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Eagles realease Mathis


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eaglesnut said:
Compete with desean for playing time?? Where do you come up with this stuff. Maclin has started alongside desean and when he's healthy he usually ends the year with more catches. He would have had an even bigger year if desean was there to pressure and open up defenses.
It was pretty clear at the time. Maclin was not going to sign a deal if Djax was on the team.


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="eaglesnut, post: 6762203, member: 8676"]Chip got to watch those guys play. And as soon as Mathis was healthy he was Chip's starting guard. Chip's all about winning so he put his best guard in there- Mathis.[/QUOTE]
Barbre was injured as was Tobin. The past is the past. This is about 2015.


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You're only saying that because he's not on our team anymore. If he was on our team you wouldn't care how much we paid him.

No I am not saying that because he is not an Eagle anymore. Nothing could be further than the truth. I do not hate on players because the leave the Eagles and I am one of the most vocal if they let a player they should have signed for the right price. I have also gone on record for criticizing if they sign a player for too much money. So excuse me for saying but that comment was just stupid and without merit.

I think Maclin did the right thing by signing with the Chiefs. No one else was going to pay him that much money and we offered him a good deal. However......the Chiefs did overpay for him an I am not the only one that thinks that.

Funny thing is the thing that happened to us with Maclin worked in our favor with Murray. The Cowboys did not think he was worth the money he was asking and wound up getting it from us. In the end I think the Eagles may have overpaid for Murray but he is the perfect back for the type of system Kelly is running.

I personally do not think Maclin is a true #1 receiver and have always maintained that.

It is indisputable that Maclin> Cooper and Djax > Cooper. Yet Cooper is still here, on a contract extension. So yes, it is clear Chip values some intangibles more than talent. It caught him with Djax in week 16 last year. I hope it doesn't catch him again, but considering the number of guys he's let go in their prime, he's increased the odds of it not working out in his favor. To me, that doesn't make sense.

I do not know of a single person in the world that said Maclin is not better is better than either Cooper or Djax. Really no need to even bring that up. Chip values intangibles though such as receivers being able to block and willing to do so on every play. I will not say Maclin was a bad blocker because I honestly do not know but he was definitely a very good receiver. DJax's next good block will probably be his first.


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So a coach with full access to all the tape, strength and conditioning programs, internal grading system from last year for all players makes a decision you don't understand so you assume he makes a bad decision? I take a different approach and assume he knows something I don't know.

They have several guys under contract that have been in this system for several years now. Barbre, Tobin, Kelly,.... You assume they are crap as you haven't seen them play much. Kelly knows more about their status than we do and I think the clear thing this move says is they consider at least two of them ready to contribute. You want to award guys that put in the hard work. Its good for the team, good for morale and good for the salary cap.

First...Yes I think even though Chip has all the tape, all the strength and conditioning reports and internal grading system from last year he can still get rid of someone who is better then what we got. Obviously you support Chip/Reid and every other head coach no matter what. They ALL have more info this us. I will take the approach to what I see. I see our best G, two time probowl guard, let go for backups. And backups that are now going to be starters at 2 spots. A position that we were already weak at.

Who said they are crap? I said they are backups. Backups to one of the best G's in league.

Seriously, you've said all you needed to say in this. You support the coach NO MATTER what and will never question him cause you take the approach they know better and can do no wrong. Spadaro you are.


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Point is, Chip has shown he is willing to get rid of a superior player (talent wise) and replace him with a lessor player.


Now if it's because of attitude etc. then say that, but be dumb enough to say he's never gotten rid of a more talented player. That's the dumbest fuckin thing anyone can say.


Formerly FWFW
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No I am not saying that because he is not an Eagle anymore. Nothing could be further than the truth. I do not hate on players because the leave the Eagles and I am one of the most vocal if they let a player they should have signed for the right price. I have also gone on record for criticizing if they sign a player for too much money. So excuse me for saying but that comment was just stupid and without merit.

I think Maclin did the right thing by signing with the Chiefs. No one else was going to pay him that much money and we offered him a good deal. However......the Chiefs did overpay for him an I am not the only one that thinks that.

Funny thing is the thing that happened to us with Maclin worked in our favor with Murray. The Cowboys did not think he was worth the money he was asking and wound up getting it from us. In the end I think the Eagles may have overpaid for Murray but he is the perfect back for the type of system Kelly is running.

I personally do not think Maclin is a true #1 receiver and have always maintained that.

I do not know of a single person in the world that said Maclin is not better is better than either Cooper or Djax. Really no need to even bring that up. Chip values intangibles though such as receivers being able to block and willing to do so on every play. I will not say Maclin was a bad blocker because I honestly do not know but he was definitely a very good receiver. DJax's next good block will probably be his first.
Nothing here refutes anything i said in response to your comments. It would seem then that you agree with me more than you think you do.


Formerly FWFW
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Barbre was injured as was Tobin. The past is the past. This is about 2015.
So they magically improved because the calendar turned over. Got it.

Listen i trusted Chip and the eagles when they told me Djax was a gang banger. I bought it hook, line and sinker. I defended the eagles for the release. But a year later, it looks like complete horseshit and as such, they've lost my trust in that regard and i have to be critical when they make similar moves.

(Heck, iirc Mathis was one of the first to come out and say the team would be better for releasing Djax. Now we're calling Mathis a cancer upon his release. Objectively, you have to recognize how absurd that is)

old duke

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I never saw where the Eagles said outright that DHAX was a gangbanger. There were whispers, but the Eagles denied that they said such a thing. the media plays into these things, and they say "unnamed sources said....".
Face it - McCoy and DJAX are me first players. Maclin is not, and he only went for the dollars, which i can't blame Reid for that - he was desperate for a solid WR. I wish Mac was still here, but it is a business. This is a similar thing with Mathis. If he was a team first guy, he would have been to the OTA's. Unfortunately, he was misled by Rosenpuke.

Can we move on to a more positive topic? Mandatory camp starts this week. Please.


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So they magically improved because the calendar turned over. Got it.

Listen i trusted Chip and the eagles when they told me Djax was a gang banger. I bought it hook, line and sinker. I defended the eagles for the release. But a year later, it looks like complete horseshit and as such, they've lost my trust in that regard and i have to be critical when they make similar moves.

(Heck, iirc Mathis was one of the first to come out and say the team would be better for releasing Djax. Now we're calling Mathis a cancer upon his release. Objectively, you have to recognize how absurd that is)

Well magic not really but they wwere ther working on their game while MMathis was not. Listen most athletic careers end horribly. Athletes are terrible at seeing when the end is near.


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Well yes. You have weight room activities, classroom and OTAs all going on. Just about every player is there participating in all of that. Coaches track the weight room goals and evaluate every OTA. Practice and reps matter. Evidently they have some younger offensive lineman who have used the opportunity to impress the coaching staff.

Yes, by union rules they don't have to be here...none of them...not just Mathis....most guys on this message board have high expectations of their team. They want to see total dedication to winning a Super Bowl and anything less is unacceptable.

I find it strange that some of these same guys, want to fall back on the letter of the contract and have no issue with Mathis taking an extra month's vacation while his teammates are working on their game? No one is forcing him to be here, and in fact Kelly says, if he doesn't want to be here, Mathis can go play for any team he wants.

the weight room tells you what they can do on the field? Who the fuck are kidding? By that stupid standard Tony Mandarich would have been one of the all time greats.

OTA's, no pads, doesn't tell you sfa about one's ability to move a lineman, to adjust on the fly, whether you can handle a bull rush, a stunt, a double stunt.....

Classroom? Classroom? Just stop already. It makes you look like you're ready to slurp up whatever kelly can produce.

He was cut because kelly didn't think he was buying in. And given the timing of the move it looks vindictive.
And that's OK, but just stop trying to justify it on some set of ridiculous standards. It makes you look stupid.


Formerly FWFW
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Well magic not really but they wwere ther working on their game while MMathis was not. Listen most athletic careers end horribly. Athletes are terrible at seeing when the end is near.
So all starters should hang it up because their back ups will automatically be better? You are a silly, silly dude.


Formerly FWFW
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I never saw where the Eagles said outright that DHAX was a gangbanger. There were whispers, but the Eagles denied that they said such a thing. the media plays into these things, and they say "unnamed sources said....".
Face it - McCoy and DJAX are me first players. Maclin is not, and he only went for the dollars, which i can't blame Reid for that - he was desperate for a solid WR. I wish Mac was still here, but it is a business. This is a similar thing with Mathis. If he was a team first guy, he would have been to the OTA's. Unfortunately, he was misled by Rosenpuke.

Can we move on to a more positive topic? Mandatory camp starts this week. Please.
It's a terribly kept secret that the Eagles brass fed the gang-banger story to the little known NJ.com writer. Why pretend you don't know that?


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So all starters should hang it up because their back ups will automatically be better? You are a silly, silly dude.

Lol. You twist things in a ludicrous way no where near what I said and then call me silly? No question you have good flaming skills. Read carefully please.


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the weight room tells you what they can do on the field? Who the fuck are kidding? By that stupid standard Tony Mandarich would have been one of the all time greats.

OTA's, no pads, doesn't tell you sfa about one's ability to move a lineman, to adjust on the fly, whether you can handle a bull rush, a stunt, a double stunt.....

Classroom? Classroom? Just stop already. It makes you look like you're ready to slurp up whatever kelly can produce.

He was cut because kelly didn't think he was buying in. And given the timing of the move it looks vindictive.
And that's OK, but just stop trying to justify it on some set of ridiculous standards. It makes you look stupid.

Your dancing around the point that the coaches know 10 times more about these guys than we do. They see everything, while we get only glimpses. And then your characterizing Mathis not buying in as being a mental exercise where its the day to day performance that Kelly is evaluating year around.

At the end of the day, this is as simple as an all pro guard losing his job to a couple of undrafted free agents. Pretty unusual I agree, but its also living proof that Kelly is running a meritocracy there and you can't rest on your past performance and expect to hold your job. At 34 years old and coming off a season where he only played 9 games, Mathis really needs to double up on his efforts to be in top form. Instead he vacationed in Arizona and lost his job.


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Mathis is 33, not 34 (November 1981). Jason Peters is also 33 ... probably over the hill too, I say we at least put him on the trade block.


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Your dancing around the point that the coaches know 10 times more about these guys than we do. They see everything, while we get only glimpses. And then your characterizing Mathis not buying in as being a mental exercise where its the day to day performance that Kelly is evaluating year around.

At the end of the day, this is as simple as an all pro guard losing his job to a couple of undrafted free agents. Pretty unusual I agree, but its also living proof that Kelly is running a meritocracy there and you can't rest on your past performance and expect to hold your job. At 34 years old and coming off a season where he only played 9 games, Mathis really needs to double up on his efforts to be in top form. Instead he vacationed in Arizona and lost his job.

And the guy that replaced him played 0 games last year. Clearly his performance merited cutting Mathis. :rolleyes:

And given that mathis wasn't in camp what do they know about mathis?

Your doubling down on stupid.


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And the guy that replaced him played 0 games last year. Clearly his performance merited cutting Mathis. :rolleyes:

And given that mathis wasn't in camp what do they know about mathis?

Your doubling down on stupid.

Stupidity is assuming that a guy with a ton more info than you have and has risen to the top of his profession has done something stupid just because based on what you know it looks that way. I'm doubling down on the smart guy in the room with full access being smarter than a.bunch of random wannabes on a message board.

you make an interesti point though about them not seeing Mathis this year. I do believe this move is more about what they see in Barbre and Tobin than about mathis.

old duke

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It's a terribly kept secret that the Eagles brass fed the gang-banger story to the little known NJ.com writer. Why pretend you don't know that?

Do you have proof that they leaked that to the press? Or just what the press alleged that the Eagles leaked that. Truth is, DJAX (who I loved) does hang with some bad dudes, and takes off for vacation every year while his teammates show up. We all know that these are "voluntary" OTAs, but it shows the lack of team players rather than individuals.


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Cutting an established Pro Bowl veteran right after he didn't show up for voluntary workouts will have to be explained to the NFLPA. They should have done this before they began or held on to him until training camp. Dumb move. I think the NFLPA can make a good case this was retaliatory.

Has DJax's cancer gone into remission? He hasn't caused any "problems" for the Redskins in his two years there and the Eagles still haven't replaced his talent to extend the field. Is this revolving door of quality players being released or traded make quality free agents more likely or less likely to sign a contract with the Eagles? Time will tell.