Kansas ML over WVU
Wake ML over Cuse
Arkansas ML over Vandy
I was torn between that game or taking KSU over ISUI don't love the Arkansas over Vandy bet, so you're both probably good there @rmilia1 @mr.hockey4242
I was torn between that game or taking KSU over ISU
I also took AKRON, CMU, KENTUCKY, SO CAROLINA straight and Maryland -8.
What did you wager on the 3 teamer?
Nice. I went 75 on it. Here's hoping for the best
I doubt it. Refs controlled that second half. Gotta love betting home teamsWow Kansas freefall starts tonight it appears
Arkansas was the only team of my 3 to win lol
I did Ok. Lost some parlays but hit some singles and some 2nd halves with over/understand. Made 17 dollars. On a side note you should probably keep betting against MarquetteWait Arkansas came back? They were down 6 with like 2 min left lol.
I lost a bunch of money again hahaga
I did Ok. Lost some parlays but hit some singles and some 2nd halves with over/understand. Made 17 dollars. On a side note you should probably keep betting against Marquette
Arkansas was the only team of my 3 to win lol