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Dream Come True


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Aug 2, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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WOW!!! That's incredible!

What jersey are you gonna rock T?

No idea.....like I said this is business first. If we have cool customers, a jersey will likely be worn. But we get some a-holes from time to time while entertaining. Worst case,they're Ravens fans. I only have one right now, Willis. All my money goes to kids and bills and a nest egg I hope to use sooner than later..... :)

Been thinking about adding Bow or Brooks for a while. Maybe this loosens my grip on some dollars. LOL.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
Well let's hope your customers come with fake Kaepernick tatoos! Maybe keep the jersey in the bag 'til you're sure they're not Ravens fans. I hope for your sake they're not because they'd be pretty pissed after the game.


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Aug 2, 2011
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Okay....just got back to 13F MN (snowing) about five minutes ago. Not gonna be around much until the weekend. Flying back out tomorrow for work. However, I'll throw some thoughts out there. If you have a question about something that might give a different perspective (can't imagine what it would be), toss it in here and I'll eventually get around to answering it. I'll pick through pictures at some point as well. After this weekend, I'm likely gone for a few months. I'm not a mock draft, scouting combine dude. That's what I pay Baalke for.

Here we go (no particular order and I'm beat). Sorry for grammar and spelling errors in advance:

--FIRST, I have not seen game on TV yet.
--Day leading up to game was pretty cool. Weather was perfect in NO. Would have been a fantastic outdoor game.
--People of NO were very hospitable. I've been to NO a hundred times, but obviously never for a SB. Crowds were great. Fans (both sides) were great. NO is a good place for the game because it's always a party and everything is pretty close. We walked most places we went. If you're into strip clubs, drinking, and generally going out of your mind, this is the place for you.
--Got to go to a pregame party or meet and greet hosted at Emeril Legasse's restaurant. Roger Craig and Dwight Clark were there taking pictures, signing, and shaking hands. Both were really, really down to earth. Emeril was kind of a dick if you ask me. I'll post pictures at some point. I understand they were both getting paid large cash to be there, but I've been to these kinds of things before and the "stars" can be real pricks.
--After that, off to game. Ravens fans seemed to outnumber Niner fans at the game. LOTS of purple and they were wound up before the game. If I never hear another Seven Nation Army chant it will be too soon. But I'll give them credit, their fans "outfanned" us big time, IMHO. It did seem like fans who didn't have a team in the game, seemed to generally favor or pull for the Niners over the Ravens.
--Walking to the stadium we saw Rick Harrison and his kid (Pawn Stars) throwing beads from balcony. We also saw the ESPN gameday crew. Have to admit seeing Ditka in person was pretty cool. Saw the NFL network dudes as well.
--Into the dome.....the renovations helped revive that place a bit. It was looking rough the last time I went there. Note to Saints....cupholders on chairs would be nice to hold my $12 beers.
--Again, Raven's fans were pretty loud and apparently there's a shortage of women's T-shirts in the appropriate size in NO. Holy crap lots of hot chicks in tight shirts.
--Our seats were on the Niner side on about 5 yard line (lower level) and by Niner painted endzone. I thought they were good seats and we saw lots of action right in front of us.
--Niners seems fairly subdued in pregame but businesslike.
--Obviously the first half was not fun.....how the hell do you line up wrong on first play of the game? Really felt like the Niners were nervous. The moment seemed too big for them early on. That being said we've gotten behind all playoff long and that trend has to change. If we could have gotten in front, I think we would have ran away with it. More on that later.
--The LMJ fumble was HUGE. Man, they didn't stop us and we killed ourselves. I heard today Kap was 0-7 in the red zone passing (not sure if that's correct or not).
--I was hoping we could get to 21-10 by half. 21-6 was a disappointment.

Side note....hope there's not a limit on characters. I'm gonna hit post and start a second post. Please don't post until I get done with part two so it all stays together.....


New Member
Aug 2, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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Part Deaux....

--Niners seemed fairly up beat going into half. Good body language, heads up, etc. Kind of surprising but it gave me hope.
--Halftime show. Not impressed. Maybe it came across better on TV but even folks there said it was awesome. Maybe it's because I'm the old dude but I couldn't hear her at all. TURN THE BASS DOWN a bit. And yes, I wore the stupid blue lights on my fingers. Peer pressure.
--Second half....I told the dudes behind me Jacoby Jones scared the crap out of me before the game. Not saying I had a premonition but it did not surprise me what he did. At that point, it felt pretty dire. The only good thing was it was better than a seven minute drive to give up a TD.
--One of our customers looked at me and said I'll bet you $100,000.00 right now the Niners win. Unlike him, I don't have that kind of gambling fund. So, no I didn't take the bet. He was drunk anyway so he wouldn't have remembered it anyway.
--Then, something fun happened. For the next 14+ minutes of the third quarter, some of the most incredible and bizarre stuff I've ever seen.
--Not sure how dark it looked on TV but it was never completely dark. No screams, no chaos, no nothing. Just a bunch of rich folks stuck in the Superdome. Ironic on some level considering Katrina. Joking....
--Most of the rest of the third quarter was incredible. Crowd was electric and the Raven's fans were nervous. Momentum really shifted. It felt like an avalanche was bearing down on them.
--As the fourth quarter proceeded, two scenarios seem to develop. We'd either need a TD or FG to win the game. I was actually happy when Tucker kicked his last FG because I was more confident in our offense than Akers. Having to score a TD seemed like the easier path.....again ironically.
--As we moved down the field, I then began to get worried about scoring too quickly. Tucker has a big leg and Jones could easily get a return to the 25 or 30. For a moment, it looked like Gore's run was for a TD. That was on the other side of the field so we couldn't tell.
--But when we were 15 feet away with 4 downs, I just knew we'd win the game. I can't believe the three passing plays. And having to burn the TO hurt BAD. We might have had about 1 minute instead of seconds AND they likely wouldn't have taken the safety in that scenario, in my opinion.
--When they brought the punter out, I told everyone a safety was the way to go. I didn't think about holding but they exploited a loophole in the rule. Smart move on their part.
--After that I went to the top of the seats and watched the last play from there. I wasn't sticking around to watch the Ravens celebrate. No way.

All that being said, here's my two cents. I don't expect (or really care) if you agree with me and I'm not gonna debate anything. Too tired.

--I had a blast. As bad as the first half was, the second half was electric. I almost witnessed the greatest comeback in SB history. The more time passed the more I've come to terms with it. It was a great run. Two years ago we blew goats and the last two years we've had a hell of a ride.
--I'm not gonna say we were the better team, but I will say we could have won that game. The LMJ fumble, the penalties, the Kap INT, etc, etc, etc all killed us. If we would have gotten the lead, I really think they would have folded. We have to work on coming out stronger early in the game. This game experience has to benefit our young core group of players.
--The last three passing plays are mind boggling to me. They never even felt like they had a chance to be successful. That was the most disappointing thing to me. Just don't get it.
--Everyone is down on Cully but man there's lots of blame to go around on our side. Lots. CBs are hard to come by. Don't cut him until we've got better talent on the shelf.
--I don't want to hear about the officials either. If we didn't make all the mistakes, I don't think the officiating would have mattered. I'm not a conspiracy theory NFL fixes games dude either. If I was, I wouldn't watch.
--The blackout neither helped or hurt anyone, in my opinion. It was painfully long sitting there though.
--I love Harbs but his temper tantrums are getting a little old. Put that energy into crossing i's and dotting t's. After the last three plays, the two plays that bother me the most are the opening play illegal formation AND the Jones return. Both are inexcusable. Not a fan of his comments after the game either. Again, my opinion.

That's it. I'm done. Gotta catch another plane in 5 hours. Nap time.

Later fellas. I'll be around this weekend. Still proud of the team and looking forward to next year, but i'm emotionally and physically drained right now.


New Member
Dec 3, 2012
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I just scanned over what you wrote..things are still too fresh and painful for me to read too deep into right now.

But your observation on Harbaugh's temper tantrums is SPOT FUCKING ON! Instead of coming up with plays that will actually work, it seems like our coaches would prefer to come up with crap and just *hope* that flags get thrown. Much like all the gimmicky bullshit they ran in 2011, 2012 was the year of "lets get away from what works". We got outcoached Sunday which is something the 49er teams of old would never have had to worry about in the big game. In fact, we got outcoached quite a bit this year.


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Aug 4, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
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I just scanned over what you wrote..things are still too fresh and painful for me to read too deep into right now.

But your observation on Harbaugh's temper tantrums is SPOT FUCKING ON! Instead of coming up with plays that will actually work, it seems like our coaches would prefer to come up with crap and just *hope* that flags get thrown. Much like all the gimmicky bullshit they ran in 2011, 2012 was the year of "lets get away from what works". We got outcoached Sunday which is something the 49er teams of old would never have had to worry about in the big game. In fact, we got outcoached quite a bit this year.

I think the coaching staff is one of the best in the league, but in the Harbaugh years there have been far too many penalties. The delay of games and wasted timeouts are huge. There are far too many drive killing/stalling penalties as well. The first play of the Superbowl.... fuck. And the worst is the personal foul calls. I would be curious to see if we lead the league in those penalties the last couple years. Emotional coach maybe breeds emotional players?

Also the slow starts to so many games. We should be blowing teams out. Instead they hang around for a while. Penalties and slow starts are on the coaches. Needs to be fixed next year.


Brain dead Hacker
Aug 16, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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I think the coaching staff is one of the best in the league, but in the Harbaugh years there have been far too many penalties. The delay of games and wasted timeouts are huge. There are far too many drive killing/stalling penalties as well. The first play of the Superbowl.... fuck. And the worst is the personal foul calls. I would be curious to see if we lead the league in those penalties the last couple years. Emotional coach maybe breeds emotional players?

Also the slow starts to so many games. We should be blowing teams out. Instead they hang around for a while. Penalties and slow starts are on the coaches. Needs to be fixed next year.

I know, Seriously, wtf?

The physical nature of the team was its trademark. With all the cupcake rules, it's changing the way a team like the niners play (vs Philly 2011, they beat the eagles up until they won that game)

In rhythm, the niners offense is explosive. Maybe it's experience? With the lockout in 2011 and changing QB styles in 2012, the offense has undergone a lot of transition.