:

Patriots 93 points
Steelers 41 points
Eagles 34 points (35 points if they beat Giants and make playoffs Sunday)
Ravens 33 points
Seahawks 31 points
Colts 31 points
Giants 31 points
Packers 29 points
Broncos 25 points
Rams 16 points
Cowboys 7 points


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2019
Hoopla Cash
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Or you can come up with another point value system that throws more weight towards Super Bowl wins and we can see how it shakes out.


10 points per Super Bowl win
6 points per Super Bowl appearance
4 points per Conference Championship Game appearance
2 points per playoff win/first round bye
1 point per playoff appearance

Maybe then it will shift a teams like the Ravens and Giants who won multiple Super Bowls above the Eagles but it wouldn't shift any of the other teams up above the Eagles that you said were more successful over the past two decades like the Broncos.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
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*We are top 5 in playoff wins
*We are top 5 in regular season wins
*We landed a SB and made the NFC championship 6 times (about once every 3 years and that’s really good)

The easiest one is the Giants. They had 2 magical runs beating a dynasty twice but they have been really bad several seasons. We have a lot more wins and a lot more playoff wins.



I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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Well I gave you two and if it was “months before” then it couldn’t be “moving the goalposts”. Do you even read what you write. You just completely contradicted yourself and proven goalposts weren’t moved with your own words.
Jesus I hate that platitude.

Post them again and I'll post where you originally had the goal posts planted.


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Post them again and I'll post where you originally had the goal posts planted.

go look at your tags. Because I didn’t mention every angle in my very first post doesn’t mean “goalposts were moved”. And again... that saying is so completely fucking stupid and over used incorrectly here DAILY


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Colts made it to 4 conference championship games, 2 Super Bowls, won 1 and then watched their QB go to another team win a Super Bowl while their replacement QB retired young a week before the season. 13 total playoff appearances in the past two decades.

Broncos have made it to three conference championship games, 2 Super Bowls, won 1 of them but all of their success over the past two decades have been confined to two fairly small windows with a lot of middling late year Shannahan seasons or bad post-Peyton seasons. 9 total playoff appearances in the past two decades.

Rams have been completely dog shit for most of the past two decades outside of the post Super Bowl win greatest show on turf years (99 the Super Bowl win does not fall in the past two decade seasons of 00-19)and two McVay years where they got embarrassed in the Super Bowl. 6 total playoff appearances in the past two decades.

Packers have been to 4 conference championship games, 1 Super Bowl which they won but mostly the past two decades are going to represent how Rodgers was wasted by Mike McCarthy. 14 total playoff appearances in the past two decades (including this year)

Again, compared to the Eagles of the past two decades they have made it to 6 conference championship games, two Super Bowls, winning 1 of them. 12 total playoff appearances (will be 13 total if they beat the Giants Sunday).

So let's say we create a point system here for success: 1 Super Bowl win = 4 points. 1 Super Bowl appearance = 3 points, 1 Conference Championship Game appearance = 2 points, & 1 playoff appearance = 1 point. Based on this very simple formula you have:

Patriots 93 points
Steelers 41 points
Eagles 34 points (35 points if they beat Giants and make playoffs Sunday)
Ravens 33 points
Seahawks 31 points
Colts 31 points
Giants 31 points
Packers 29 points
Broncos 25 points
Rams 16 points
Cowboys 7 points

very insightful as to how you define “success”. So going to conference championships and winning playoff games is the best barometer for “success”?


No. Success is defined by a LOT of things. There is no one stat that is controlling. However, the overriding stat that IS controlling is CHAMPIONSHIPS. First SB championships and then Conference championships (is going to the SB and losing).

The giants beat the eagles in BOTH of those categories. Are you really going to tell us that you’d rather win one SB and PLAY in more conference championship games than WIN TWO SBs? Bwhahaha.

another liar exposed


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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very insightful as to how you define “success”. So going to conference championships and winning playoff games is the best barometer for “success”?


No. Success is defined by a LOT of things. There is no one stat that is controlling. However, the overriding stat that IS controlling is CHAMPIONSHIPS. First SB championships and then Conference championships (is going to the SB and losing).

The giants beat the eagles in BOTH of those categories. Are you really going to tell us that you’d rather win one SB and PLAY in more conference championship games than WIN TWO SBs? Bwhahaha.

another liar exposed

One, he isn’t lying.
Two, he hasn’t been exposed.
Three, One season doesn’t negate almost two decades.

Yes, anyone would want 2 SBs over 1. But that doesn’t mean they have been a better team since 2000.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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We are talking about who are the top organizations since 2000 and me saying the Eagles are top 5 in wins and top 5 in playoff wins is “cherry picked stats”? You’re a trip dude

so now it’s clear. You are going to define “success” as those two stats? That’s what you do. You cherry pick one fact/stat (to the exclusion of others) and then ride it ALL the way. It’s the centers nonsense all over again. The fact there is high draft choice. Here it’s playoff wins. So are you really going to argue that you’d rather have more playoff wins than SBs?




Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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One, he isn’t lying.
Two, he hasn’t been exposed.
Three, One season doesn’t negate almost two decades.

Yes, anyone would want 2 SBs over 1. But that doesn’t mean they have been a better team since 2000.

Yes he is... and so are you.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
Hoopla Cash
$ 920.85
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go look at your tags. Because I didn’t mention every angle in my very first post doesn’t mean “goalposts were moved”. And again... that saying is so completely fucking stupid and over used incorrectly here DAILY

You can't just find your tags. Once you open your alerts it drops off. It should be really simple, just re tag what you already tagged.


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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so now it’s clear. You are going to define “success” as those two stats? That’s what you do. You cherry pick one fact/stat (to the exclusion of others) and then ride it ALL the way. It’s the centers nonsense all over again. The fact there is high draft choice. Here it’s playoff wins. So are you really going to argue that you’d rather have more playoff wins than SBs?


I think most people define success as winning. Maybe you don’t but that isn’t cherry picking. Top 5 in wins, top 5 in playoff wins isnt cherry picking


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think most people define success as winning. Maybe you don’t but that isn’t cherry picking. Top 5 in wins, top 5 in playoff wins isnt cherry picking

Winning WHAT? Games or championships?


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You can't just find your tags. Once you open your alerts it drops off. It should be really simple, just re tag what you already tagged.

no, go to alerts... hit “all” and it was there. You already commented on them so why do I have to bring it up again for you. You read it. You replied to it. Why do I have to look for it again?


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Winning WHAT? Games or championships?

So if, (hypothetically) if the 2000 and 2001 Chargers win the SB and over the next 17 years have the very worst record in the NFL. Never make the playoffs once you are saying the had a better two decade span? Come on man, just give it up